Common Name |
Botanical Name |
Height |
Plant Characteristics and Notes |
USDA Zones |
Growing Requirements Benefits |
Abelia |
Abelia grandiflora |
3-6 ft. |
Abelia is a very durable and adaptable shrub with dense, glossy dark green foliage. It produces hundreds of 1" funnel shaped flowers from early summer until the first frost |
6-9 |

African Daisies |
Osteospermum barberae |
12-18" |
Osteospermums should be grown in full sun, but they will tolerate some partial shade. They produce a steady supply of unique 2" spoon flowers from early spring until the first frost |
 6-9 |
African Daisy |
Arctotis x hybrida |
1-2 ft. |
African Daisies typically have bold, beautiful foliage and large, 3"-4", intensely colored flowers with bright centers. The foliage is gray to silvery green and coated with soft, downy silver hairs. The flowers close at night. |

Flowering Onion |
Allium species |
1-6 ft. |
Flowering Onions are bulb type plants with green, grass-like foliage. They produce hollow, leafless stems that are topped with 1"-5" flower clusters that can contain as many as 100 tiny, star shaped flowers. |
vary |
Alpine Aster |
Aster alpinus |
6-12" |
The Alpine Aster plant forms a nice compact mound and produces an abundance of 1 ½" white flowers in May and June |
3-9 |

Alpine Pinks |
Dianthus alpinus |
4-8" |
This true alpine species of Pinks forms cushions of neat, dark green foliage. In mid-summer they produce dozens of extra large but otherwise typical looking, sweet smelling Dianthus flowers. Deer resistant |
4-9 |

Alpine Poppy |
Papaver alpinum |
6-10" |
This short lived, miniature version of the Iceland Poppy readily reseeds itself. It produces saucer shaped 1" white, yellow or peach flowers in mid summer |
4-9 |

Alpine Speedwell |
Veronica alpina |
8"x18" |
Rock Gardens, Containers
Easy to grow creeping evergreen with 1"-2", glossy green or fuzzy gray foliage. Blooms mainly in spring, flowering on and off until fall, producing airy spikes of white, rose, pink, pale or deep blue flowers. |
3-8 |
Amaryllis |
Hippeastrum |
1-2 ft. |
Amaryllis is the easiest of all bulbs to force into bloom. The 4-6" flowers appear in all shades and combinations red, white, pink, salmon and orange on top of a 1-2 foot stem |
9-11 |
American Dune Grass |
Leymus racemosus 'Glaucus' |
2-3 ft. |
American Dune Grass is a valuable plant for the prevention of the wind eroding your soil due to its rhizomatous spreading habit |
4-9 |
Angel's Trumpets |
Brugmansia |
6-12 ft. |
From early summer until fall, mature Angel's Trumpet's produce waves of large, very fragrant, downward hanging, trumpet shaped, 6"-10" long flowers. In frost free regions, they may bloom all year long. |
9-12 |

Asparagus Fern |
Protasparagus setaceus |
10 ft. |
The Asparagus Fern is a very popular plant for florists who commonly use the lacy fronds in arrangements. These decorative vines will grow up to 10 feet with support, or they can be kept to a more compact size by regularly removing the tips from new growth. |
9-12 |

Aster |
Aster novae-angliae |
12-24" |
Asters grow into a dense mound of light green foliage. In May and through June, the plant will become covered with soft, 1 1/2" white, purple, pink or red flowers |
4-9 |
Aubrieta |
Aubrieta deltoidea |
2-6" |
Common Aubrieta is a vigorous growing, mat forming ground cover and rock garden plant. It is tolerant of a wide range of conditions, and rewards you with a long lasting cover of delicate flowers in early Spring. |
4-9 |
Australian Saltbush |
Atriplex semibaccata |
1--2 ft. |
The Creeping Saltbush is a low growing shrub from Australia with light green curly leaves. It will survive in areas where there is high levels of salt in the soil. Flowers in the summer are insignificant |
9-11 |

Azalea |
Rhododendron |
1-8 ft. |
Azaleas must be grown in an acid soil, with a pH of 5.0 to 6.5. The buds for next years blooms will be formed this year, so it important that the faded blooms are removed |
6-8 |
Bearded Iris |
Iris germanica |
6-48" |
Bearded Iris are a rhizomous type of Iris should be planted fertile, well drained soil where they will receive 5-8 hours of sun each day. They are available in almost every color imaginable. |
Hardy |
Beard Tongue |
Penstemon Barbatus |
12-24" |
Tubular flowers in red, pink, purple, or white will be sure to attract butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden. |
4-9 |
Bears Breeches |
Acanthus species |
3-4 ft. |
Bear's Breeches are huge, mound forming perennials with dramatic, deeply cut, bright green leaves that can reach one foot wide and two feet long. From late spring until mid summer, they produce impressive, 2-3 foot tall spikes of hooded, white or light pink flowers. |
5-10 |

Beauty Berry |
Callicarpa bodinieri |
6-8 ft. |
Beautyberry grows to a height of 6-8 feet. The foliage is a beautiful bronze color as it emerges in spring. Small lavender flowers in mid-summer produce clusters of intensely purple berries in the Fall |
6-8 |

Bachelor's Button |
Centaurea cyanus |
18-36" |
Bachelor's Button is the annual version of the Mountain Cornflower. It is an easy to grow plant that quickly forms a nice clump. It begins producing it's bright flowers in late spring and will often continue blooming well into fall. Excellent for dried flowers and potpourri. |
Bee Balm |
Monarda didyma |
2-4 ft. |
Like other members of the Mint Family, Bee Balm can become invasive. The plant should be divided every 3 years to keep it tidy. Stimulate a second flowering in the same year by cutting the bright crimson flowers right after they bloom |
4-8 |
Begonia Rex |
Begonia rex-cultorum |
4-12" |
The Rex or Painted-Leaf Begonias are rhizomatous, clump forming, tender perennials that are normally grown as house plants. Their leaves vary considerably in texture, size, shape, patterns and colors. The inconspicuous, small, pink or white flowers may appear at any time of the year |
10-12 |

Spotted Lungwort |
Pulmonaria officinalis |
8-12" |
Spotted Lungwort is a clumping, evergreen perennial that is known for its pretty, marbled foliage and brilliantly colored spikes of nodding flowers that appear in early spring and last for several weeks |
6-9 |
Bird of Paradise |
Strelitzia reginae |
4-5 ft. |
Bird of Paradise plants are evergreen perennials with large paddle shaped leaves, that are grown for their spectacular flowers. They can be grown from seed, which take up to 18 months to germinate, or they can be propagated by division. Can be grown as a house plant |
8-11 |

Bitter Root |
Lewisia cotyledon |
4-6" |
Bitter Root plants produce clusters of 1" flowers on 10" stems in shades of white to pink or gold, occasionally with red and white stripes from spring to early summer. Easily hybridized Rock Garden plant.
Lewisias can be grown as house plants. |
5-8 |
Black Eyed Susan |
Rudbeckia hirta |
24-36 |
The Black Eyed Susan is most commonly an annual wildflower, but some varieties are perennial or biennial. These native prairie flowers can be found growing wild in almost every state. These bright, daisy like flowers are excellent to use in cut flower arrangements. Deadheading spent flowers will prolong the blooming period considerably. |
3-8 |
Black Eyed Susan Vine |
Thunbergia alata |
6-20 ft. |
The Black-Eyed Susan Vine is an evergreen, twining vine, most often grown as a long blooming annual. Black-Eyed Susan Vines have dark green, arrowhead-shaped, 3" leaves. They produce a profusion of brightly colored, 1½" bell-shaped flowers from early summer, well into the fall. |

9-12 |
Black Mondo Grass |
Ophiopogon planiscapus |
6-12" |
Black Mondo Grass grows as neat, slowly spreading, 4" tufts of ¼" wide, sweetly fragrant, straplike leaves. New foliage emerges dark green in spring then changes to dark purplish-black by summer. Loose spikes of small, light pink or white, bell shaped flowers appear in mid summer. |
5-9 |

Bleeding Heart |
Dicentra spectabilis |
2-3 ft. |
Bleeding Heart is a mound forming plant with finely cut, fern-like foliage on graceful 2-3 foot arching stems topped with pretty, heart shaped, 1" flowers in late spring or early summer. Excellent plants for any shade garden or woodland setting |
3-9 |
Bluebeard |
Caryopteris clandonensis |
2-3 ft. |
Bluebeard plants are low growing shrubs that are covered with fragrant, blue flowers in late summer and early fall. The silvery green, 1"-2" leaves have a light aroma of Eucalyptus when rubbed. Bluebeard flowers are a favorite food for butterflies and bees. |
5-9 |
Bluebell of Scotland |
Campanula rotundifolia |
1-3 ft. |
The Bluebell Bellflower is a clump forming perennial that, from June through September, produces multiple stems, each with a single nodding bell shaped flower. Campanula can be grown from seed or propagated by division. (Campanula comes from the Latin word campana, which means 'bell') |
3-9 |

Blue Carpet |
Campanula carpatica |
6-12" |
Blue or white bell shaped flowers through early Summer. |
5-9 |
Blue Chalksticks |
Senecio serpens |
6-12" |
Blue Chalksticks is a succulent sub-shrub from South Africa consisting of 4-6", ½-¾" thick, powder blue segments. In extremely hot areas, it should be protected from direct sun. |
10-11 |
Blue Star Creeper |
Laurentia fluviatilis |
2-4" |
Blue Star Creeper is a fast growing, mat forming, light green walk-on-it ground cover. It covers itself with small star shaped flowers from May through June. Excellent filler between paving stones and in rock gardens |
5-9 |
Bougainville |
Bougainvillea |
2-20 ft. |
Bougainvillias produce some of the showiest display of colors of all vines. Most cultivars have an upright growth habit, but there are many shrubby varieties and creeping types as well. |
9-10 |

Brazilian Plume Flower |
Justicia carnea |
3-5 ft. |
The Brazilian Plume Flower is a shade loving, tropical evergreen perennial shrub with large deep green leaves.
It produces a never ending show of large spikes of brightly colored, tubular flowers from spring to fall. |
9-10 |

Bunchberry |
Cornus canadensis |
4-6" |
Bunchberry Dogwoods are probably the ultimate ground cover plants for growing in moist, woodland areas or in your shade garden. These short, bright green plants only reach six inches tall. They produce bright red berries that are eaten by many species of wild birds. |
3-8 |

Burning Bush |
Dictamnus albus |
2-3 ft. |
The Burning Bush, or Gas Plant, earned it's name because of the phenomina created by the fact that the leaves, flowers and seed pods give off a strong lemon scented vapor which, on a calm summer night can be ignited with a match. |
3-7 |

Butterfly bush |
Buddleia davidii |
6-15 ft. |
The Butterfly Bush is a fast growing, profuse blooming, deciduous shrub that will grow in almost any type of soil. Prune hard in early spring and remove spent flowers promptly. |
5-10 |
Butterfly Gaura |
Gaura lindheimeri |
2-4 ft. |
Butterfly Gaura are shrubby, perennial wildflowers that are closely related to the Evening Primrose. From late spring until first frost, they produce 8"-24" spikes of 1" flowers that are white when they open at dawn and fade to rose-pink as the sun sets. |
5-10 |
Butterfly Lily |
Hedychium coronarium |
2-4ft. |
Butterfly lilies are only suited for growing in warmer climates. Fragrant pink or white flowers that resemble butterflies appear on 5-8 ft. stalks in late summer and into the fall |
9-11 |
Calla Lily |
Zantedeschia aethiopica |
1-4 ft |
Callas are rhizomous, clump forming plants known for their large, lush green foliage and beautiful, stately white, pink, yellow or red flowers. These Arums are worth growing for their long lasting cut flowers alone. |
8-11 |

Camellia |
Camellia |
2-3 ft. |
Camellias are long lived evergreen shrubs or small trees that can grow anywhere from 6-20 feet tall with up to a 10 foot spread, depending on the species and cultivar. They have glossy, dark green, 2"-4" foliage that is attractive even when the plant is out of bloom. The flower colors range from pure white to deep, dark red and there are even some bi-colored varieties. |
7-10 |
Candytuft |
Iberis species |
6"-12" |
The Iberis genus of plants includes about forty different species of annuals, perennials and sub-shrubs, with flower colors in shades of white, red, pink or lavender. They are great plants for borders or in your Rock Garden. |
Catnip |
Nepeta cataria |
2-3 ft. |
Catnip is a very easy to grow and care for plant that is somewhat less ornamental than Catmint. Catnip plants grow to 3 feet tall, with a spread of 1½-2 feet. In the summer and early fall, they produce 3"-4" spikes of tiny white flowers spotted with pale purple. |
3-7 |

Cat's Foot |
Antennaria dioica |
2-6" |
Cat's Foot is a mat forming North American native wildflower with durable silvery foliage. It produces light to bright pink flowers in late spring and early summer. Excellent mimi ground cover for hot and dry spots in the garden |
5-9 |
Chameleon Plant |
Houttuynia cordata variegata |
6-12" |
The red, cream and green colored foliage of Chameleon Plants will be the brightest when they are planted in full sun, but this ground cover will grow more vigorously in partial shade. It should be grown in boggy conditions or can be planted directly into ponds or along stream banks. Insignificant flowers appear in mid summer |
5-11 |
Chinese Lantern Plant |
Physalis alkekengi |
24" |
The Chinese Lantern Plant produces small white flowers in early summer which are followed by vivid orange-red, papery seed pods that resemble Chinese Lanterns. The fruiting stems can be cut and used in flower arrangements or dried. May tend to become invasive. |
5-10 |
Christmas Rose |
Helleborus niger |
12-15" |
The Christmas Rose is one of the easier and most rewarding garden plants to grow, Their ability to bloom in the darkest months of the year when everything else is frozen solid make them a valuable asset to any garden. A Christmas Rose will produce flowers from late fall up until early spring. |
4-8 |

Chrysanthemum |
Chrysanthemum |
12-24" |
Chrysanthemums are just about the easiest of all of the perennials to grow. They should be planted in early spring after all danger of freezing, however they can be planted almost any time. Chrysanthemums are induced to bloom when the nights become longer than the days... |
4-9 |
Cineraria |
Pericallis cruenta |
12-24" |
Cineraria plants form 12"-24" tall, mounded clumps of large, lush, bright green leaves which create a nice accent for the vividly colored, 3"-5" flowers that stand above it in the spring and summer. |
 9-11 |
Cinquefoil |
Potentilla fruticosa |
2-3 ft. |
Potentillas prefer well-drained, reasonably rich soil, but will tolerate clay, rocky, or even slightly alkaline soils as well. Loads of pink or yellow 'buttercup' flowers in June. |
2-7 |
Clematis 'Snowdrift' |
Clematis armandii |
Abundant, fragrant 2-3 inch flowers in March through April. Attractive, evergreen covering for fences and arbors. Clematis like their heads in the sun and their roots in the shade. |
6-9 |
Clematis 'Anna Karolina' |
Clematis Anna Karolina |
Clematis 'Anna Karolina' produces loads of 5-6" white flowers in late Spring and again in late Summer on short six to nine foot vines. Prune back to 3-4 ft. in late winter. Clematis like their heads in the sun and their roots in the shade |
4-9 |
Clustered Bellflower |
Campanula glomerata |
12-24" |
Clustered Bellflowers are upright growing perennials with light green, fuzzy lance shaped foliage. They produce a cluster of one inch, vase shaped flowers atop 2 ft. stems all summer if the spent blossoms are removed promptly |
3-8 |
Columbine |
Aquilegia |
12-18" |
The Columbine is an easy plant to grow because it adapts itself to a wide variety of conditions. They are a favorite flower for hummingbirds, and are excellent additions to rock gardens or in a native woodland planting |
3-9 |
Coral Bells |
Heuchera sanguinea |
12-18" |
Coral Bells are compact growing, 18" mounding, evergreen plants that offer a growing variety of outstanding foliage colors in shades of purple, rose, lime green, gold as well as many striking variegations. |
6-9 |
Cotoneaster |
Cotoneaster |
3"-15 ft. |
Cotoneaster is an extremely diverse genus of plants which includes ground covers, dwarf sized bushes and large sprawling shrubs. The flowers are generally small and appear from spring to early summer followed by bright red or orange berries for the birds to eat in winter. |
vary |
Cranesbill |
Erodium reichardii |
3-6" |
Erodiums are low growing plants that form compact, dense 12" evergreen mounds of tufted, dark green foliage with scalloped edges. From April until October they produce ½" saucer shaped, rose-pink flowers or white flowers with red veins. |
7-10 |
Creeping Baby's Breath |
Gypsophila repens |
4-6" |
Creeping Baby's Breath forms a low growing mat of tiny grayish green foliage and produces masses of small star shaped flowers in early summer. This plant is easily grown from seed or propagated by division. Trim back after blooming |
3-9 |
Creeping Buttercup |
Ranunculus repans |
9-12" |
In many places, especially my gardens, Creeping Buttercups are considered to be a noxious and invasive weed! However, they may have their place in a poorly drained, shady area of your garden. They have green, deeply cut, snowflake foliage and bright yellow flowers in spring. |
8-11 |
Creeping Lily Turf |
Liriope spicata |
8-10" |
Creeping Lily Turf is a grass like ground cover that grows as spreading clumps of fine, dark green leaves that turn to bronze-green in the winter. Lily Turf produces spikes of tiny flowers in late summer, followed by dark blue berries in late fall. |
4-10 |

Creeping Speedwell |
Veronica repens |
1"x18" |
Groundcover, Rock Gardens
Forms a fast growing, spreading evergreen mat of small, glossy green leaves. Produces small, pale blue or white flowers all spring. Ideal for growing between flagstones. |
5-9 |
Creeping Zinnia |
Sanvitalia procumbens |
6-10" |
Creeping Zinnia is a bright little yellow flowering annual plant. They should be planted in rich, well draining soil, in full sun. |
Crocus |
Crocus |
3-6" |
Crocus need four weeks of winter's chilling (below 50°) in order to bloom in the spring. Crocus bulbs can be forced into bloom at any time of the year |
Hardy |

Cup and Saucer Bellflower |
Campanula calacanthema |
8-12" |
There are about three hundred different species of Campanula. This annual variety prefers full sun and rich, well drained soil and should be kept well watered, especially when in bloom. |
Cup Flower |
Nierembergia |
6-9" |
Cup Flowers are long lasting annual plants that produces hundreds of 1", upturned star shaped flowers from late spring until mid fall. It is great for hanging baskets and planters or as a quick ground cover |
Cupid's Dart |
Catananche caerulea |
18-24" |
Cupid's Darts are short lived perennials that form 12" clumps of 18"-24", narrow gray leaves that radiate out from the root crown. The single, 1"-2" flower heads appear atop leafless upright stems from early summer until fall.
4-8 |
Cyclamen |
Cyclamen persicum |
2-5" |
The most important criteria for success with growing a Cyclamen are cool temperatures, fresh air, and ample moisture. |
6-7 |
Cypress Vine |
Ipomoea quamoclit |
Cypress vine is a fast growing member of the Morning Glory family with attractive, feather-like foliage and pretty, 1½ star shaped tube flowers in late summer. Can be easily grown from soaked or nicked seeds |
Dahlias |
Dahlia |
1-6 ft. |
With a blast of different colors, shapes and sizes, Dahlias bring life and beauty back to your landscape in late summer and into the fall months. The flowers can be as small as 2 inches or up to a foot in diameter. |
7-11 |
Daffodil |
Narcissus |
6-15" |
Daffodil bulbs need four to five weeks of winter's chilling (below 50°) in order to bloom in the spring. Daffodil bulbs can be forced into bloom at any time of the year |
Hardy |
Daisy |
Chrysanthemum maximum |
18-36" |
Daisies are long blooming, short lived (2-3 years) members of the Chrysanthemum family. This clumping perennial produces an abundance of 2-3" flowers from early summer through summer |
5-10 |

Daylily |
Hemerocallis |
10-24" |
Daylilies produce an abundance of flowers which open over a long period of time.
They are useful in the perennial flower border, as a garden centerpiece, or any corner of the garden which needs to be brightened up. Daylilies can be propagated by division |
3-9 |
Delphinium |
Delphinium x elatum |
2-6 ft. |
Delphiniums are stately, elegant plants that form mounds of maple-like or deeply serrated, dark green foliage. They produce tall spikes of showy flowers in late spring through to mid summer. Delphiniums range in size from less than 2 feet tall to towering 6 ft. spikes of cup shaped blossoms. |
3-9 |

Dogbane |
Apocynum cannabinum |
3 ft. |
Dogbane is an upright, shrub-like deciduous perennial with yollowish green foliage. It produces small flowers at the branch tips from late spring until late summer, followed by slender 8 inch seed pods |
4-10 |
Dusty Miller |
Senecio cineraria |
12-24" |
Dusty Miller are compact, mound forming, evergreen perennial plants that are grown as annuals in cooler regions. They are great for borders or as companion plantings for brightly colored annual flowers. Excellent for growing in containers. |
8-11 |

Dwarf Baby's Breath |
Gypsophila muralis |
3" |
Spreading mat of grayish foliage; abundant clusters of pink or white flowers from late Spring until early Summer |
5-10 |
Coyote Brush |
Baccharis pilularis |
2-3 ft. |
Coyote Brush is a fast growing evergreen shrub with small, bright green leaves. It blooms from July through October with clusters of tiny flowers. The male flowers are yellow, female flowers are white |
7-10 |

Dwarf Fountain Grass |
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' |
12-24" |
Dwarf Fountain Grass is the earliest cultivar of true Fountain Grass. It will grow in any type of soil as long as it drains. Pinkish white flower bristles on 30"stems |
5-9 |
Dwarf Yarrow |
Achillea kellereri |
8" |
Dwarf Yarrow is a vigorous growing perennial with silvery strap-like leaves that add interest when the plant is out of bloom. It produces a profusion of large white or yellow flower clusters that continue throughout the summer. |
5-10 |
Easter Cactus |
Rhipsalidopsis |
6-12" |
Like the Christmas and Thanksgiving Cactus, Easter or Spring Cactus, as they are also known, are epiphytic plants that are native to the tropical jungles of Brazil. Easter Cactus have been vigorously hybridized |
9-12 |
Easter Lilies |
Lilium |
12-30" |
In the home, Easter Lilies prefer fairly cool daytime temperatures of 60°-65°. Night temperatures should be slightly cooler at 55°-60°. Move your Easter Lily to the garden after all danger of frost has passed |
Hardy |

Elderberry |
Sambucus |
10-20 ft. |
Elderberries are fast growing, low maintenance, multi-stemmed deciduous shrubs with deeply veined, serrated foliage. They produce large flat clusters of flowers in late spring to early summer, followed by small berries which may or may not be poisonous, by species |
4-10 |
English Daisy |
Bellis perennis |
3"-6" |
The original English Daisy is the wild Daisy often seen growing in lawns. This biennial plant has now been hybridized to include double flowering varieties in shades of white, pink, rose-red or purple. The bright 2" flowers appear in succession, on 6" stems from April through June. |

English Lavender |
Lavandula |
12-24 |
English Lavender is an evergreen, upright clumping perennial with bluish green, grass-like foliage. The small, fragrant flowers are held in long spikes at the top of the stems. For dried flowers, cut when the spikes first show color but the flowers are not fully open and hang inverted, in a cool dry place |
6-9 |
English Marigold |
Calendula officinalis |
6"-24" |
The English Marigold is a bright and cheery plant that produces 3"-5" blooms all summer from June until frost. They are very fast and easy to grow and are easily grown from seeds. Herbal and Medicinal uses of the English Marigold Plant |

Eucalyptus |
Eucalyptus |
1-180 ft. |
Eucalyptus plants come in a number of varieties ranging from low growing shrubs to 180 ft. giants. Most varieties are evergreen but may shed their leaves in severe droughts. They bear fluffy little flowers in late spring to early summer |
8-11 |
Evening Primrose (hardy) |
Oenothera speciosa |
6-18" |
The hardy Evening Primrose is a compact, low growing, mound forming wildflower that is native to most parts of the United States. It produces an abundance of 1-2" pink or white cup flowers all through the summer |
5-8 |
Evergreen Smilax |
Smilax lanceolata |
Smilax is a vigorous growing, durable evergreen vine with thick, dark green, lance shaped leaves. It spreads by underground tubers so it may become invasive. Produces clusters of trumpet shaped flowers in April and May and berries for the birds in the fall |
6-8 |

Exbury Azalea |
Rhododendron |
4-12 ft. |
Deciduous Exbury Azaleas bloom in late spring or early summer, producing clusters of 7-18 large, 2"-3", often very fragrant, often bi-colored flowers in shades of yellow, orange, pink, red and white. |
5-9 |
Fairy Lily | Zephyranthes |
5-8" |
The Fairy Lily is sometimes called a 'rain lily' because of its tendency in the wild to bloom after a rainfall. Fairy Lilies do very well growing in a planter in a sunny window, as long as it's kept semi cool. |
8-11 |
Fairy Wings |
Epimedium |
6-20" |
Fairy Wings (Bishops Cap) will survive in one of the most difficult situations in the garden; the dry shade beneath a tree. |
4-8 |
False Solomon's Seal |
Smilacina racemosa |
2-3ft. |
False Solomon's Seal should be grown in well drained but moist, slightly acidic soil |
5-8 |
False Spirea |
Astilbe chinensis |
6-24" |
The fern like foliage and the showy plume flowers of False Spirea make them a favorite summer flowering perennial. |
6 |
Fatshedera |
Fatshedera lizei |
Fatshedera is a hardy evergreen, non climbing vine that is the result of the cross between Fatsia japonica and Hedera helix. Fatshedera tends to grow upwards a few feet before falling and creeping across the ground |
8-11 |
Feather Reed Grass |
Calamagrostis acutiflora |
5-7 ft. |
Feather Reed Grass is fairly drought resistant and tolerates a wide range of garden soils. It is deer resistant plant |
4-9 |

Flame Grass |
Miscanthus purpurascens |
4-5 ft. |
Flame Grass is an easy to grow, clumping grass. The coloration of its red foliage intensifies as the summer progresses, turning into a flaming reddish orange in the fall. |
4-9 |
Flamingo Flower |
Anthurium species |
1-3 ft. |
Flamingo Flower plants are durable and fairly easy to grow house plants that will thrive for many years under ideal conditions and can even survive for a year or two in the most adverse situations. They need bright light but never full sun, and high humidity. |
11-12 |

Fleabane |
Erigeron glaucus |
6"-10" |
Clump forming, small spoon shaped leaves; Daisy-like pink flowers |
3-10 |
Florist's Carnation |
Dianthus caryophyllus |
6-12" |
Florist's Carnations are actually tender perennials that are best grown from seed as an annual and then disposed of. They prefer alkaline soil and dislike heat. They produce richly fragrant flowers in the summer |

Floss Flower |
Ageratum |
6-24" |
Ageratum is known for its furry mounds of long lasting floss-like blue flowers, occasionally you can find them in white and pink. Deadhead regularly for continued bloom |
Flowering Quince |
Chaenomeles speciosa |
3-10 ft. |
Flowering Quince is a twiggy, rounded upright deciduous shrub. The 1" foliage opens to a beautiful reddish bronze color before turning dark green by mid summer. Showy cup shaped flowers cover each stem in the spring before turning to an edible fruit by summers end |
4-8 |
Red Flowering Currant |
Ribes sanguineum |
6-10 ft. |
This 6-10 foot tall deciduous shrub is hardy in USDA Planting Zones 5-8 In early spring it produces pendulous clusters of red or pink flowers that attract and feed hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. The small bluish-black berries are eaten by a wide variety of wild birds. |
5-10 |
Flowering tobacco |
Nicotiana alata |
30-36" |
Flowering tobacco is a tall, easy to grow annual that is useful for garden backgrounds or for eye catching mass plantings. It produces an abundance of 2½" star shaped flowers all summer until first frost. Can be easily grown from seed |

Foamflower |
Tiarella cordifolia |
6-10" |
Foamflowers are easy to grow, perennial wildflowers that form 6"-10" tall clumps of heart shaped leaves. They quickly spread to form nice two foot patches of this shade loving groundcover. Tiarella produce wispy plumes of creamy white or pale pink, ¼" star shaped flowers. |
3-8 |

Fountain grass |
Pennisetum alopecuroides |
2-3 ft. |
Fountain grass slowly grows in a compact clump that will stay as wide as it grows tall. Arching spikes of 12" purplish-cream flower bristles throughout the summer |
6-9 |
Four o' clock |
Mirabilis jalapa |
24" |
Four o' clocks are fragrant, colorful and very easy to grow. The plants got their name, Four o' clock, because the flowers do not open till around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, except on cloudy days. Can be easily grown from seed |

Foxgloves |
Digitalis purpurea |
3-6 ft. |
Foxglove is a biennial flower which is native to Europe but now grows wild in most temperate climates of the world. Foxgloves prefer moist, well draining, fertile soil but can survive drought and almost any growing conditions. |
Foxtail Fern |
Protasparagus 'Meyeri' |
2 ft. |
Foxtail Ferns produces arching two foot 'fronds' of dense light green needles, creating the illusion of a pack of upright fox tails. Foxtail Ferns are very similar to Sprenger's Asparagus except the growth habit is much denser. |
9-11 |

Foxtail Lily |
Eremurus robustus |
24-36" |
Straplike green leaves with 24" spikes of pink flowers atop 8 ft. stems in late Spring |
6-9 |
Freesia |
Freesia x hybrida |
12-18" |
Freesias are tender, brightly flowered, easy to care for bulbs that can be grown in the garden, in planters, or as a house plant in a sunny, cool room.
Their fragrant, 2" flowers open over a long blooming period, in sequence along arching, wirey stems. |
9-10 |

Fuchsia |
Fuchsia |
1-4 ft. |
Fuchsia care is often determined by where you live and your climate. Fuchsias can be seed grown or struck from softwood cuttings. Not all varieties are hardy |
7-10 |

Gardenia |
Gardenia jasminoides |
6 ft. |
Gardenias should be planted in well conditioned soil containing peat moss and compost. Keep the soil moist, cool and weed free. Proper temperatures are necessary for a gardenia to bloom. May be grown as a house plant |
9-10 |

Garden Pinks |
Dianthus |
6-12" |
Most Garden Pinks are tender perennial or biennial clump forming plants that prefer alkaline soil and dislike heat. They produce richly fragrant flowers in the spring or summer, sometimes extending right up until the first frost. |

Gentian Speedwell |
Veronica gentianoides |
18"x18" |
Rock Gardens, Borders, Containers
Easy to grow, compact mat forming evergreen with deep green, glossy foliage. Produces loose, 10" spikes of powder blue to white flowers in late spring to mid-summer. Tolerates periods of wet soil. |
4-9 |

Geranium |
Pelargonium hortorum |
8-12" |
Geraniums are among the most popular flowering plants. They belong to a large family of sun loving annuals and tender perennials so should be planted outdoors where they will receive at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight daily, but only after all danger of frost is past and the soil has warmed. |
 9-11 |
Giant Reed Grass |
Arundo donax 'Versicolor' |
5-12 ft. |
Giant Reed Grass produces large green stalks with white stripes. It is good for background plantings |
7-10 |
Giant Silver Grass |
Miscanthus 'Giganteus' |
8-12 ft. |
Giant Silver Grass grows into a massive upright clump that performs equally well as a background planting or as a specimen in the center of your yard |
4-9 |
Gladiola |
Gladiolus |
12-36" |
The Gladiola is an easy care, erect growing, corm type plant that produces a tall spike of dramatic, brightly colored flowers in mid to late summer. Dig and store rhizomes in colder areas. |
8-11 |

Glory of the Snow |
Chionodoxa luciliae |
4-6" |
Narrow green leaves; stalk of 10-12 loose, star shaped, bright
blue flowers with white centers in early Spring |
4-9 |
Gloxinia |
8-12" |
Sinningia hybridus |
Gloxinias come in a wide range of colors, with variations in both foliage and flower forms. They are tuberous plants which are usually grown as houseplants, but may also be grown in containers in a shaded part of the garden. |
10-12 |

Goat's Rue |
Galega officinalis |
3-5 ft. |
Light green, lance shaped foliage with spikes of pink pea-like flowers in mid-Summer |
5-10 |
Golden Bells |
Forsythia |
1-10 ft. |
One of the earliest signs that spring has arrived, is when the Forsythia bursts into a profusion of yellow blossoms spreading from the ground to the tip of each graceful, cascading branch. Forsythias will grow in almost any soil or growing condition |
4-9 |
Golden Shrimp Plant |
Pachystachys lutea |
18-24" |
Golden Shrimp Plants are shrubby plants that are each tipped with brightly colored, 4" golden yellow bracts that are adorned with small, creamy white flowers. In zones 10-12 they are popular as landscape plants. In cooler zones they are more often grown as house plants. |
10-12 |
Green Carpet |
Herniaria glabra |
2"-3" |
Tiny, bright green, trailing foliage, turning reddish in the Fall; flowers are insignificant |
3-9 |
Hardy Carnation |
Dianthus caryophyllus |
6-12" |
Hardy Carnations are low maintenance, long blooming perennials. (Unfortunately they are only hardy to zone 8) They prefer alkaline soil and dislike heat. They produce their sweetly fragrant flowers all spring |
8-10 |

Hardy Gloxinia |
Incarvillea delavayi |
2-15" |
Hardy Gloxinia plants produce compact 12" clumps of deep green, deeply divided, fern-like leaves. From mid-spring until mid-summer, leafless, 12"-24" tall stems rise above the foliage to showcase clusters of 2"-3", yellow throated, magenta to pink or white, trumpet shaped blooms. |
6-10 |
Heartleaf Saxifrage |
Bergenia cordifolia |
10-15" |
Bergenia's clusters of purple-pink flowers are produced atop twelve inch burgundy stems in the early spring. Glossy 8 inch heart shaped leaves |
3-9 |

Heavenly Bamboo |
Nandina domestica |
3-5 ft. |
Nandina can be grown in partial shade, but the foliage colors will be much more intense if it is grown in full sun. Produces berries for birds. |
6-9 |

Heliotrope |
Heliotropium arborescens |
1-6 ft. |
Heliotropes are also known by the old-fashioned name of Cherry Pie. They are frost tender, evergreen shrubs that are most often grown as annual bedding plants. Their main attraction is the aroma from their clusters of tiny flowers with the sweet fragrance of vanilla or cherry pie. |
Hens and Chicks |
Echeveria elegans |
2"-3" |
Succulent blue-green clustering rosettes; bell shaped pink flowers in late summer |
8-11 |
Hens and Chicks |
Sempervivum tectorum |
1"-4" |
Many varieties of succulent rosettes; unique flowers develop after the plant is a couple years old; needs excellent drainage |
zones vary |
Hollyhock |
Althaea rosea |
3-7 ft. |
Hollyhocks are easy to start from seed. The towering spikes host dozens of white, yellow, pink, red or crimson flowers from mid Summer until late Fall |
Hollyhock Mallow |
Malva alcea |
2-4 ft. |
Hollyhock Mallow plants are multi-stemmed, upright perennials that grow 2-4 feet tall, forming 2 foot clumps. From mid summer until fall, they produce spikes of 2" rose-pink or white flowers that resemble Hollyhocks. Mallow are reliable, easy to care for plants. |
4-8 |
Honeysuckle |
Lonicera |
Honeysuckle are easy to grow, vigorous, heat-tolerant, and nearly indestructible. The flashy, fragrant flowers will attract hummingbirds and butterflies all summer long. The resulting fruit will provide a fall treat for your local songbirds as well. |
4-10 |
Hydrangea |
Hydrangea macrophylla |
4-10 |
Hydrangeas need an abundance of water (hydrangea means water tub in Greek), partial to full sun,and very rich soil. Spent Hydrangea flowers should be removed as soon as possible to allow the plant to direct it's strength to growing and producing new buds. |
8-11 |
Ice Plant |
Lampranthus aurantiacus |
14" |
This Ice Plant is a winter growing, succulent sub-shrub from South Africa. The flowers are bright and dramatic but they will fail to open without full sun |
9-10 |
Impatiens |
Impatiens |
12" |
Impatiens are colorful, easy to grow annuals that are especially great for adding bright color spots in the shady areas of your garden. Can be grown as a house plant. Can be easily grown from seed |
Irish Moss |
Sagina subulata |
<1" |
Irish Moss is an excellent terrarium plant. Mosses grow primarily in lightly shaded areas. Thousands of tiny Moss plants will bunch together to make a single patch of moss. |
5-10 |
Iron Cross Begonia |
Begonia masoniana |
8-15" |
Iron Cross Begonias have some of the most unique foliage in the plant world. Each heavily textured, bristly, light green leaf bears a reddish-brown marking resembling the Iron Cross used on shields and flags during the Crusades of medieval times. |
10-11 |
Ivy Geranium |
Pelargonium peltatum |
The Ivy Leaved Geranium is a frost tender, climbing and trailing, semi succulent perennial that produces clusters of orchid-like flowers at the vine tips all summer. Good in hanging baskets. They can be propagated by softwood cuttings or grown from seed |
 9-11 |

Jack in the Pulpit |
Arisaema species |
12-30" |
Jack in the Pulpits are distinctive, woodland wildflowers that are native to North America and parts of Asia. In spring to early summer, tiny, insignificant flowers form on the spadix (Jack), hidden down inside the hooded spathe (The Pulpit), which emerges from the middle of the foliage. |
vary |
Jacob's Ladder |
Polemonium |
6-36" |
Clump forming perennials that grow in swirling rosettes of bright green or variegated, fern-like foliage. Produces loose clusters of tubular or bell shaped flowers. Plants go completely dormant in the winter but quickly re-emerge in early spring. |
2-9 |

Japanese Aralia |
Fatsia japonica |
6-8 ft. |
Japanese Aralias are one of the easiest of all shade garden or house plants to grow and care for. They have large dark green, palmate leaves and form tropical looking, evergreen shrubs that can grow up to 6-8 feet tall and 6 feet wide. |
8-11 |

Japanese Iris |
Iris japonica |
12-24" |
The foliage of the Japanese Iris resembles that of a Daylily more than of other Iris but the flowers are unmistakably Iris. Japanese Iris produces masses of blooms in late spring |
Hardy |
Japanese Pieris |
Pieris japonica |
6-12 ft. |
The Japanese Pieris, or Lily of the Valley shrub is a nice plant to add to the garden for early spring color. It is a compact, symmetrical, evergreen shrub that has leathery 3-4 inch foliage that emerges coppery-pink, before turning to a deep green. Cascading clusters of small, urn shaped flowers open in February or early March. |
4-8 |

Japanese Spurge |
Pachysandra terminalis |
6-10" |
Pachysandra is a very easy to care for, durable, low growing, mat forming, slow spreading ground cover plant that grow on thick, unbranched stems to about 6" tall in partial shade and 10" in deep shade. |
5-9 |
Japanese Wind Flower |
Anemone hupehensis |
12" |
Spreading ground cover with single 2-3", white to pink flowers |
6-10 |

Jerusalem Cherry |
Solanum pseudocapsicum |
2-3 ft. |
The Jerusalem Cherry belongs to a diverse family of plants that includes Nightshade, Cockroach Berries, Horsenettles, Tomatoes, Potatoes and Egg Plants. |
8-9 |
Jupiter's Beard |
Centranthus ruber |
24-36" |
Jupiter's Beard is an upright, branching perennial with soft, light bluish green, lance shaped foliage. It produces clusters of small, fragrant flowers from June through August. Can be easily grown from seeds. |
4-9 |

Lantana |
Lantana camara Lantana montevidensis |
1-4 ft. |
Lantanas are fast growing, shrubby, spreading or trailing evergreen plants that grow from one to four feet tall. Lantana plants produce flat-topped 2" clusters of bright, multi-colored tubular flowers in the summer and fall. |
7-11 |
Larkspur |
Consolida ambigua |
1-5 ft. |
Larkspur is a low maintenance, upright growing annual with many stems of sparsely covered with light green, needle-like foliage topped with a spire of brightly colored flowers throughout the summer. Remove spent blooms to prolong flowering. |
Bitter Root |
Lewisia cotyledon |
4-6" |
Bitter Root plants produce clusters of 1" flowers on 10" stems in shades of white to pink or gold, occasionally with red and white stripes from spring to early summer. Easily hybridized Rock Garden plant.
Lewisias can be grown as house plants. |
5-8 |
Lilacs |
Syringa vulgaris |
5-8 ft. |
Lilacs require full sun for maximum bloom. They prefer a slightly alkaline soil (pH 7.5). Most Lilacs require a pronounced winter chilling period or they may fail to bloom the following year |
3-7 |
Lily of the Nile |
Agapanthus praecox |
18-36" |
The Lily of the Nile is a tuberous rooted, clump-forming tender perennial with deep green, arching, strap like leaves.
In mid summer to early fall, they produce rounded, 3" starburst flower heads. Agapanthus don't like their roots disturbed so in colder regions they should be grown in planters. |
9-11 |
Lily of the Valley |
Convallaria majalis |
5-6" |
Lily of the Valley bulbs will bloom in just 3-4 weeks if potted up at 65°. In the garden, Lily of the Valley's sweetly scented flowers bloom in early spring. They like partial to full shade and are perfect for your shade garden. |
Hardy |
Lily Turf |
Liriope muscari |
18" |
Lily Turf are relatively slow spreading plants that eventually form large, 24"-30" wide clumps of loose, 18" tall, ½" wide leaves. Lily Turf plants form 6"-8", spike-like clusters of ¼", white or purple flowers in late summer. |
6-10 |

Lisianthus |
Eustoma grandiflorum |
8-24" |
Lisianthus are biennial or short lived tender perennial wildflowers that are native to the high prairies from the southwest part of the United States to northern South America. Lisianthus form small clumps of sturdy, upright, 18"-24" stems topped with a cluster of 2"-3", bell shaped flowers. |
9-11 |
Lithodora |
Lithodora prostrata |
4-6" |
A fuzzy foliaged, creeping form of Lithodora. It is useful as a ground cover and for border plantings. It produces masses of deep blue (sometimes bi-color), star shaped flowers in early Spring |
6-8 |

Lupine |
Lupinus |
12-36" |
Lupines are upright, mound forming annual or perennial wildflowers with large green, lance shaped leaves and spikes of brightly colored sweet pea-like flowers from June to August. Can be easily grown from seed Beware of slugs! |
 3-8 |
Madwort |
Alyssum spinosum |
24" |
Compact shrub-like growth, tiny foliage, profusion of small white to pink flowers |
8-9 |
Marguerite Daisy |
Argyranthemum frutescens |
1-3 ft. |
Marguerite Daisies are easy to grow, tender perennials that are usually grown as annual plants. They produce masses of fragrant, 1-2", Chrysanthemum-like flowers from mid spring until mid fall that attract many types of butterflies |

Masterwort |
Astrantia maxima |
18-30" |
Masterworts have bright green, palmate leaves with 5-7 fingers. From early to mid-summer, they produce wirey, top-branched stems with intricately formed, ¾"-1¼" umbels of tightly packed, 5 petaled flowers, surrounded by a ring of papery, petal-like bracts. |
5-9 |
Meadow Rue |
Thalictrum aquilegifolium |
2-3 ft. |
Meadow Rue plants are mound forming perennials that will grow to about three feet tall and spread to about 18". They are known for their lacy, bluish green foliage that closely resembles that of the Columbine plant.
A great addition to any Butterfly garden |
5-8 |
Meadow Sage |
Salvia nemorosa |
3 ft. |
Narrow erect plant with irregular leaves, spikes of small purple to white blooms in the Summer. Prefers slightly alkaline soil |
5-10 |
Milkweed |
Asclepias speciosa |
2-3 ft. |
Milkweed is a deciduous American wildflower with large, wooly, grayish green leaves. They produce clusters of brightly colored, uniquely shaped flowers from late spring until late summer which turn into large, pointed seed pods |
3-9 |
Milky Bellflower |
Campanula lactiflora |
2-5 ft. |
Large clumping plant with tall spikes of bell shaped purple/blue flowers in Summer |
5-9 |
Mimosa Tree |
Albizia julibrissin |
20-30 ft. |
The Mimosa Tree is a short lived, fast growing, multi stemmed deciduous tree with fine, compound, fern like foliage. It produces clusters of fragrant, feather-ball flowers in the summer, followed by brownish seed pods |
6-9 |

Miniature Daisy |
Bellium mimutum |
2" |
The Miniature Daisy plant is a vigorous growing, mat forming perennial with dense, bright green, 1" spoon shaped foliage. They only grow 2" tall, but spread to about 18". From late spring through summer, they cover themselves with tiny, ½" Daisy flowers on wirey stems. |
6-9 |

Mint |
Mentha |
6-24" |
Mint plants are fragrant, easy to grow, sometimes invasive, drought tolerant perennials that range from low growing ground covers to two foot uprights. Flowers should be snipped away to strengthen the stems. |
3-10 |

Mock Orange |
Philadelphus virginalis |
10-12 |
Mock Orange thrives in full sun or light shade, in almost any soil, but they grow and bloom best in moist, well-drained soil. It needs to be pruned immediately after flowering by cutting back the outer stems that have bloomed |
4-8 |
Monkshood |
Aconitum napellus |
3 ft. |
Monkshood closely resembles Delphiniums in both foliage and flower. It has deeply divided green foliage and tall spikes of dark blue, purple or white flowers |
3-9 |

Morning Glory |
Ipomoea species |

10-20 ft. |
Morning Glories are very fast growing vines that are capable of growing 10 feet or more within the first two months. They readily reseed themselves for the next year. Morning Glory vines may become invasive |
Moss |
Many Species |
<1" |
Mosses grow primarily in lightly shaded areas. Thousands of tiny Moss plants will bunch together to make a single patch of moss. |
1-8 |
Moss Rose |
Portulaca Grandiflora |
4-8 |
Moss Rose is a quick growing succulent annual. Portulaca seeds should be sown outside after your last frost has passed. Seeds will germinate within 10-15 days. |
Mountain Garland |
Clarkia elegans |
18-24" |
The Mountain Garland is a fast growing, easy care annual plant that produces an abundance of bright, double flowers on tall wispy stems. Excellent for cut flowers. Can be easily grown from seed |

Mountain Rose |
Lewisia tweedyi |
4-8" |
Rosettes of fleshy 3-6" evergreen leaves; satiny peach-pink flowers from Spring to Summer; requires perfect drainage |
5-9 |
Nasturtium |
Tropaeolum majus |
Once established, Nasturtiums take little or no care. As they spread and grow, their foliage resembles a sea of tiny lily pad leaves topped with brightly colored, edible blossoms. Can be easily grown from seed |

Natal Plum |
Carissa macrocarpa |
4-8 ft. |
Natal Plum is a quick growing tender shrub with thick, shiny, oval 1-2" leaves. The fruit is edible, but the leaves contain toxic sap. Thorns along the stems. |
9-11 |

Nemesia |
Nemesia strumosa |
10-12" |
Nemesias are brightly colored annual plants that quickly grow to a height of 12 inches. Nemesias grow well in hanging baskets and planters |
Ornamental Kale |
Brassica oleracea |
8-12" |
Ornamental Kale will not tolerate summer heat. These plants are very showy, and come in a variety of colors, ranging from white to pinks, purples or reds, extremely cold-tolerant |
Painted Nettle |
Coleus blumei |
8-24" |
Coleus plants are durable and easy to grow. They are best known for their bright colors, and variety of foliage forms |
Pampas Grass |
Cortaderia selloana |
8-10 ft. |
Pampas Grass is an impressive, fast growing plant due to its size and durability as well as its large plumes of showy white to pink flowers (Cortaderia selloana 'Rosea'). Once it becomes well established, it is very drought tolerant and nearly indestructible plant. |
7-10 |

Panakenake |
Pratia angulata |
2-6 |
Panakenake is known by many names including Creeping Pratia. It is a fast growing, spreading, fine foliaged ground cover from New Zealand. It will be covered with small flowers from early spring until fall. |
7-9 |
Pansy |
Viola |
3-8" |
Pansies may be cool season annuals, biennials, or hardy perennials. They may bloom in early spring or fall depending on the species. Planting time is critical |

6-9 |

Pasque Flower |
Pulsatilla vulgaris |
9"-12" |
In early spring, Pasque Flower plants produce large, 3"-4", violet purple, pink or sometimes white flowers with bold, contrasting yellow centers which, as they begin to fade, are followed by finely dissected, silvery green, fern-like foliage.
4-8 |
Passion Flower |
Passiflora incarnata |
Passion flowers are generally considered to be hardy in USDA zones 5-9 but they should be planted in a protected location and mulched heavily if severe cold threatens. This vine produces dramatic 3 inch diameter flowers in late summer |
5-9 |
Peace Lily |
Spathiphyllum floribundum |
18-36" |
Peace lilies are tender perennial plants, usually grown as house plants. They will grow and flourish in almost any well drained soil. They prefer bright filtered light, but will survive in low interior light. |
10-11 |

Peony |
Paeonia lactiflora |
1-3 ft. |
Peony clumps may survive for up to as long as 50 years, so it is advisable to prepare the site very thoroughly before planting. Once they have become established in the garden, they are reasonably free from maintenance and problems. Peonies can be propagated by division |
3-8 |
Periwinkle |
Vinca |
6" |
Periwinkles are fast growing, evergreen ground cover plants with opposing pairs of glossy dark green or variegated, oblong to lance shaped, 1½"-3" leaves. They produce an abundance of single, 1"-2" funnel shaped flowers with five flared and flattened petals. |
7-10 |
Persian Buttercup |
Ranunculus asiaticus |
8-18" |
Persian Buttercups provide a continuing display of beautiful 3"-5" Camellia-like flowers atop branched, 8"-18" stems, from late spring through mid summer.
They are well suited plants for growing in planters |
 8-10 |

Petunia |
Petunia hybrida |
12-18" |
Petunias have long been the most popular flowering annual for planting in hanging baskets, window boxes and for border plantings. There are many single and double flowering varieties available. Can be easily grown from seed |

Phlox |
Phlox subulata |
4-6" |
Mat growing fine foliage with masses of 1 inch, fragrant, star shaped flowers (white, blue, pink or red) in Spring |
3-10 |

Peruvian Lily |
Alstroemeria |
2-3 ft. |
Peruvian Lily plants are easy to care for, tuberous rooted perennials with bright green, lance shaped foliage that grow 2-3 feet tall. They produce loose clusters of speckled, 1½"-2" Azalea-like flowers on long, leafy stems in late spring into mid summer. |
7-10 |
Pincushion Flower |
Scabiosa columnaria |
1-2 ft. |
The Pincushion Flower is a long blooming, clump forming perennial. From early summer until the first frost of fall, Pincushion Flowers produce an abundance of rounded, 1½" flowerheads on top of wirey, 12"-24" stems. |
4-8 |
Pin Cushion Plant |
Nertera granadensis |
1-2" |
The Pin Cushion Plant is a fast growing tropical plant that produces an abundance of tiny orange berries just in time for halloween. Pin cushions require full sun or they will produce a lot of foliage and very few berries |
Plantain lily |
Hosta |
9-24" |
Decorative, large clumps of lush foliage and spikes of lily shaped flowers later in summer. A hummingbird favorite flower |
3-9 |
Poinsettia |
Euphorbia pulcherrima |
1-8 ft. |
Poinsettias are perennials, so it's possible to keep them growing from year to year. In order to get them to produce their flower bracts again next December, they must be kept at 50 degrees and kept in total darkness for 14 hours per day beginning in mid September. |
10-12 |
Poor Man's Orchid |
Schizanthus wisetonensis |
1-2 ft. |
The colorful orchid like flowers of the Butterfly Flower contrast beautifully against the soft, feathery foliage of this annual. Schizanthus dislike extremes of heat or cold, preferring cool and moist conditions. |

Poplar trees |
Populus canadensis |
30 ft. |
Poplars must be planted with caution because of the invasive tendencies of the roots. They should never be planted nearer than 30 ft. from buildings, paving or drains. Useful for wind breaks |
4-9 |
Powder Puff Tree |
Calliandra haematocephala |
3-10 ft. |
Calliandra haematocephala, commonly known as the Powder Puff Tree grow up to 10 feet tall with an equal spread, but dwarf, 3-6 foot varieties are also available, which are more appropriate in colder regions where you will need to over-winter your plant indoors. |
10-12 |
Powis Castle Artemisia |
Artemisia 'Powis Castle' |
2-3 ft. |
Powis Castle Artemisias are shrubby, mound forming perennials are grown for their finely dissected, aromatic, silvery-blue foliage. Powis Castle plants are evergreen (eversilver?) in warm winter regions. They form soft mounds that grow 2-3 feet tall and wide. |
6-10 |

Primrose |
Primula |
6-12" |
Hundreds of species and varieties suitable for a wide range of garden uses. Dwarf varieties are best for rock gardens |
vary |
Privet |
Ligustrum vulgare |
4-15 ft. |
Privet is a densely growing deciduous shrub with small light green, mottled or golden foliage. It produces clusters of fragrant white flowers all summer. Can be pruned into elaborate shapes |
1-10 |
Purple Mullein |
Verbascum phoeniceum |
2-4 ft. |
Dark green rosette, purple or pink flowers form on low spikes in the Summer |
6-10 |
Pussy willow |
Salix discolor |
5-20 ft. |
Pussy willows grow well in almost any soil but it is a good idea to supplement it with peat moss, leaf mold or compost. Male flowers are yellow, female flowers are white. |
4-8 |
Rainbow Leucothoe |
Leucothoe fontanesiana |
3-5 ft. |
Rainbow Leucothoe is an easy to care for, slow growing, 3-5 ft. multi-stemmed evergreen shrub, with glossy, variegated 3-4" leaves. Good as an accent plant or for boggy areas. |
5-8 |
Red Clover |
Trifolium pratense |
10-20" |
Red Clover is a legumous, nitrogen fixing, frost tender perennial with light green, trifoliate leaves immediately below a globe type flower head. It blooms from late spring until mid fall. An excellent cover crop. |
6-8 |

Red Dragon Fleeceflower |
Persicaria microcephala |
2-3 ft. |
The Red Dragon Fleeceflower is a fast growing, low maintenance, spreading perennial that grows 2-3 feet tall, with a 3 foot spread. They are known for their bright red stems and stunning, 3"-4", lance shaped, deep burgundy leaves. The sprays of tiny, white flowers and the foliage are both useful in cut flower arrangements. |
4-9 |
Red Hot Poker |
Kniphofia uvaria |
2-5 ft |
The stately flowers of the Torch Lily, Kniphofia uvaria provide a dramatic display, when grown in a space where the entire plant is visible.
If you have sufficient space, you can select varieties to provide bloom during every month from May through October! |
5-10 |
Red Twig Dogwood |
Cornus stolonifera |
15 ft. |
The Red Twig Dogwood is native to most of the northern United States and Canada. The white blooms appear in the Spring, white berries appear in late summer and provide a treat for the birds, then in the fall the foliage turns to a deep crimson red. |
3-8 |
Redvein Enkianthus |
Enkianthus campanulatus |
10 ft |
Redvein Enkianthus are deciduous shrubs known for their small, densely clustered, lightly scented bell shaped flowers that appear in late spring
and the layered effect of their small, stiff, bluish-green leaves. In the fall, the foliage turns to shades of yellow, orange or red. |
6-9 |

Rockcress |
Arabis sturii |
6-8" |
Rockcress is a mound forming, easy plant to grow. The small green leaves are usually jagged and sometimes hairy. Good for rock gardens or as a ground cover plant |
4-9 |
Rock Jasmine |
Androsace sarmentosa |
4" |
Small green leaves with silver hairs; pink flowers from April to June |
3-8 |
Rocky Point Ice Plant |
Malephora lutea |
6-12" |
The Rocky Point Ice Plant is a fast growing, very succulent ground cover from South Africa. In extremely hot regions it should be planted in partial or light shade to avoid sun burn |
9-10 |
Rodgersia |
Rodgersia aesculifolia |
18-30" |
The Fingerleaf Rodgersia is a large, imposing, moisture loving plant that will stand out, no matter where you plant it in your garden. Rodgersias produce their long lasting, fluffy plumes of tiny, star shaped, light pink or white flowers beginning in late spring and continuing until mid summer. |
5-9 |
Rosary vine |
Ceropegia woodii |
The vines of the Rosary plant are like thin wires with marbled, heart shaped leaves. They will reach two to four feet in length. The slender flowers resemble an inverted, small pink vase. The end of the tube is partly closed by delicate purple bars. Do not over-water! Usually grown as a house plant |
10-11 |
Rose Mallow |
Hibiscus moscheutos |
4-8 ft. |
Hardy Hibiscus are upright growing, multi stemmed perennial plants with light green, 6-8 inch leaves that have a fuzzy underside. Dramatic 5"-12" flowers appear in late summer. Rose Mallow does not like to be moved once it has become established |
5-10 |

Rosemary |
Rosmarinus officinalis |
2-6 ft. |
Rosemary is a tender evergreen shrub which does best with at least four hours of direct sunlight each day. In warm climates, rosemary should be planted outdoors in well-drained soil and full sun, spacing plants 2 to 3 feet apart. In cold climates, grow your rosemary plant in a pot so it may be brought indoors during winter, where it should be placed in a sunny window or under flourescent grow lights. |
8-10 |

Rough-leaf Hydrangea |
Hydrangea aspera |
10-12 ft. |
Hydrangea aspera will grow 10 to 12 feet tall with an 8-10 foot spread. This deciduous shrub has very large leaves that are grayish with a fuzzy texture on the top, and light green below. In the summer and early fall, they produce large, 10"-12", flattened flowerheads. |
7-10 |

Rue Anemone |
Anemonella thalictroides |
6-12" |
The slow growing Rue Anemone is a slow growing, tuberous, woodland wildflower. It produces dainty pink blooms with the first wave of wildflowers in the spring. |
4-9 |
Salal |
Gaultheria shallon |
2-8 ft. |
Salal is a deer resistant, low growing shrub that prefers partial shade and well draining, acidic soil. It has thick, leathery, dark green foliage and spikes of small bell flowers in the spring and edible purple berries in the fall |
5-9 |
Sandwort |
Arenaria montana |
6" |
Sandwort forms a mossy looking, mounding mat of deep green foliage. It produces a mass of small 1" flowers in late spring. Good for rock gardens or as a ground cover |
4-9 |

Saxifrage |
Saxifraga bronchialis |
8" |
Saxifrage is an evergreen perennial that forms cushions of moss-like fine foliage and produces pretty, cream colored flowers spotted with red or pink all Spring |
4-9 |
Scarlet Sage |
Salvia splendens |
3-5 ft. |
Scarlet Sage is a frost tender perennial that is usually grown as an annual. It blooms in various colors including scarlet, purple, orange, lavender and yellow. Remove old flowers for repeat blooms. |
Siberian Squill |
Scilla siberica |
6-8 |
Scilla are bulbous perennial plants that is evergreen where hardy. Leaves are lance-shaped, upright and fleshy. It produces spikes of blue bell-shaped flowers in the spring. |
3-9 |

Scotch Heather |
Calluna vulgaris |
6-36" |
Heather is a compact, shrubby, evergreen ground cover plant from Northern Europe that covers itself with spires of tiny, brightly colored bell-shaped flowers from late summer through fall. |
4-9 |

Sea Pink |
Armeria maritima |
4-8" |
Sea Pink is a low maintenance, short lived perennial that forms a compact mound of narrow, dark green, grass-like leaves. It produces a steady supply of white to pink flowers
from late spring until late summer |
4-9 |

Self Heal |
Prunella laciniata |
3-6" |
Self Heal is a low growing, creeping perennial which is useful in rock gardens or as a ground cover. The plant will produce an abundance of 8-12 inch spikes of white, pink or purple blossoms from May through July. |
4-9 |
Shamrock |
Oxalis |
6-10" |
Several species like the Silver Shamrock are very well behaved and make great additions to the garden. Shamrocks are easy to grow in pots and planters. Many can be grown as house plants |
vary |
Siberian Iris |
Iris siberica |
12-18" |
Siberian Irises are very durable and extremely hardy. They typically bloom in late May and into June. Siberian Iris should be divided every 3-4 years to ensure a quality show of blooms. |
4-9 |
Silverberry |
Eleagnus commutata |
8-15 ft. |
Silverberry is a trouble free, very spiny evergreen shrub with waxy, olive green foliage. It produces small clusters of vase shaped flowers in fall, which develop into berry-like fruits |
7-9 |
Silver Mound Artemisia |
Artemisia schmidtiana |
10-12" |
Silver Mound Artemisia forms a low growing, 12-24" mound of fragrant, fern-like, silvery gray foliage. The flowers that appear in mid summer are tiny and insignificant. Excellent accent plant for borders and rock gardens |
3-9 |

x |
Silver Shamrock |
Oxalis adenophylla |
3-4" |
Also known as Pink Carpet Oxalis, the Silver Shamrock is a very hardy, bulb type plant with beautifully pleated, silvery-blue foliage and pink flowers with violet-pink tips and cranberry centers from late spring into summer. |
4-10 |

Snapdragons |
Antirrhinum Majas |
9-48" |
Snapdragons produce tall stalks of fragrant flowers that attract both butterflies and hummingbirds throughout the summer. Snapdragons are easily grown from seed |
Snowdrop |
Galanthus |
4-12" |
Snowdrops are small winter flowering bulbs with stems of nodding white, petal-less flowers |
Hardy |
Snow in the Summer |
Cerastium tomentosum |
4" |
Invasive plant... loose clusters of white, one inch flowers; narrow, woolly oblong leaves |
3-10 |
Snowy Woodrush |
Luzula nivea |
1-2 ft. |
Snowy Woodrush forms loose clumps of dark green foliage and masses of white flowers in spring and early summer. It is useful as a ground cover. |
5-9 |
Solomon's Seal |
Polygonatum multiflorum |
2-3 ft. |
The Solomon's Seal is a shade loving, deciduous perennial that produces large, slow spreading clumps of arching, three feet stems lined with pairs of bright green leaves. In late spring, clusters of 2-5 elongated bell shaped, greenish-white flowers will hang beneath each pair of leaves. |
5-9 |
Spider Flower |
Cleome hasslerana |
4-6 ft. |
Spider Flowers are durable plants that make outstanding mass plantings which create the illusion of a large flowering shrub. They producebrightly colored, 8" balls of blossoms from mid summer until early fall. Good for cut flowers. Can be easily grown from seed |
Spiderwort |
Tradescantia x andersoniana |
18-24" |
Spiderworts are clump forming perennials that from early through mid-summer continuously produce butterfly attracting, 1"-1½", three petaled, triangular, flowers on stems that rise slightly above the narrow, strap-like foliage.
4-9 |

Spike Speedwell |
Veronica spicata |
24"x36" |
Containers, Cut Flowers
Compact, spreading, clump forming plant with deep green or silvery, felt-like foliage. Produces 12" airy spikes of tiny flowers all summer. Remove spent flower spikes regularly to extend blooming season. |
6-10 |
Spotted Deadnettles and Lamiums |
Lamium species |
4"-24" |
Spotted Deadnettle is a spreading, semi-evergreen member of the mint family. They are known for their beautiful silver and green variegation patterns in the textured foliage and spires of dainty, hooded flowers in early summer |
6-10 |

Sprenger's Asparagus |
Protasparagus 'Sprengeri' |
3-4 ft. |
Sprenger's Asparagus has wirey green stems that are sparsely covered with clusters of 3-4, ¾" cladodes along the stem. Declared a noxious weed in Florida, Hawaii and New Zealand. |
9-12 |

Star Jasmine |
Trachelospermum jasminoides |
Star Jasmine aka: Confederate Jasmine is a twining, evergreen vine that produces clusters fragrant white star-shaped blooms in early summer. Can be grown as a creeping ground cover |
7-10 |

Star of Bethlehem |
Ornithogalum arabicum |
12-18" |
The Star of Bethlehem is a bulb type plant that produces upright clusters of fragrant 1-2" flowers in early summer. Can be grown in containers or as a House Plant |
7-10 |
Statice |
Limonium sinuatum |
12-18" |
Statice has been cultivated since the mid 17th century as a garden flower, but also as an herb which was used for the treatment of dysentary as well as other ailments. Statice produces its flowers from early summer until frost, in the brightly colored bracts which grow atop the stiff, angular, 1-2 foot stems. |
 10-12 |
Strawberry Begonia |
Saxifraga stolonifera |
3-6" |
Strawberry Begonias are small, low growing, evergreen perennials that spread by runners called stolons. They have rounded, coarsely toothed, green leaves with silver marbling and covered with a fine hair, and having reddish undersides that form a loose rosette. |
6-9 |

Strawberry Tree |
Arbutus unedo |
6-12 ft. |
Strawberry trees are upright evergreen shrubs with thick, leathery, dark green foliage. They produce hanging clusters of inverted urn-shaped flowers which develop into 1", bright red spherical fruits that take a full year to ripen. The fruit is edible but not flavorful |
7-10 |

Strawflower |
Bracteantha bracteata |
2-3 ft. |
Paper Daisys are tender perennials usually grown as annuals. They need moist, but well drained soil. They can be propagated by softwood cuttings or grown from seed |
 10-11 |
Sulfer Flower |
Eriogonum umbellatum |
9-12" |
Low growing, spreading mat of 1" green leaves; clusters of bright yellow flowers |
6-9 |
Swedish Ivy |
Plectranthus australis |
1-2 ft. |
Swedish Ivy is a fast growing, spreading, evergreen perennial plant from South Africa that is closely related to the Coleus. They have slightly rounded, waxy, glossy green, 1½"-2" leaves with scalloped edges, and produce 3"-8" racemes of pink, lilac or white flowers. |
9-11 |
Sweet Pea |
Lathyrus odoratus |
Sweet Peas have long been a favorite of gardeners because of the wonderful fragrance of the large clusters of colorful flowers that grace these annual vines all summer. |
Sweet Pepperbush |
Clethra alnifolia |
6-10 ft. |
Sweet Pepperbush is an upright growing, deciduous shrub with light to dark green, deeply veined foliage. It produces spires of tiny, fragrant flowers from mid to late summer |
5-9 |
Sweet William |
Dianthus barbatus |
6-12" |
Sweet William is a clump forming, deciduous biennial that prefers alkaline soil and dislikes heat. They produce a steady supply of fragrant, showy flowers from late spring to late summer, sometimes extending right up until the first frost. |

Sweet Woodruff |
Galium odoratum |
6-12" |
Sweet Woodruff is a nice, mat forming ground cover for the shadier areas of your garden. Edible, fragrant green foliage and fragrant little white flowers in the springtime. Used for potpouri, a moth deterrent, roots used to make red dyes, flowers used to make yellow dyes |
4-8 |
Tall Speedwell |
Veronica longifolia |
36"x18" |
Containers, Cut Flowers
Deciduous, clump forming plant with soft, deep green foliage with serrated edges. Produces long lasting, dense, 6" spikes of tiny flowers from late spring until mid summer. Cut plant back to 12" after blooming for a repeat show in the fall. |
6-10 |
Thyme |
Thymus |
1-12" |
Thyme is an evergreen perennial herb, native to the Mediterranean region. The dried leaves are used for cooking. Creeping Thyme forms low growing clumps that spread to about 1 ft. Bush Thyme forms a small, foot tall shrub. Flowers from late spring and through the summer. Thyme needs well draining soil. |
4-9 |
Toad Lily |
Tricyrtis hirta |
30-36" |
The Common Toad Lily is an easy to care for, slow spreading, clump forming perennial with 4"-6", deep green leaves alternating along multiple, 30"-36" upright, arching stems. Tricyrtis hirta produces loose clusters of awesome Toad flowers at each node along the stem. |
4-9 |

Torch Lily |
Kniphofia uvaria |
1-3 ft. |
The multi-colored flower spikes of the Torch Lily will reach 2-5 feet in height, depending on the variety. The coloring may range from ivory and orange to coral red. Provide a winter mulch |
5-10 |
Trailing Petunia |
Calibrachoa |
6-8" |
Calibracoa shares most of the features of a Petunia, except everything is shrunk down to about one fourth the size. Trailing Petunias are easy to care for, fast growing plants that will produce an abundance of Petunia-like blooms all summer long. |
 9-11 |
Transvaal Daisy |
Gerbera jamesonii |
10-15" |
Gerbera plants have dark green, deeply cut, 10" leaves with fuzzy undersides. Large, brightly colored, Daisy-like flowers stand above the foliage on stiff, leafless stems all summer. |
8-11 |
Trapper's Tea |
Ledum glandulosum |
2-4 ft. |
Trapper's Tea is an extremely hardy relative of the Rhododendron, usually found in boggy areas or at the edge of small streams. Aromatic white flowers in late Spring |
2-8 |
Treasure Flower |
Gazania |
6-8" |
The Treasure Flower's brightly bi-colored, daisy-like flowers are 2-5 inches in diameter, growing atop 6-12 inch stalks. The foliage is somewhat grass like, but narrow at the base and widening toward the tip. |
Trillium |
Trillium grandiflorum |
8-24" |
Trilliums are shade loving, spring blooming perennial woodland wildflowers. They have three dark green, single layer leaves below a green three leaf whorl, below their large three petal flower. Trilliums will most likely perish if their foliage is cut from the plant |
3-7 |

Tritonia |
Tritonia |
12-18" |
Tritonias are corm growing plants from South Africa that produce pretty little six petaled flowers in late spring. They dislike wet environments. |
Hardy |
Trumpet Gentian |
Gentiana acaulis |
2-4" |
Mat of glossy 1 inch green leaves; disproportionate 3 inch, blue trumpet flowers in early Summer |
3-9 |
Reiger Begonia |
Begonia tuberhybrida |
6-12" |
Reiger Begonias are a hybrid cross between Tuberous Begonias and Wax Begonias. With proper care, they will remain in bloom for several months. They can be planted in pots and grown as a house plant |
9-11 |
Umbrella Grass |
Cyperus Alternifolius |
3-4 ft. |
Umbrella Grass is a native of the swamps of Madagascar. It is a close relative of the Papyrus Plant. Thrives in wet areas |
9-10 |
Verbena |
Verbena species |
6"-5' |
There are about 250 annual and perennial species of Verbena but there are only about a half dozen that are commonly cultivated. These easy to grow, long blooming plants are both heat and drought tolerant. Trailing forms of Verbena are excellent for growing in containers and hanging baskets. |
vary |
Pink Snowball Bush |
Viburnum bodnantense |
8-10 ft. |
Viburnum are deciduous shrubs that produce clusters of very fragrant pink flowers in mid-winter to early spring. Deeply textured foliage. Can be propagated by softwood cuttings |
5-9 |
Vine Maples |
Acer circinatum |
15-20 ft. |
Vine Maple grow well in a wide variety of soil types, varying levels of sunlight and tolerate almost any level of watering once established |
5-9 |
Violets |
Viola sp |
2-6" |
Violets are dainty little self seeding versions of the Pansy. Their seeds can be directly sown into the garden at anytime from spring through fall, but the seeds need darkness and 70° to germinate |
 4-8 |

Virgin's Bower |
Clematis paniculata |
Very hardy semi-evergreen climber, will quickly grow to 30 feet, small clusters of fragrant white blooms in late summer and again in the fall. Clematis like their heads in the sun and their roots in the shade |
6-9 |
Water Lily |
Nymphaea species |
18-36" |
There are about fifty species of Water Lily plants. Water Lilies are tuberous growing plants that can be planted in pots and submerged in your pond or even in a tub on your patio, where they will send up round, floating leaves and beautiful, sometimes fragrant, star shaped flowers to the surface. |
Varies |
Wax Begonia |
Begonia semperflorens |
6-12" |
Dwarf varieties of Wax Begonia grow from 6"-8" tall. Tall varieties grow from 10"-12" tall. They have succulent stems and waxy, deep green to dark mahogany colored foliage, and they produce loose clusters of single or double, white, pink or red flowers from early May until October. |
9-11 |

Western Flowering Dogwood |
Cornus nuttallii |
25-40 ft. |
The Western Flowering Dogwood is a deciduous tree with soft, light green foliage. In spring they produce sets of bright white or pink bracts which hold tiny purple-tipped green flowers. Red berries develop in the fall |
7-8 |
Whitlow grass |
Draba aizoides |
4" |
Small rosette of tiny gray or green leaves; bright yellow flowers in late Spring |
5-9 |
Wild Ginger |
Asarum species |
6-10" |
Wild Gingers are low growing, woodland perennials that are known for their showy, Cyclamen-like, heart shaped foliage and their very unique, three lobed flowers that hide from view below the foliage. |
5-9 |

Wild Lilac |
Ceanothus cuneatus |
4-8 ft. |
The Wild Lilac or Buckbrush is a drought tolerant shrub, native to the west coast. The sprays of white to light blue flowers are very fragrant in late Spring |
6-10 |
Wild Strawberry |
Fragaria chiloensis |
6" |
Wild Strawberries look about the same as the Strawberries that are cultivated for their fruit and their care is the same, but this variety is grown primarily as a ground cover due to its thick growing, glossy foliage. The fruit is edible but not very flavorful |
4-9 |
Windflower |
Anemone pulsatilla |
8-12" |
Fernlike foliage follows the pretty blue flowers in May |
4-9 |

Wintercreeper |
Euonymus fortunei |
Wintercreeper is an adaptable, deciduous climbing vine. The flowers are fairly inconspicuous, but they result in bright orange seeds that attract and feed a wide variety of birds |
5-9 |

Winter Cress |
Barbarea orthoceras |
1-2 ft. |
Winter Cress is one of the earliest blooming wildflowers. It is a moisture loving member of the mustard family that produces clusters of <½ flowers from early spring until early fall. |
4-7 |

Wire vine |
Muehlenbeckia complexa |
The Wire Vine is a twining evergreen vine that is able to climb a support or can be left to ramble across the ground. It has small, round, dark green leaves and produces tiny cream colored flowers in the spring |
6-9 |
Wisteria |
Wisteria frutescens |
Wisteria is a hardy deciduous vine that produces massive clusters of fragrant lavender or white blooms in late spring. Wisteria can be pruned to form large shrub or small tree |
5-9 |
Woodbine Honeysuckle |
Lonicera periclymenum |
Honeysuckle vines are easy to grow, vigorous, heat-tolerant, and nearly indestructible. The flashy and fragrant flowers will attract hummingbirds and butterflies all summer long. |
5-9 |
Wood Sorrel |
Oxalis oregana |
6" |
Studies show that 9 out of 10 Gnomes prefer Wood Sorrel as their garden carpeting over any other ground cover. Wood Sorrel is a deciduous clover-like ground cover plant that produces small, star shaped flowers throughout the spring and summer |
7-10 |
Woolly Yarrow |
Achillea tomentosa |
9-12" |
Woolly Yarrow is a very durable and low maintenance perennial with aromatic, grayish green, strap-like leaves. It produces small clusters that continue throughout the summer. Very drought tolerant |
5-10 |
Zebra Grass |
Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus' |
5-7 ft. |
Zebra Grass grows as an upright clump of coarse, gold speckled leaves. Fairly drought tolerant and grows in a wide range of soil types but does best in rich, moist soil |
5-9 |
Zebra Plant |
Aphelandra squarrosa |
12-18" |
Zebra Plants are extremely showy evergreen plants with pairs of shiny, 6"-9", lance shaped green leaves, boldly variegated with cream, white or silvery striped veins. Under ideal conditions, they can be persuaded to bloom. |
11-12 |

Zinnia |
Zinnia elegans |
6-40" |
Zinnias are easy to grow annual plants that produce an abundance of brightly colored 2-3" flowers through the summer months. They grow well in containers and make excellent cut flower arrangements. They dislike wet foliage. Can be easily grown from seed |