How to Grow and Care for Statice Flowers
Limonium sinuatum

Statice is a drought tolerant, tender perennial which is normally considered to be an annual plant. Statice has been cultivated since the mid 17th century, primarily as a garden flower, but also as an herb which was used for the treatment of dysentary as well as other ailments.
Statice produce their flowers from early summer until the first frost, in the brightly colored bracts that grow atop the stiff, angular, 1-2 foot stems. There are many different color combinations, but the main colors are white, purple, pink, yellow, blue and apricot. The foliage consists of 5-10 inch, lobed leaves which grow in a circular pattern along the ground.
Growing Requirements for Statice Plants
Statice should be planted 18"-24" apart in full sun in rich, well drained soil.
Add compost generously to the soil at planting time. Feed again in mid-August with a good all-purpose (10-10-10) fertilizer.
Growing Statice from Seed
Statice can be grown from seed sown directly in the garden after all frost danger has passed.
- Sow Statice seeds indoors in early Spring.
- Limonium seeds require complete darkness for germination so after you sow and water them, cover the pots (or tray) with a few layers of newspaper.
- If the seeds are kept warm at 70°-75°, they will begin to germinate in as little as 3-5 days.
- Once the majority of seeds have sprouted, remove the cover and move your plants to a sunny window.
- Thin and transplant the seedlings when the first 'true' leaves appear.
- Plant outdoors after all danger of frost has passed.
Drying Statice Flowers
- Cut your Statice with a 12-18 inch stem when the flower bracts are about 3/4 open.
- The remaining bracts will open as they dry.
- Hang the Statice upside down in a dark room with good air circulation.
- The flowers generally dry in 7-10 days.
- If the dried Statice flowers are kept out of direct sunlight, the colors will remain vibrant for years.
Statice Flowers - Limonium sinuatum