Common Name |
Botanical Name |
Height |
Plant Characteristics and Notes |
USDA Zones |
Growing Requirements Benefits |
African Daisies |
Osteospermum barberae |
12-18" |
Osteospermums should be grown in full sun, but they will tolerate some partial shade. They produce a steady supply of unique 2" spoon flowers from early spring until the first frost |
 6-9 |
Alfalfa |
Medicago sativa |
3 ft. |
Alfalfa is a nitrogen fixing, legumous member of the pea family which is used as feed for farm animals or as a cover crop. It produces clusters of small flowers |
4-7 |

Flowering Onion |
Allium species |
1-6 ft. |
Flowering Onions are bulb type plants with green, grass-like foliage. They produce hollow, leafless stems that are topped with 1"-5" flower clusters that can contain as many as 100 tiny, star shaped flowers. |
vary |
Alpine Columbine |
Aquilegia flabellata |
6-12" |
Violet with white flowers are borne on stiff stalks above the lacy bluish green foliage of the durable, self seeding Alpine Columbine |
3-9 |
Alpine Speedwell |
Veronica allionii |
8"x18" |
Groundcover, Rock Gardens, Containers, Lawn Substitute
This evergreen Veronica forms a tight mat of soft green foliage. An abundance of small spikes of light blue flowers arise in early summer. Mow or shear flower spikes down after bloom to keep neat. |
4-9 |
Alpine Speedwell |
Veronica alpina |
8"x18" |
Rock Gardens, Containers
Easy to grow creeping evergreen with 1"-2", glossy green or fuzzy gray foliage. Blooms mainly in spring, flowering on and off until fall, producing airy spikes of white, rose, pink, pale or deep blue flowers. |
3-8 |
Annual Aster |
Callistephus chinensis |
8-24" |
This annual plant is a native to Asia. The 2-4" flowers range in color from blue, white, red, yellow, or pink on 1'-3' stems. Do not plant annual varieties of Asters in the same are for more than two consecutive years to prevent Aster wilt. |

Australian Saltbush |
Atriplex semibaccata |
1--2 ft. |
The Creeping Saltbush is a low growing shrub from Australia with light green curly leaves. It will survive in areas where there is high levels of salt in the soil. Flowers in the summer are insignificant |
9-11 |

Azalea |
Rhododendron |
1-8 ft. |
Azaleas must be grown in an acid soil, with a pH of 5.0 to 6.5. The buds for next years blooms will be formed this year, so it important that the faded blooms are removed |
6-8 |
Bearded Iris |
Iris germanica |
6-48" |
Bearded Iris are a rhizomous type of Iris should be planted fertile, well drained soil where they will receive 5-8 hours of sun each day. They are available in almost every color imaginable. |
Hardy |
Bachelor's Button |
Centaurea cyanus |
18-36" |
Bachelor's Button is the annual version of the Mountain Cornflower. It is an easy to grow plant that quickly forms a nice clump. It begins producing it's bright flowers in late spring and will often continue blooming well into fall. Excellent for dried flowers and potpourri. |
Spotted Lungwort |
Pulmonaria officinalis |
8-12" |
Spotted Lungwort is a clumping, evergreen perennial that is known for its pretty, marbled foliage and brilliantly colored spikes of nodding flowers that appear in early spring and last for several weeks |
6-9 |
Bluebeard |
Caryopteris clandonensis |
2-3 ft. |
Bluebeard plants are low growing shrubs that are covered with fragrant, blue flowers in late summer and early fall. The silvery green, 1"-2" leaves have a light aroma of Eucalyptus when rubbed. Bluebeard flowers are a favorite food for butterflies and bees. |
5-9 |
Bluebell of Scotland |
Campanula rotundifolia |
1-3 ft. |
The Bluebell Bellflower is a clump forming perennial that, from June through September, produces multiple stems, each with a single nodding bell shaped flower. Campanula can be grown from seed or propagated by division. (Campanula comes from the Latin word campana, which means 'bell') |
3-9 |

Blue Bugleweed |
Ajuga genevensis |
4-6" |
Typical Ajuga with 8" blue flowers in the Spring. Deer Resistant ground cover |
3-9 |

Blue Carpet |
Campanula carpatica |
6-12" |
Blue or white bell shaped flowers through early Summer. |
5-9 |
Blue Corydalis |
Corydalis flexuosa |
12-18" |
Blue Corydalis is a slow growing, evergreen perennial that will eventually form a dense 18" clump of elegant, 12" tall, lace-like green foliage. Eighteen inch spikes of dangling, tubular, sky blue flowers will adorn the plant from late spring until fall in regions with cool summers |
5-9 |

Blue Eyed Grass |
Sisyrinchium brachypus |
4-6" |
Clumps of Iris like leaves; brightblue, star-shaped flowers June to September |
5-10 |
Blue Fescue |
Festuca glauca |
8-12" |
Blue Fescue is a durable plant that grows in clumping mounds of fine blue foliage. They tend to die out in the center after a couple years and will need to be divided |
4-9 |
Blue Flax |
Linum narbonense |
18" |
Clumps of soft green foliage, long lasting funnel shaped violet flowers in the Summer |
5-10 |
Blue Hill Sage |
Salvia superba |
12-15" |
Narrow erect plant with irregular leaves, spikes of intensely bluish purple flowers all Summer if spent flowers are removed. Drought tolerant, Prefers slightly alkaline soil |
4-8 |
Blue Lungwort |
Pulmonaria angustifolia |
8-12" |
Blue Lungwort is a clumping, deciduous perennial with an 'I'll grow anywhere' attitude. They have light green, lance shaped foliage and produce short clusters of brightly colored flowers for several weeks in early spring |
3-8 |
Blue Star Creeper |
Laurentia fluviatilis |
2-4" |
Blue Star Creeper is a fast growing, mat forming, light green walkonit ground cover. It covers itself with small star shaped flowers from May through June. Excellent filler between paving stones and in rock gardens |
5-9 |
Bugleweed |
Ajuga reptens |
4-6" |
Ajuga grows well in full shade to full sun and tolerates a wide range of soil conditions as long as soil is well drained. |
3-9 |
Butterfly bush |
Buddleia davidii |
6-15 ft. |
The Butterfly Bush is a fast growing, profuse blooming, deciduous shrub that will grow in almost any type of soil. Prune hard in early spring and remove spent flowers promptly. |
5-10 |
Butterfly Pea |
Clitoria ternata |
Butterfly Pea is a fast growing climber is a fairly common tender perennial species that produces two inch flowers in mid to late Summer. A quick cover for lattice, a trellis, arbors and chain-link fences |
10-11 |

Cardinal Flowers |
Lobelia cardinalis |
2-3 ft. |
The intensely bright red flower spikes of the Cardinal Flower serve as a beacon to the hummingbirds and butterflies who dine on the flower's nectar. The plant itself also acts as a host for some species of butterfly larvae |
3-9 |
Catmint |
Nepeta faassenii |
1-2 ft. |
Catmint is a compact, upright branching perennial that grows 1-2 feet tall with a spread of 18". From early summer into fall, Catmint plants produce long, loose spikes of pretty, ½" violet-blue flowers. Cats love it, and it repels Aphids! |
4-8 |
Chrysanthemum |
Chrysanthemum |
12-24" |
Chrysanthemums are just about the easiest of all of the perennials to grow. They should be planted in early spring after all danger of freezing, however they can be planted almost any time. Chrysanthemums are induced to bloom when the nights become longer than the days... |
4-9 |
Cineraria |
Pericallis cruenta |
12-24" |
Cineraria plants form 12"-24" tall, mounded clumps of large, lush, bright green leaves which create a nice accent for the vividly colored, 3"-5" flowers that stand above it in the spring and summer. |
 9-11 |
Clustered Bellflower |
Campanula glomerata |
12-24" |
Clustered Bellflowers are upright growing perennials with light green, fuzzy lance shaped foliage. They produce a cluster of one inch, vase shaped flowers atop 2 ft. stems all summer if the spent blossoms are removed promptly |
3-8 |
Columbine |
Aquilegia |
12-18" |
The Columbine is an easy plant to grow because it adapts itself to a wide variety of conditions. They are a favorite flower for hummingbirds, and are excellent additions to rock gardens or in a native woodland planting |
3-9 |
Creeping Mazus |
Mazus reptans |
1-3" |
These Cup Flowers are fast spreading ground cover plants that quickly form a dense mass of jagged light green foliage. Covers itself with pretty, orchid-like flowers in the late spring. Good for planting between pavers or as a carpet-like border planting |
5-9 |

Creeping Speedwell |
Veronica prostrata |
6"x24" |
Groundcover, Rock Gardens, Borders,
Woody, mat forming plant with coarsely serrated edges. Produces loose spikes of small blue, star shaped flowers in early summer. Deadhead spent flowers for a rebloom in early fall. Drought tolerant once established. |
5-9 |

Creeping Speedwell |
Veronica repens |
1"x18" |
Groundcover, Rock Gardens
Forms a fast growing, spreading evergreen mat of small, glossy green leaves. Produces small, pale blue or white flowersall spring. Ideal for growing between flagstones. |
5-9 |
Cup and Saucer Bellflower |
Campanula calacanthema |
8-12" |
There are about three hundred different species of Campanula. This annual variety prefers full sun and rich, well drained soil and should be kept well watered, especially when in bloom. |
Cup Flower |
Nierembergia |
6-9" |
Cup Flowers are long lasting annual plants that produces hundreds of 1", upturned star shaped flowers from late spring until mid fall. It is great for hanging baskets and planters or as a quick ground cover |
Cupid's Dart |
Catananche caerulea |
18-24" |
Cupid's Darts are short lived perennials that form 12" clumps of 18"-24", narrow grey-green leaves that radiate out from the root crown. The single, 1"-2" flower heads appear atop leafless upright stems from early summer until fall.
4-8 |
Dahlias |
Dahlia |
1-6 ft. |
With a blast of different colors, shapes and sizes, Dahlias bring life and beauty back to your landscape in late summer and into the fall months. The flowers can be as small as 2 inches or up to a foot in diameter. |
7-11 |
Delphinium |
Delphinium x elatum |
2-6 ft. |
Delphiniums are stately, elegant plants that form mounds of maple-like or deeply serrated, dark green foliage. They produce tall spikes of showy flowers in late spring through to mid summer. Delphiniums range in size from less than 2 feet tall to towering 6 ft. spikes of cup shaped blossoms. |
3-9 |

Dutch Iris |
Iris reticulata |
6-10" |
Dutch Iris should be grown in rich, well draining soil with 5-8 hours of sun each day. Dutch Iris bulbs can be forced into bloom at any time of the year with no chilling, should be fed every 2 weeks |
3-10 |
English Lavender |
Lavandula |
12-24 |
English Lavender is an evergreen, upright clumping perennial with bluish green, grass-like foliage. The small, fragrant flowers are held in long spikes at the top of the stems. For dried flowers, cut when the spikes first show color but the flowers are not fully open and hang inverted, in a cool dry place |
6-9 |
Eucalyptus |
Eucalyptus |
1-180 ft. |
Eucalyptus plants come in a number of varieties ranging from low growing shrubs to 180 ft. giants. Most varieties are evergreen but may shed their leaves in severe droughts. They bear fluffy little flowers in late spring to early summer |
8-11 |
Fairy Fan Flower |
Scaevola aemula |
8-12" |
Fan Flower plants are fast growing tender evergreen perennials that only grow 8"-12" tall but will spread up to 5 feet. Fan Flowers are sprawling plants with light green, coarsely toothed foliage. The 1"-1½" flowers are produced in abundance from spring through fall. |
9-11 |

Floss Flower |
Ageratum |
6-24" |
Ageratum is known for its furry mounds of long lasting floss-like blue flowers, occasionally you can find them in white and pink. Deadhead regularly for continued bloom |
Forget-me-not |
Myosotis palustris |
3-8" |
Dense mat of small green leaves covered with tiny blue flowers. |
3-9 |

Fuchsia |
Fuchsia |
1-4 ft. |
Fuchsia care is often determined by where you live and your climate. Fuchsias can be seed grown or struck from softwood cuttings. Not all varieties are hardy |
7-10 |

Gayfeather |
Liatris spicata |
1-3 ft. |
The Gayfeather, Liatris spicata is an interesting perennial plant which produces a 1-3 foot tall spike of bright purplish-pink or white flowers in late June to early fall. Liatris are easily grown from seeds |
3-10 |

Gentian Speedwell |
Veronica gentianoides |
18"x18" |
Rock Gardens, Borders, Containers
Easy to grow, compact mat forming evergreen with deep green, glossy foliage. Produces loose, 10" spikes of powder blue to white flowers in late spring to mid-summer. Tolerates periods of wet soil. |
4-9 |

Geranium |
Pelargonium hortorum |
8-12" |
Geraniums are among the most popular flowering plants. They belong to a large family of sun loving annuals and tender perennials so should be planted outdoors where they will receive at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight daily, but only after all danger of frost is past and the soil has warmed. |
 9-11 |
Glory of the Snow |
Chionodoxa luciliae |
4-6" |
Narrow green leaves; stalk of 10-12 loose, star shaped, bright
blue flowers with white centers in early Spring |
4-9 |
Goat's Rue |
Galega officinalis |
3-5 ft. |
Light green, lance shaped foliage with spikes of pink pea-like flowers in mid-Summer |
5-10 |
Grape Hyacinth |
Muscari |
5-8" |
Grape Hyacinths are small, long lived bulbs that look their best when planted in masses. They need twelve weeks of winter's chilling (below 50°) in order to bloom in the spring. Grape Hyacinth can be forced into bloom at any time of the year |
3-9 |
Ground Morning Glory |
Convolvulus mauritanicus |
1 ft. |
Ground Morning Glories are drought resistant, evergreen perennials that are useful as ground covers, rock gardens and border plantings. They have fuzzy grayish green leaves and pretty, funnel shaped lavender blue flowers in the Summer |
7-9 |
Ground Ivy |
Glechoma hederacea |
2-3" |
Ground Ivy is an aggressively growing, evergreen ground cover. It will survive almost anywhere that there is sufficient moisture. The five inch spikes of tiny orchid-like flowers appear continuously from March through July |
Hardy |
Hollyhock |
Althaea rosea |
3-7 ft. |
Hollyhocks are easy to start from seed. The towering spikes host dozens of white, yellow, pink, red or crimson flowers from mid Summer until late Fall |
Hungarian Speedwell |
Veronica austriaca |
12"x18" |
Groundcover, Rock Gardens, Borders, Containers
Mound forming evergreen with 1"-2", oval, deep green leaves. Six inch spikes of intensely colored, deep blue flowers appear in summer and last for 3-4 weeks. |
5-9 |
Hydrangea |
Hydrangea macrophylla |
4-10 |
Hydrangeas need an abundance of water (hydrangea means water tub in Greek), partial to full sun,and very rich soil. Spent Hydrangea flowers should be removed as soon as possible to allow the plant to direct it's strength to growing and producing new buds. |
8-11 |
Impatiens |
Impatiens |
12" |
Impatiens are colorful, easy to grow annuals that are especially great for adding bright color spots in the shady areas of your garden. Can be grown as a house plant. Can be easily grown from seed |
Italian alkanet |
Anchusa italica |
3-4 ft. |
Italian alkanet is a stout and durable member of the Forget-me-not family. It has hairy 6" leaves and produces spikes of "true blue" flowers in June and July |
3-9 |
Ivy Geranium |
Pelargonium peltatum |
The Ivy Leaved Geranium is a frost tender, climbing and trailing, semi succulent perennial that produces clusters of orchid-like flowers at the vine tips all summer. Good in hanging baskets. They can be propagated by softwood cuttings or grown from seed |
 9-11 |

Jacob's Ladder |
Polemonium |
6-36" |
Clump forming perennials that grow in swirling rosettes of bright green or variegated, fern-like foliage. Produces loose clusters of tubular or bell shaped flowers. Plants go completely dormant in the winter but quickly re-emerge in early spring. |
2-9 |

Japanese Iris |
Iris japonica |
12-24" |
The foliage of the Japanese Iris resembles that of a Daylily more than of other Iris but the flowers are unmistakably Iris. Japanese Iris produces masses of blooms in late spring |
Hardy |
Kangaroo Lobelia |
Dampiera diversifolia |
3" |
Kangaroo Lobelia is a creeping perennial herb from Australia that produces masses of bright purplish blue flowers in spring and summer. This plant is useful as a ground cover or container plant |
8-10 |
Korean Feather Reed Grass |
Calamagrostis brachytricha |
2-3 ft. |
This Feather Reed is a slow spreading, clump forming, narrow foliaged grass that produces plumes of pink flowers in late summer |
4-9 |
Lantana |
Lantana camara Lantana montevidensis |
1-4 ft. |
Lantanas are fast growing, shrubby, spreading or trailing evergreen plants that grow from one to four feet tall. Lantana plants produce flat-topped 2" clusters of bright, multi-colored tubular flowers in the summer and fall. |
7-11 |
Lisianthus |
Eustoma grandiflorum |
8-24" |
Lisianthus are biennial or short lived tender perennial wildflowers that are native to the high prairies from the southwest part of the United States to northern South America. Lisianthus form small clumps of sturdy, upright, 18"-24" stems topped with a cluster of 2"-3", bell shaped flowers. |
9-11 |
Lithodora |
Lithodora prostrata |
4-6" |
A fuzzy foliaged, creeping form of Lithodora. It is useful as a ground cover and for border plantings. It produces masses of deep blue (sometimes bi-color), star shaped flowers in early Spring |
6-8 |

Lithodora 'Grace Ward' |
Lithodora diffusa |
6-12" |
Lithodora is a fuzzy foliaged, evergreen mini-shrub that is useful as a ground cover and for border plantings. It produces masses of deep blue (sometimes bi-color), funnel shaped flowers in early Spring |
6-10 |

Lupine |
Lupinus |
12-36" |
Lupines are upright, mound forming annual or perennial wildflowers with large green, lance shaped leaves and spikes of brightly colored sweet pea-like flowers from June to August. Can be easily grown from seed Beware of slugs! |
 3-8 |
Meadow Cranesbill |
Geranium pratense |
36" |
Shiny green foliage turns bronze in the Fall, 1" saucer shaped flowers in mid_Summer |
5-9 |
Meadow Sage |
Salvia nemorosa |
3 ft. |
Narrow erect plant with irregular leaves, spikes of small purple to white blooms in the Summer. Prefers slightly alkaline soil |
5-10 |
Milkweed |
Asclepias speciosa |
2-3 ft. |
Milkweed is a deciduous American wildflower with large, wooly, greyish green leaves. They produce clusters of brightly colored, uniquely shaped flowers from late spring until late summer which turn into large, pointed seed pods |
3-9 |
Milky Bellflower |
Campanula lactiflora |
2-5 ft. |
Large clumping plant with tall spikes of bell shaped purple/blue flowers in Summer |
5-9 |
Mint |
Mentha |
6-24" |
Mint plants are fragrant, easy to grow, sometimes invasive, drought tolerant perennials that range from low growing ground covers to two foot uprights. Flowers should be snipped away to strengthen the stems. |
3-10 |

Monkshood |
Aconitum napellus |
3 ft. |
Monkshood closely resembles Delphiniums in both foliage and flower. It has deeply divided green foliage and tall spikes of dark blue, purple or white flowers |
3-9 |

Morning Glory |
Ipomoea species |

10-20 ft. |
Morning Glories are very fast growing vines that are capable of growing 10 feet or more within the first two months. They readily reseed themselves for the next year. Morning Glory vines may become invasive |
Mountain Cornflower |
Centaurea montana |
24-36" |
The Mountain Cornflower is an easy to grow, upright perennial which forms large clumps which typically reach three feet tall. It begins producing it's bright flowers in late spring and will often continue blooming well into fall. |
3-9 |
Mountain Speedwell |
Veronica montana |
3"x12" |
Groundcover, Rock Gardens, Borders, Containers
Spreading, mound forming groundcover with small, variegated, cream and green leaves with scalloped edges. Produces small clusters and tiny lilac flowers in late spring into early summer. |
3-9 |
Painted Nettle |
Coleus blumei |
8-24" |
Coleus plants are durable and easy to grow. They are best known for their bright colors, and variety of foliage forms |
Panakenake |
Pratia angulata |
2-6 |
Panakenake is known by many names including Creeping Pratia. It is a fast growing, spreading, fine foliaged ground cover from New Zealand. It will be covered with small flowers from early spring until fall. |
7-9 |
Pasque Flower |
Pulsatilla vulgaris |
9"-12" |
In early spring, Pasque Flower plants produce large, 3"-4", violet purple, pink or sometimes white flowers with bold, contrasting yellow centers which, as they begin to fade, are followed by finely dissected, silvery green, fern-like foliage.
4-8 |
Peony |
Paeonia lactiflora |
1-3 ft. |
Peony clumps may survive for up to as long as 50 years, so it is advisable to prepare the site very thoroughly before planting. Once they have become established in the garden, they are reasonably free from maintenance and problems. Peonies can be propagated by division |
3-8 |
Periwinkle |
Vinca |
6" |
Periwinkles are fast growing, evergreen ground cover plants with opposing pairs of glossy dark green or variegated, oblong to lance shaped, 1½"-3" leaves. They produce an abundance of single, 1"-2" funnel shaped flowers with five flared and flattened petals. |
7-10 |
Petunia |
Petunia hybrida |
12-18" |
Petunias have long been the most popular flowering annual for planting in hanging baskets, window boxes and for border plantings. There are many single and double flowering varieties available. Can be easily grown from seed |

Phlox |
Phlox subulata |
4-6" |
Mat growing fine foliage with masses of 1 inch, fragrant, star shaped flowers (white, blue, pink or red) in Spring |
3-10 |

Plantain lily |
Hosta |
9-24" |
Decorative, large clumps of lush foliage and spikes of lily shaped flowers later in summer. A hummingbird favorite flower |
3-9 |
Pincushion Flower |
Scabiosa columnaria |
1-2 ft. |
The Pincushion Flower is a long blooming, clump forming perennial. From early summer until the first frost of fall, Pincushion Flowers produce an abundance of rounded, 1½" flowerheads on top of wirey, 12"-24" stems. |
4-8 |
Plecostachys |
Plecostachys serpyllifolia |
1-2 ft. |
Plecostachys is a sturdy and drought tolerant, low growing shrub from South Africa. It has dense, very fine textured, light green or light grey foliage and produces Yarrow like flowers from mid summer to early fall |
9-11 |

Plumbago |
Plumbago |
6-8 ft. |
Plumbago is a semi-tender perennial, evergreen shrub that produces Clusters of phlox-like light blue flowers on new growth throughout the year. Can be trained to cover trellises or fences and may be grown in containers. Prune in late winter |
8-11 |
Polka Dot Plant |
Hypoestes phyllostachya |
1-2 ft. |
Originally Polka Dots were known for the bright pink spots which covered their dark green foliage. Now you can also find hybrids with bright red or white spotting. |

10-11 |

Poor Man's Orchid |
Schizanthus wisetonensis |
1-2 ft. |
The colorful orchid like flowers of the Butterfly Flower contrast beautifully against the soft, feathery foliage of this annual. Schizanthus dislike extremes of heat or cold, preferring cool and moist conditions. |

Primrose |
Primula |
6-12" |
Hundreds of species and varieties suitable for a wide range of garden uses. Dwarf varieties are best for rock gardens |
vary |
Rosemary |
Rosmarinus officinalis |
2-6 ft. |
Rosemary is a tender evergreen shrub which does best with at least four hours of direct sunlight each day. In warm climates, rosemary should be planted outdoors in well-drained soil and full sun, spacing plants 2 to 3 feet apart. In cold climates, grow your rosemary plant in a pot so it may be brought indoors during winter, where it should be placed in a sunny window or under flourescent grow lights. |
8-10 |

Rough-leaf Hydrangea |
Hydrangea aspera |
10-12 ft. |
Hydrangea aspera will grow 10 to 12 feet tall with an 8-10 foot spread. This deciduous shrub has very large leaves that are greyish-green with a fuzzy texture on the top, and light green below. In the summer and early fall, they produce large, 10"-12", flattened flowerheads. |
7-10 |

Sage |
Salvia officinalis |
2-3 ft. |
Sage is a short lived evergreen shrub with fuzzy, greyish green leaves. Camphor scented, purplish blue flowers appear in mid-summer. Sage is used in cooking, cosmetics and herbal remedies |
5-11 |
Scarlet Sage |
Salvia splendens |
3-5 ft. |
Scarlet Sage is a frost tender perennial that is usually grown as an annual. It blooms in various colors including scarlet, purple, orange, lavender and yellow. Remove old flowers for repeat blooms. |
Siberian Squill |
Scilla siberica |
6-8 |
Scilla are bulbous perennial plants that is evergreen where hardy. Leaves are lance-shaped, upright and fleshy. It produces spikes of blue bell-shaped flowers in the spring. |
3-9 |

Sea Holly |
Eryngium bourgatii |
1 ft. |
Sea Holly is a uniquely ornamental perennial plant that is among the favorites of many varieties of butterfly. The prickly foliage of this plant is variegated green and white. The steel blue, thistle like flowers form atop a two foot spike. |
4-8 |

Siberian Iris |
Iris siberica |
12-18" |
Siberian Irises are very durable and extremely hardy. They typically bloom in late May and into June. Siberian Iris should be divided every 3-4 years to ensure a quality show of blooms. |
4-9 |
Snowbell |
Soldanella alpina |
6" |
Clump forming, rounded leathery leaves; pale purple, fringed bells appear in early Spring |
5-9 |
Spiderwort |
Tradescantia x andersoniana |
18-24" |
Spiderworts are clump forming perennials that from early through mid-summer continuously produce butterfly attracting, 1"-1½", three petaled, triangular, flowers on stems that rise slightly above the narrow, strap-like foliage.
4-9 |

Spike Speedwell |
Veronica spicata |
24"x36" |
Containers, Cut Flowers
Compact, spreading, clump forming plant with deep green or silvery, felt-like foliage. Produces 12" airy spikes of tiny flowers all summer. Remove spent flower spikes regularly to extend blooming season. |
6-10 |
Statice |
Limonium sinuatum |
12-18" |
Statice has been cultivated since the mid 17th century as a garden flower, but also as an herb which was used for the treatment of dysentary as well as other ailments. Statice produces its flowers from early summer until frost, in the brightly colored bracts which grow atop the stiff, angular, 1-2 foot stems. |
 10-12 |
Sweet Pea |
Lathyrus odoratus |
Sweet Peas have long been a favorite of gardeners because of the wonderful fragrance of the large clusters of colorful flowers that grace these annual vines all summer. |
Tall Speedwell |
Veronica longifolia |
36"x18" |
Containers, Cut Flowers
Deciduous, clump forming plant with soft, deep green foliage with serrated edges. Produces long lasting, dense, 6" spikes of tiny flowers from late spring until mid summer. Cut plant back to 12" after blooming for a repeat show in the fall. |
6-10 |
Texas Bluebonnet |
Lupinus texensis |
12-24" |
The Texas Bluebonnet is an upright, mound forming perennial wildflower with large green, lance shaped leaves and spikes of blue, sweet pea-like flowers in late spring. Can be easily grown from seed |
3-8 |
Trailing African Daisy |
Osteospermum fruticosum |
8-12" |
The Trailing African Daisy is a tender perennial, grown as an annual in most areas. It will rapidly spread to cover a 2-3 ft. area with its light green, two inch foliage. It will produce masses of pretty, daisy-like flowers sporadically throughout the year. Deadhead for more blooms |
 9-10 |
Trailing Petunia |
Calibrachoa |
6-8" |
Calibracoa shares most of the features of a Petunia, except everything is shrunk down to about one fourth the size. Trailing Petunias are easy to care for, fast growing plants that will produce an abundance of Petunia-like blooms all summer long. |
 9-11 |
Trillium |
Trillium grandiflorum |
8-24" |
Trilliums are shade loving, spring blooming perennial woodland wildflowers. They have three dark green, single layer leaves below a green three leaf whorl, below their large three petal flower. Trilliums will most likely perish if their foliage is cut from the plant |
3-7 |

Trumpet Gentian |
Gentiana acaulis |
2-4" |
Mat of glossy 1 inch green leaves; disproportionate 3 inch, blue trumpet flowers in early Summer |
3-9 |
Turkish Speedwell |
Veronica liwanensis |
3"x24" |
Groundcover, Rock Gardens, Lawn Substitute
Tough, drought tolerant evergreen, mat forming plant with tiny, glossy, evergreen leaves that turn reddish bronze in hot sun. Covers itself with clusters of bright blue flowers all summer. Tolerates occasional walking. Requires good drainage |
5-9 |

Violets |
Viola sp |
2-6" |
Violets are dainty little self seeding versions of the Pansy. Their seeds can be directly sown into the garden at anytime from spring through fall, but the seeds need darkness and 70° to germinate |
 4-8 |

Water Lily |
Nymphaea species |
18-36" |
There are about fifty species of Water Lily plants. Water Lilies are tuberous growing plants that can be planted in pots and submerged in your pond or even in a tub on your patio, where they will send up round, floating leaves and beautiful, sometimes fragrant, star shaped flowers to the surface. |
Varies |
Wild Lilac |
Ceanothus cuneatus |
4-8 ft. |
The Wild Lilac or Buckbrush is a drought tolerant shrub, native to the west coast. The sprays of white to light blue flowers are very fragrant in late Spring |
6-10 |
Windflower |
Anemone pulsatilla |
8-12" |
Fernlike foliage follows the pretty blue flowers in May |
4-9 |

Wisteria |
Wisteria frutescens |
Wisteria is a hardy deciduous vine that produces massive clusters of fragrant lavender or white blooms in late spring. Wisteria can be pruned to form large shrub or small tree |
5-9 |