Common Name |
Botanical Name |
Height |
Plant Characteristics and Notes |
USDA Zones |
Growing Requirements Benefits |
African Daisy |
Arctotis x hybrida |
1-2 ft. |
African Daisies typically have bold, beautiful foliage and large, 3"-4", intensely colored flowers with bright centers. The foliage is grey to silvery green and coated with soft, downy silver hairs. The flowers close at night. |
Alpine Poppy |
Papaver alpinum |
6-10" |
This short lived, miniature version of the Iceland Poppy readily reseeds itself. It produces saucer shaped 1" white, yellow or peach flowers in mid summer |
4-9 |

Avens |
Geum chiloense |
16-18" |
Geums form 16"-18" tall, spreading mounds of evergreen, coarsly textured, dark green leaves. From May until July they produce leafy, 24" branching stems that hold intensely colored, solitary, 1"-1¾" flowers or small clusters of smaller, brightly colored flowers. |
5-9 |
Azalea |
Rhododendron |
1-8 ft. |
Azaleas must be grown in an acid soil, with a pH of 5.0 to 6.5. The buds for next years blooms will be formed this year, so it important that the faded blooms are removed |
6-8 |
Beach Daisy |
Asteriscus maritimus |
12" |
Beach Daisies are low growing evergreen plants that grow 1 ft. tall with a 3-4 ft. spread. They have leathery, slightly fuzzy, silvery green foliage, and for 6-8 months of the year will cover themselves with 1"-1½", bright yellow Daisy flowers. |
9-11 |
Bearded Iris |
Iris germanica |
6-48" |
Bearded Iris are a rhizomous type of Iris should be planted fertile, well drained soil where they will receive 5-8 hours of sun each day. They are available in almost every color imaginable. |
Hardy |
Bird of Paradise |
Strelitzia reginae |
4-5 ft. |
Bird of Paradise plants are evergreen perennials with large paddle shaped leaves, that are grown for their spectacular flowers. They can be grown from seed, which take up to 18 months to germinate, or they can be propagated by division. Can be grown as a house plant |
8-11 |

Bitter Root |
Lewisia cotyledon |
4-6" |
Bitter Root plants produce clusters of 1" flowers on 10" stems in shades of white to pink or gold, occasionally with red and white stripes from spring to early summer. Easily hybridized Rock Garden plant.
Lewisias can be grown as house plants. |
5-8 |
Black Eyed Susan |
Rudbeckia hirta |
24-36 |
The Black Eyed Susan is most commonly an annual wildflower, but some varieties are perennial or biennial. These native prairie flowers can be found growing wild in almost every state. These bright, daisy like flowers are excellent to use in cut flower arrangements. Deadheading spent flowers will prolong the blooming period considerably. |
3-8 |
Black Eyed Susan Vine |
Thunbergia alata |
6-20 ft. |
The Black-Eyed Susan Vine is an evergreen, twining vine, most often grown as a long blooming annual. Black-Eyed Susan Vines have dark green, arrowhead-shaped, 3" leaves. They produce a profusion of brightly colored, 1½" bell-shaped flowers from early summer, well into the fall. |

9-12 |
Blanket flower |
Gaillardia grandiflora |
1-3 ft. |
Blanket flowers are clumping upright perennials with light green foliage. Their Daisy-like flowers appear in mid summer and are up to four inches in diameter. Blanket Flowers are easily grown from seeds |
4-10 |

Blue Clumping Wheatgrass |
Elymus magellanicus |
1-2 ft. |
Blue Clumping Wheatgrass is a clump forming plant with bright metallic blue foliage, producing taller stems of small blue flowers in early summer |
5-9 |
Bougainville |
Bougainvillea |
2-20 ft. |
Bougainvillias produce some of the showiest display of colors of all vines. Most cultivars have an upright growth habit, but there are many shrubby varieties and creeping types as well. |
9-10 |

Brazilian Plume Flower |
Justicia carnea |
3-5 ft. |
The Brazilian Plume Flower is a shade loving, tropical evergreen perennial shrub with large deep green leaves.
It produces a never ending show of large spikes of brightly colored, tubular flowers from spring to fall. |
9-10 |

Butterfly Weed |
Asclepias tuberosa |
2 ft. |
Butterfly Weed is a perennial wildflower, native to the United States. This upright growing plant has long fuzzy foliage and produces fragrant, bright orange flowers atop 3 ft. stems in July and August |
4-10 |

Canna Lily |
Canna generalis |
3-6 ft |
Canna is a rhizomous growing plant that is known for their large, thick leaves that unfurl like those of the Banana plant. Intensely colored, three petaled flowers emerge from the top of 3-8 ft. spikes in mid summer. Dig and store rhizomes in colder areas. They can be grown in containers |
8-11 |

Cape Fuchsia |
Phygelius capensis |
3-5 ft. |
Phygelius are completely unrelated to Fuchsias. They are actually relatives of Foxgloves and Penstemons |
7-9 |

Chilean Mitre Flowers |
Mitraria coccinea |
6 ft. |
The Chilean Mitre Flower is a gorgeous creeping and climbing, plant with glossy, dark green leaves arranged in pairs along woody stems. They produce an abundance of intensely colored, scarlet-orange, tubular 1½" flowers with a soft, velvety texture. |
9-11 |
Christmas Kalanchoe |
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana |
8"-12" |
Christmas Kalanchoes are easy to grow, winter blooming plants with waxy, green, scalloped edged leaves, and clusters of tiny, brightly colored flowers that continue for 6 weeks or longer. Most Kalanchoes that are commonly available today are dwarf hybrids that only reach 8"-12" tall. |
9-12 |

Chrysanthemum |
Chrysanthemum |
12-24" |
Chrysanthemums are just about the easiest of all of the perennials to grow. They should be planted in early spring after all danger of freezing, however they can be planted almost any time. Chrysanthemums are induced to bloom when the nights become longer than the days... |
4-9 |
Cigar Plant |
Cuphea cyanea |
2-3 ft. |
The Cigar Plant or Black Eyed Cuphea as it is also known, form two foot tall mounds of lance-shaped, bright green leaves with brittle stems. They produce foot long sprays of tubular, orangish-red to pink, 1"-1½" flowers with two tiny black petals. |
 10-12 |
Cigarette Plant |
Cuphea ignea |
2-3 ft. |
The Cigarette Flower plant is sometimes called a Firecracker Plant. They have small, lance shaped, glossy green leaves that form tight mounds and tubular, petal-less, bright orange-red, ¾"-1¼" flowers. |
 10-12 |
Cockscomb |
Celosia Argentea |
12-16" |
Plumosa cultivar flowers resemble plume like feathers, while Cristata flowers looks like a rooster's comb with crested heads and ridges. Low maintenance, good for dried flowers |
Coral Bells |
Heuchera sanguinea |
12-18" |
Coral Bells are compact growing, 18" mounding, evergreen plants that offer a growing variety of outstanding foliage colors in shades of purple, rose, lime green, gold as well as many striking variegations. |
6-9 |
Cosmos |
Cosmos bipinnatus |
3-5 ft. |
Cosmos are extremely heat and drought tolerant. They prefer full sun and do well in poor, infertile soil. Cosmos plants come in a rainbow of summer blooming flower colors |
Crown Imperial |
Fritillaria imperialis |
3-4 ft. |
Crown Imperials are impressive, spring flowering bulbs that have been cultivated since the 16th century. Once the stalk begins to emerge in mid-spring, it grows very quickly to a height of 3-4 feet and adorns itself with a crown of nodding, bell shaped flowers topped with a tuft of bright, glossy green leaves. |
5-9 |

Dahlias |
Dahlia |
1-6 ft. |
With a blast of different colors, shapes and sizes, Dahlias bring life and beauty back to your landscape in late summer and into the fall months. The flowers can be as small as 2 inches or up to a foot in diameter. |
7-11 |
Daylily |
Hemerocallis |
10-24" |
Daylilies produce an abundance of flowers which open over a long period of time.
They are useful in the perennial flower border, as a garden centerpiece, or any corner of the garden which needs to be brightened up. Daylilies can be propagated by division |
3-9 |
Dusty Miller |
Senecio cineraria |
12-24" |
Dusty Miller are compact, mound forming, evergreen perennial plants that are grown as annuals in cooler regions. They are great for borders or as companion plantings for brightly colored annual flowers. Excellent for growing in containers. |
8-11 |

Easter Cactus |
Rhipsalidopsis |
6-12" |
Like the Christmas and Thanksgiving Cactus, Easter or Spring Cactus, as they are also known, are epiphytic plants that are native to the tropical jungles of Brazil. Easter Cactus have been vigorously hybridized |
9-12 |
Echeveria imbricata |
Echeveria imbricata |
6-12" |
Echeveria imbricata is a rosette forming succulent plant that is perfect for dry, sunny locations. It produces spikes of clustered flowers in early summer. Mature specimens readily form offsets |
8-11 |
English Marigold |
Calendula officinalis |
6"-24" |
The English Marigold is a bright and cheery plant that produces 3"-5" blooms all summer from June until frost. They are very fast and easy to grow and are easily grown from seeds. Herbal and Medicinal uses of the English Marigold Plant |

Exbury Azalea |
Rhododendron |
4-12 ft. |
Deciduous Exbury Azaleas bloom in late spring or early summer, producing clusters of 7-18 large, 2"-3", often very fragrant, often bi-colored flowers in shades of yellow, orange, pink, red and white. |
5-9 |
Firecracker Flower |
Crossandra infundibuliformis |
2 ft. |
Firecracker Flowers are upright growing, tender perennials that are usually grown as house plants. They have bright green, glossy foliage and produce spikes of brightly colored flowers. Provide extra humidity by setting planter on top of a tray filled with moist stones |
10-12 |

Flame vine |
Pyrostegia venusta |
Flame Vines are fast growing, branching, evergreen vines that produce massive clusters of bright orange tubular flowers in late winter and early spring. Excellent fence cover |
9-11 |

Flowering Quince |
Chaenomeles speciosa |
3-10 ft. |
Flowering Quince is a twiggy, rounded upright deciduous shrub. The 1" foliage opens to a beautiful reddish bronze color before turning dark green by mid summer. Showy cup shaped flowers cover each stem in the spring before turning to an edible fruit by summers end |
4-8 |
Freesia |
Freesia x hybrida |
12-18" |
Freesias are tender, brightly flowered, easy to care for bulbs that can be grown in the garden, in planters, or as a house plant in a sunny, cool room.
Their fragrant, 2" flowers open over a long blooming period, in sequence along arching, wirey stems. |
9-10 |

Geranium |
Pelargonium hortorum |
8-12" |
Geraniums are among the most popular flowering plants. They belong to a large family of sun loving annuals and tender perennials so should be planted outdoors where they will receive at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight daily, but only after all danger of frost is past and the soil has warmed. |
 9-11 |
Gladiola |
Gladiolus |
12-36" |
The Gladiola is an easy care, erect growing, corm type plant that produces a tall spike of dramatic, brightly colored flowers in mid to late summer. Dig and store rhizomes in colder areas. |
8-11 |

Gloxinia |
8-12" |
Sinningia hybridus |
Gloxinias come in a wide range of colors, with variations in both foliage and flower forms. They are tuberous plants which are usually grown as houseplants, but may also be grown in containers in a shaded part of the garden. |
10-12 |

Helen's Flower |
Helenium autumnale |
5 ft. |
Branching, leafy stems with yellow, orange or reddish Daisy-like flowers in the Fall |
3-9 |
Honeysuckle |
Lonicera |
Honeysuckle are easy to grow, vigorous, heat-tolerant, and nearly indestructible. The flashy, fragrant flowers will attract hummingbirds and butterflies all summer long. The resulting fruit will provide a fall treat for your local songbirds as well. |
4-10 |
Impatiens |
Impatiens |
12" |
Impatiens are colorful, easy to grow annuals that are especially great for adding bright color spots in the shady areas of your garden. Can be grown as a house plant. Can be easily grown from seed |
Fire Lily |
Clivia miniata |
12-18" |
Clivias will bloom better and more consistently when they are pot bound. The seeds MUST be removed from the pods and planted while they are still fresh. |
10-11 |
Lantana |
Lantana camara Lantana montevidensis |
1-4 ft. |
Lantanas are fast growing, shrubby, spreading or trailing evergreen plants that grow from one to four feet tall. Lantana plants produce flat-topped 2" clusters of bright, multi-colored tubular flowers in the summer and fall. |
7-11 |
Larkspur |
Consolida ambigua |
1-5 ft. |
Larkspur is a low maintenance, upright growing annual with many stems of sparsely covered with light green, needle-like foliage topped with a spire of brightly colored flowers throughout the summer. Remove spent blooms to prolong flowering. |
Leopard Plant |
Ligularia |
2-3 ft. |
Ligularias are unusual, old world perennials with big leaves with long leaf stalks and unique daisy-like flowers. They are excellent specimen plants for growing in tubs, boggy areas or along the banks of stream or pond. The ideal location for growing most Ligularias is in a bog garden with fertile, humus-rich soil in partial shade. |
4-9 |
Bitter Root |
Lewisia cotyledon |
4-6" |
Bitter Root plants produce clusters of 1" flowers on 10" stems in shades of white to pink or gold, occasionally with red and white stripes from spring to early summer. Easily hybridized Rock Garden plant.
Lewisias can be grown as house plants. |
5-8 |
Lotus Vine | Lotus maculatus |
The Lotus Vine is a semi hardy hanging or ground crawling vine that is most often grown as an annual plant. The foliage consists of fine, 1-2", silvery blue needle like leaves. Produces lots of bright, 'parrot beak' shaped flowers in late spring and early summer. Excellent for hanging baskets or to cascade down a rockery |
 9-11 |
Marguerite Daisy |
Argyranthemum frutescens |
1-3 ft. |
Marguerite Daisies are easy to grow, tender perennials that are usually grown as annual plants. They produce masses of fragrant, 1-2", Chrysanthemum-like flowers from mid spring until mid fall that attract many types of butterflies |

Marigold |
Tagetes |
8-36" |
Marigolds are one of the easiest of all plants to grow and care for, making them a perfect plant for teaching young children about growing and gardening. These spunky little plants are only hardy in zones 9-11 so they are normally grown as annual bedding plants. |
Mexican Daisy |
Erigeron karvinskianus |
6-15" |
Mexican Daisies are a readily trailing perennial that produce abundant white daisy-like flowers that turn to pink as they age. Excellent as a ground cover or in rock gardens |
8-10 |
Mme. Galen's Trumpet Creeper |
Campsis x tagliabuana |
Mme. Galen's Trumpet Creeper is a cross between Campsis radicans and Campsis grandiflora with large dark green serrated leaves and bright reddish orange flowers. t thrives in poor soil and in partial shade |
6-9 |
Monkey Flower |
Mimulus hybridus |
1 ft. |
The Monkey Flower is a colorful, easy to grow addition to the shaded areas of your garden. This plant grows well in containers and can be grown as a house plant |

Montbretia |
Crocosmia |
2-4 Ft. |
Crocosmia are easy to grow, corm type plants that are related to the Iris. They produce a stalk of brilliantly colored, tube shaped flowers that open sequentially up the stem from July until the first hard frost. They can be grown, but not over-wintered in containers |
5-8 |
Moss Rose |
Portulaca Grandiflora |
4-8 |
Moss Rose is a quick growing succulent annual. Portulaca seeds should be sown outside after your last frost has passed. Seeds will germinate within 10-15 days. |
Nasturtium |
Tropaeolum majus |
Once established, Nasturtiums take little or no care. As they spread and grow, their foliage resembles a sea of tiny lily pad leaves topped with brightly colored, edible blossoms. Can be easily grown from seed |

Nemesia |
Nemesia strumosa |
10-12" |
Nemesias are brightly colored annual plants that quickly grow to a height of 12 inches. Nemesias grow well in hanging baskets and planters |
Orange Star Plant |
Ornithogalum dubium |
12-18" |
The Orange Star Plant is a bulb type plant that produces upright clusters of fragrant 1-2" flowers in early summer. Can be grown in containers or as a House Plant |
9-10 |
Oriental Poppy |
Papaver orientale |
18-36" |
Poppy plants form 18"-36" tall clumps of deeply divided green leaves that are covered with fine bristles. These undemanding perennials slowly spread by rhizomes to form nice two to three foot colonies. Their flowers have the texture of silky crepe paper. |
3-7 |
Pansy |
Viola |
3-8" |
Pansies may be cool season annuals, biennials, or hardy perennials. They may bloom in early spring or fall depending on the species. Planting time is critical |

6-9 |

Peony |
Paeonia lactiflora |
1-3 ft. |
Peony clumps may survive for up to as long as 50 years, so it is advisable to prepare the site very thoroughly before planting. Once they have become established in the garden, they are reasonably free from maintenance and problems. Peonies can be propagated by division |
3-8 |
Persian Buttercup |
Ranunculus asiaticus |
8-18" |
Persian Buttercups provide a continuing display of beautiful 3"-5" Camellia-like flowers atop branched, 8"-18" stems, from late spring through mid summer.
They are well suited plants for growing in planters |
 8-10 |

Peruvian Lily |
Alstroemeria |
2-3 ft. |
Peruvian Lily plants are easy to care for, tuberous rooted perennials with bright green, lance shaped foliage that grow 2-3 feet tall. They produce loose clusters of speckled, 1½"-2" Azalea-like flowers on long, leafy stems in late spring into mid summer. |
7-10 |
Pineleaf Penstemon |
Penstemon pinifolius |
10-18" |
The Pineleaf Penstemon blooms for 6-10 weeks in mid summer. The dark orange flowers, will attract hummingbirds from miles around |
4-9 |

Pocketbook Plant
Pouch Flower |
Calceolaria |
6-15" |
There are about 300 species of Calceolaria, but the vast majority of those commonly cultivated are hybrids of the Chilean species Calceolaria crenatiflora. They are commonly known as Pocketbook Plants, Pouch Flowers or Slipper Flowers. |
9-11 |
Purple Passion Plant |
Gynura aurantiaca |
The Purple Passion Plant is a trailing, tender perennial which originated in Indonesia. It's primary use is in hanging baskets as a houseplant. The vines may grow to 8 feet long but will tend to lose their bright purple coloring if they reach this length. Easily propagated by softwood cuttings |
10-12 |

Red Hot Poker |
Kniphofia uvaria |
2-5 ft |
The stately flowers of the Torch Lily, Kniphofia uvaria provide a dramatic display, when grown in a space where the entire plant is visible.
If you have sufficient space, you can select varieties to provide bloom during every month from May through October! |
5-10 |
Rocky Point Ice Plant |
Malephora lutea |
6-12" |
The Rocky Point Ice Plant is a fast growing, very succulent ground cover from South Africa. In extremely hot regions it should be planted in partial or light shade to avoid sun burn |
9-10 |
Snapdragons |
Antirrhinum Majas |
9-48" |
Snapdragons produce tall stalks of fragrant flowers that attract both butterflies and hummingbirds throughout the summer. Snapdragons are easily grown from seed |
Sunflower |
Helianthus annuus |
Sunflowers are single stemmed annuals with large, fuzzy, silvery green, lance shape leaves. They produce long lasting, large single or multiple flower heads that range from 4-12" depending on the variety. |

Torch Lily |
Kniphofia uvaria |
1-3 ft. |
The multi-colored flower spikes of the Torch Lily will reach 2-5 feet in height, depending on the variety. The coloring may range from ivory and orange to coral red. Provide a winter mulch |
5-10 |
Trailing Petunia |
Calibrachoa |
6-8" |
Calibracoa shares most of the features of a Petunia, except everything is shrunk down to about one fourth the size. Trailing Petunias are easy to care for, fast growing plants that will produce an abundance of Petunia-like blooms all summer long. |
 9-11 |
Transvaal Daisy |
Gerbera jamesonii |
10-15" |
Gerbera plants have dark green, deeply cut, 10" leaves with fuzzy undersides. Large, brightly colored, Daisy-like flowers stand above the foliage on stiff, leafless stems all summer. |
8-11 |
Treasure Flower |
Gazania |
6-8" |
The Treasure Flower's brightly bi-colored, daisy-like flowers are 2-5 inches in diameter, growing atop 6-12 inch stalks. The foliage is somewhat grasslike, but narrow at the base and widening toward the tip. |
Tritonia |
Tritonia |
12-18" |
Tritonias are corm growing plants from South Africa that produce pretty little six petaled flowers in late spring. They dislike wet environments. |
Hardy |
Trumpet Creeper |
Campsis radicans |

30 ft. |
Trumpet Creeper is a deciduous, clinging vine which grows to great heights. It produces large orange-red trumpet shaped blooms throughout the summer. A hummingbird favorite |
4-10 |

Trumpet Honeysuckle |
Lonicera sempervirens |
Coral Honeysuckle is a fast growing, high climbing, semi-evergreen vine. It produces clusters of intensely colored, trumpet shaped flowers all summer then red berries in the fall |
4-10 |
Trumpet Vine |
Campsis tagliabuana |
This Trumpet Vine is a vigorous growing, low maintenance climber with the ability to cling to walls with its root like tendrils. It produces brightly colored 2-3" trumpet shaped flowers from mid summer into early fall |
5-10 |

Reiger Begonia |
Begonia tuberhybrida |
6-12" |
Reiger Begonias are a hybrid cross between Tuberous Begonias and Wax Begonias. With proper care, they will remain in bloom for several months. They can be planted in pots and grown as a house plant |
9-11 |
Tufted Hair Grass |
Deschampsia cespitosa |
2-3 ft. |
Tufted Hair Grass is a semi evergreen plant that has a wide range of cultivars in colors from creamy white to green and bronze |
4-9 |
Twinspur |
Diascia barberae |
6-12" |
Twinspurs are a vigorous growing, tender perennials that are closely related to the Snapdragon. They have small, heart shaped foliage and grow from 6"-12" tall, forming 8"-20" clumps. From late spring until early fall, they produce bright pink or salmon colored, 1/2"-3/4" flowers. |
 8-10 |
Violets |
Viola sp |
2-6" |
Violets are dainty little self seeding versions of the Pansy. Their seeds can be directly sown into the garden at anytime from spring through fall, but the seeds need darkness and 70° to germinate |
 4-8 |

Wallflower |
Erysimum |
1-4 ft. |
The Wallflower is an old-fashioned perennial garden flower which is usually grown as an annual or biennial because it tends to 'bloom itself to death'. The profusion of fragrant, bright orange flowers in early spring makes this plant an excellent choice for the butterfly garden, flower bed, or garden border. |
 6-9 |
Zebra Plant |
Aphelandra squarrosa |
12-18" |
Zebra Plants are extremely showy evergreen plants with pairs of shiny, 6"-9", lance shaped green leaves, boldly variegated with cream, white or silvery striped veins. Under ideal conditions, they can be persuaded to bloom. |
11-12 |

Zinnia |
Zinnia elegans |
6-40" |
Zinnias are easy to grow annual plants that produce an abundance of brightly colored 2-3" flowers through the summer months. They grow well in containers and make excellent cut flower arrangements. They dislike wet foliage. Can be easily grown from seed |