How to Grow and Care for Zinnia Plants
Zinnia elegans
Zinnias are very easy to grow annual plants.
They produce an abundance of bright and often multi colored, 1-7", single
or double flowers from early summer until the first frost.
There are hundreds of different Zinnia hybrids on the market,
and more are being added each year.
These wide ranging hybrids include dwarf Zinnias that grow to no more than 12" tall
and produce 1-4" flowers in a rainbow of colors,
to immense 3 foot plants that are covered with massive 8", blood red blooms!
The dwarf varieties of Zinnias are well suited for growing in containers.
The taller varieties make excellent cut flower arrangements.
Growing Requirements for Zinnias
Zinnias should be planted 12-24" apart in rich, well drained garden soil.
They require full sun to bloom,
but will appreciate a little afternoon shade in the hottest regions.
Zinnias dislike having wet foliage, so if possible, they should be watered with a soaker hose.
Once established, your Zinnia will only need watering during extended periods of drought.
They should be planted where they have good air circulation to help prevent powdery mildew.
Feed every 4-6 weeks with a balanced, all purpose fertilizer.
Deadhead regularly to keep plants flowering until fall. |
Growing Zinnia Plants from Seed
Double flowering Zinnias will often revert back to a single flowering plant if they are transplanted when young,
so these varieties should only be planted directly in the garden.
You can sow Zinnia seeds directly into the garden after all danger of frost has passed.
Sow your seeds about 12" apart and cover them with ¼" of fine soil. Firm lightly and keep evenly moist.
Seeds can be sown indoors four weeks prior to planting outdoors.
Maintain a temperature of 70°-75° within the growing medium.
Germination will only take from 5-7 days.
Pinch Zinnia plants to encourage branching, unless you are growing them exclusively for cut flowers and want long stems.
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