Plants and Flowers that Attract Hummingbirds to Your Garden

Attracting Hummingbirds
Hummingbirds are attracted to flower colors and nectar, not fragrance.
Some cultivated hybrids of wildflowers produce less nectar than their wild counterparts, but they still make excellent additions to your hummingbird garden.
Hummingbird Feeders
The best color for your feeder is bright red to attract the birds from a distance. Never fill your feeders with anything but sugar-water mix of 1 part sugar to 4 parts water.
- Do not use food coloring of any kind!
- Never, ever, ever use honey (Honey can develop a fungus which can be fatal to hummingbirds)
- Always keep your feeders clean and filled!
Go to the Hummingbird page for more helpful information on creating a Hummingbird Garden
Plants and Flowers that Attract Hummingbirds
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Abelia grandiflora
Height: 3-6 ft.
USDA Zones: 6-9
Abelia is a very durable and adaptable shrub with dense, glossy dark green foliage. It produces hundreds of 1" funnel shaped flowers from early summer until the first frost
Common Name:
Alpine Speedwell
Botanical Name: Veronica allionii
Height: 8"x18"
USDA Zones: 4-9
Groundcover, Rock Gardens, Containers, Lawn Substitute
This evergreen Veronica forms a tight mat of soft green foliage. An abundance of small spikes of light blue flowers arise in early summer. Mow or shear flower spikes down after bloom to keep neat.
Common Name:
Alpine Speedwell
Botanical Name: Veronica alpina
Height: 8"x18"
USDA Zones: 3-8
Rock Gardens, Containers
Easy to grow creeping evergreen with 1"-2", glossy green or fuzzy gray foliage. Blooms mainly in spring, flowering on and off until fall, producing airy spikes of white, rose, pink, pale or deep blue flowers.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Aster novae-angliae
Height: 12-24"
USDA Zones: 4-9
Asters grow into a dense mound of light green foliage. In May and through June, the plant will become covered with soft, 1 1/2" white, purple, pink or red flowers
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Rhododendron
Height: 1-8 ft.
USDA Zones: 6-8
Azaleas must be grown in an acid soil, with a pH of 5.0 to 6.5. The buds for next years blooms will be formed this year, so it important that the faded blooms are removed
Common Name:
Bat Face Plant
Botanical Name: Cuphea llavea
Bat Face Flowers are low maintenance, shrubby perennials with glossy green, lance shaped leaves. They grow 18"-24" tall with a three foot spread. Bat Face Cupheas produce masses of 1" purple tubular flowers with two bright red, upward facing petals.
Common Name:
Bearded Iris
Botanical Name: Iris germanica
Height: 6-48"
USDA Zones: Hardy
Bearded Iris are a rhizomous type of Iris should be planted fertile, well drained soil where they will receive 5-8 hours of sun each day. They are available in almost every color imaginable.
Common Name:
Beard Tongue
Botanical Name: Penstemon Barbatus
Height: 12-24"
USDA Zones: 4-9
Tubular flowers in red, pink, purple, or white will be sure to attract butterflies and hummingbirds to your garden.
Common Name:
Bee Balm
Botanical Name: Monarda didyma
Height: 2-4 ft.
USDA Zones: 4-8
Like other members of the Mint Family, Bee Balm can become invasive. The plant should be divided every 3 years to keep it tidy. Stimulate a second flowering in the same year by cutting the bright crimson flowers right after they bloom
Common Name:
Bluebell of Scotland
Botanical Name: Campanula rotundifolia
Height: 1-3 ft.
USDA Zones: 3-9
The Bluebell Bellflower is a clump forming perennial that, from June through September, produces multiple stems, each with a single nodding bell shaped flower. Campanula can be grown from seed or propagated by division. (Campanula comes from the Latin word campana, which means 'bell')
Common Name:
Blue Corydalis
Botanical Name: Corydalis flexuosa
Height: 12-18"
USDA Zones: 5-9
Blue Corydalis is a slow growing, evergreen perennial that will eventually form a dense 18" clump of elegant, 12" tall, lace-like green foliage. Eighteen inch spikes of dangling, tubular, sky blue flowers will adorn the plant from late spring until fall in regions with cool summers
Common Name:
Blue Hill Sage
Botanical Name: Salvia superba
Height: 12-15"
USDA Zones: 4-8
Narrow erect plant with irregular leaves, spikes of intensely bluish purple flowers all Summer if spent flowers are removed. Drought tolerant, Prefers slightly alkaline soil
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Callistemon lanceolatus
Height: 10-20 ft.
USDA Zones: 8-11
Bottlebrush is a small, slow growing evergreen tree with light green, eliptical shaped 6" leaves. New growth has a nice copper hue. Brightly colored, 1½" bottle brush flowers appear conspicuously in the spring
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Bougainvillea
Height: 2-20 ft.
USDA Zones: 9-10
Bougainvillias produce some of the showiest display of colors of all vines. Most cultivars have an upright growth habit, but there are many shrubby varieties and creeping types as well.
Common Name:
Butterfly bush
Botanical Name: Buddleia davidii
Height: 6-15 ft.
USDA Zones: 5-10
The Butterfly Bush is a fast growing, profuse blooming, deciduous shrub that will grow in almost any type of soil. Prune hard in early spring and remove spent flowers promptly.
Common Name:
Butterfly Gaura
Botanical Name: Gaura lindheimeri
Height: 2-4 ft.
USDA Zones: 5-10
Butterfly Gaura are shrubby, perennial wildflowers that are closely related to the Evening Primrose. From late spring until first frost, they produce 8"-24" spikes of 1" flowers that are white when they open at dawn and fade to rose-pink as the sun sets.
Common Name:
Butterfly lily
Botanical Name: Hedychium coronarium
Height: 2-4ft.
USDA Zones: 9-11
Butterfly lilies are only suited for growing in warmer climates. Fragrant pink or white flowers that resemble butterflies appear on 5-8 ft. stalks in late summer and into the fall
Common Name:
Canna Lily
Botanical Name: Canna generalis
Height: 3-6 ft
USDA Zones: 8-11
Canna is a rhizomous growing plant that is known for their large, thick leaves that unfurl like those of the Banana plant. Intensely colored, three petaled flowers emerge from the top of 3-8 ft. spikes in mid summer. Dig and store rhizomes in colder areas. They can be grown in containers
Common Name:
Cape Fuchsia
Botanical Name: Phygelius capensis
Height: 3-5 ft.
USDA Zones: 7-9
Phygelius are completely unrelated to Fuchsias. They are actually relatives of Foxgloves and Penstemons
Common Name:
Cardinal Flowers
Botanical Name: Lobelia cardinalis
Height: 2-3 ft.
USDA Zones: 3-9
The intensely bright red flower spikes of the Cardinal Flower serve as a beacon to the hummingbirds and butterflies who dine on the flower's nectar. The plant itself also acts as a host for some species of butterfly larvae
Common Name:
Chilean Mitre Flowers
Botanical Name: Mitraria coccinea
Height: 6 ft.
USDA Zones: 9-11
The Chilean Mitre Flower is a gorgeous creeping and climbing, plant with glossy, dark green leaves arranged in pairs along woody stems. They produce an abundance of intensely colored, scarlet-orange, tubular 1½" flowers with a soft, velvety texture.
Common Name:
Cigar Plant
Botanical Name: Cuphea cyanea
The Cigar Plant or Black Eyed Cuphea as it is also known, form two foot tall mounds of lance-shaped, bright green leaves with brittle stems. They produce foot long sprays of tubular, orangish-red to pink, 1"-1½" flowers with two tiny black petals.
Common Name:
Cigarette Plant
Botanical Name: Cuphea ignea
The Cigarette Flower plant is sometimes called a Firecracker Plant. They have small, lance shaped, glossy green leaves that form tight mounds and tubular, petal-less, bright orange-red, ¾"-1¼" flowers.
Common Name:
Clustered Bellflower
Botanical Name: Campanula glomerata
Height: 12-24"
USDA Zones: 3-8
Clustered Bellflowers are upright growing perennials with light green, fuzzy lance shaped foliage. They produce a cluster of one inch, vase shaped flowers atop 2 ft. stems all summer if the spent blossoms are removed promptly
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Aquilegia
Height: 12-18"
USDA Zones: 3-9
The Columbine is an easy plant to grow because it adapts itself to a wide variety of conditions. They are a favorite flower for hummingbirds, and are excellent additions to rock gardens or in a native woodland planting
Common Name:
Coral Bells
Botanical Name: Heuchera sanguinea
Height: 12-18"
USDA Zones: 6-9
Coral Bells are compact growing, 18" mounding, evergreen plants that offer a growing variety of outstanding foliage colors in shades of purple, rose, lime green, gold as well as many striking variegations.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Cosmos bipinnatus
Cosmos are extremely heat and drought tolerant. They prefer full sun and do well in poor, infertile soil. Cosmos plants come in a rainbow of summer blooming flower colors
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Cotoneaster
Height: 3"-15 ft.
USDA Zones: vary
Cotoneaster is an extremely diverse genus of plants which includes ground covers, dwarf sized bushes and large sprawling shrubs. The flowers are generally small and appear from spring to early summer followed by bright red or orange berries for the birds to eat in winter.
Common Name:
Creeping Speedwell
Botanical Name: Veronica repens
Height: 1"x18"
USDA Zones: 5-9
Groundcover, Rock Gardens
Forms a fast growing, spreading evergreen mat of small, glossy green leaves. Produces small, pale blue or white flowersall spring. Ideal for growing between flagstones.
Common Name:
Cypress Vine
Botanical Name: Ipomoea quamoclit
Cypress vine is a fast growing member of the Morning Glory family with attractive, feather-like foliage and pretty, 1½ star shaped tube flowers in late summer. Can be easily grown from soaked or nicked seeds
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Dahlia
Height: 1-6 ft.
USDA Zones: 7-11
With a blast of different colors, shapes and sizes, Dahlias bring life and beauty back to your landscape in late summer and into the fall months. The flowers can be as small as 2 inches or up to a foot in diameter.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Delphinium x elatum
Height: 2-6 ft.
USDA Zones: 3-9
Delphiniums are stately, elegant plants that form mounds of maple-like or deeply serrated, dark green foliage. They produce tall spikes of showy flowers in late spring through to mid summer. Delphiniums range in size from less than 2 feet tall to towering 6 ft. spikes of cup shaped blossoms.
Common Name:
Dutch Iris
Botanical Name: Iris reticulata
Height: 6-10"
USDA Zones: 3-10
Dutch Iris should be grown in rich, well draining soil with 5-8 hours of sun each day. Dutch Iris bulbs can be forced into bloom at any time of the year with no chilling, should be fed every 2 weeks
Common Name:
Dwarf Yarrow
Botanical Name: Achillea kellereri
Height: 8"
USDA Zones: 5-10
Dwarf Yarrow is a vigorous growing perennial with silvery strap-like leaves that add interest when the plant is out of bloom. It produces a profusion of large white or yellow flower clusters that continue throughout the summer.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Eucalyptus
Height: 1-180 ft.
USDA Zones: 8-11
Eucalyptus plants come in a number of varieties ranging from low growing shrubs to 180 ft. giants. Most varieties are evergreen but may shed their leaves in severe droughts. They bear fluffy little flowers in late spring to early summer
Common Name:
Evening Primrose
Botanical Name: Oenothera biennis
Height: 2-4 ft.
USDA Zones: 4
The Evening Primrose is a tall, upright biennial plant
Common Name:
Flame vine
Botanical Name: Pyrostegia venusta
Flame Vines are fast growing, branching, evergreen vines that produce massive clusters of bright orange tubular flowers in late winter and early spring. Excellent fence cover
Common Name:
Flowering Quince
Botanical Name: Chaenomeles speciosa
Height: 3-10 ft.
USDA Zones: 4-8
Flowering Quince is a twiggy, rounded upright deciduous shrub. The 1" foliage opens to a beautiful reddish bronze color before turning dark green by mid summer. Showy cup shaped flowers cover each stem in the spring before turning to an edible fruit by summers end
Common Name:
Red Flowering Currant
Botanical Name: Ribes sanguineum
Height: 6-10 ft.
USDA Zones: 5-8
This 6-10 foot tall deciduous shrub is hardy in USDA Planting Zones 5-8 In early spring it produces pendulous clusters of red or pink flowers that attract and feed hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. The small bluish-black berries are eaten by a wide variety of wild birds.
Common Name:
Flowering tobacco
Botanical Name: Nicotiana alata
Flowering tobacco is a tall, easy to grow annual that is useful for garden backgrounds or for eye catching mass plantings. It produces an abundance of 2½" star shaped flowers all summer until first frost. Can be easily grown from seed
Common Name:
Four o' clock
Botanical Name: Mirabilis jalapa
Four o' clocks are fragrant, colorful and very easy to grow. The plants got their name, Four o' clock, because the flowers do not open till around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, except on cloudy days. Can be easily grown from seed
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Digitalis purpurea
Height: 3-6 ft.
USDA Zones: 

Foxglove is a biennial flower which is native to Europe but now grows wild in most temperate climates of the world. Foxgloves prefer moist, well draining, fertile soil but can survive drought and almost any growing conditions.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Fuchsia
Height: 1-4 ft.
USDA Zones: 7-10
Fuchsia care is often determined by where you live and your climate. Fuchsias can be seed grown or struck from softwood cuttings. Not all varieties are hardy
Common Name:
Fuchsia Tree
Botanical Name: Fuchsia arborescens
Height: 8-15 ft.
USDA Zones: 9-11
Tree Fuchsias are small trees that produce large clusters of tube bright, shaped flowers at almost any time of the year, followed by small purple fruits
Common Name:
Gentian Speedwell
Botanical Name: Veronica gentianoides
Height: 18"x18"
USDA Zones: 4-9
Rock Gardens, Borders, Containers
Easy to grow, compact mat forming evergreen with deep green, glossy foliage. Produces loose, 10" spikes of powder blue to white flowers in late spring to mid-summer. Tolerates periods of wet soil.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Pelargonium hortorum
Geraniums are among the most popular flowering plants. They belong to a large family of sun loving annuals and tender perennials so should be planted outdoors where they will receive at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight daily, but only after all danger of frost is past and the soil has warmed.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Gladiolus
Height: 12-36"
USDA Zones: 8-11
The Gladiola is an easy care, erect growing, corm type plant that produces a tall spike of dramatic, brightly colored flowers in mid to late summer. Dig and store rhizomes in colder areas.
Common Name:
Golden Shrimp Plant
Botanical Name: Pachystachys lutea
Height: 18-24"
USDA Zones: 10-12
Golden Shrimp Plants are shrubby plants that are each tipped with brightly colored, 4" golden yellow bracts that are adorned with small, creamy white flowers. In zones 10-12 they are popular as landscape plants. In cooler zones they are more often grown as house plants.
Common Name:
Golden Trumpet Vine
Botanical Name: Allamanda cathartica
The Golden Trumpet Vine is a prolific blooming, frost tender perennial. It can be potted up and grown as a house plant. All parts of Allamanda cathartica are extremely toxic
Common Name:
Goldflame Honeysuckle
Botanical Name: Lonicera heckrottii
Honeysuckle vines are easy to grow, vigorous, heat-tolerant, and nearly indestructible. The flashy and fragrant flowers will attract hummingbirds and butterflies all summer long.
Common Name:
Gold Plate Yarrow
Botanical Name: Achillea filipendulina
Height: 4 ft.
USDA Zones: 3-10
Gold Plate Yarrow is a long blooming perennial with fern like greyish green foliage and 4-6" bright yellow flower clusters
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Althaea rosea
Height: 3-7 ft.
USDA Zones: 

Hollyhocks are easy to start from seed. The towering spikes host dozens of white, yellow, pink, red or crimson flowers from mid Summer until late Fall
Common Name:
Hollyhock Mallow
Botanical Name: Malva alcea
Height: 2-4 ft.
USDA Zones: 4-8
Hollyhock Mallow plants are multi-stemmed, upright perennials that grow 2-4 feet tall, forming 2 foot clumps. From mid summer until fall, they produce spikes of 2" rose-pink or white flowers that resemble Hollyhocks. Mallow are reliable, easy to care for plants.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Lonicera
Honeysuckle are easy to grow, vigorous, heat-tolerant, and nearly indestructible. The flashy, fragrant flowers will attract hummingbirds and butterflies all summer long. The resulting fruit will provide a fall treat for your local songbirds as well.
Common Name:
Hummingbird Bush
Botanical Name: Anisacanthus quadrifidus
Height: 3-5 ft.
USDA Zones: 7-10
Hummingbird Bushes are covered with redish orange, tube shaped blooms from mid Summer until first frost. They are drought tolerant, heat-loving small deciduous shrubs that Hummingbirds love!
Common Name:
Hungarian Speedwell
Botanical Name: Veronica austriaca
Height: 12"x18"
USDA Zones: 5-9
Groundcover, Rock Gardens, Borders, Containers
Mound forming evergreen with 1"-2", oval, deep green leaves. Six inch spikes of intensely colored, deep blue flowers appear in summer and last for 3-4 weeks.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Impatiens
Impatiens are colorful, easy to grow annuals that are especially great for adding bright color spots in the shady areas of your garden. Can be grown as a house plant. Can be easily grown from seed
Common Name:
Japanese Iris
Botanical Name: Iris japonica
Height: 12-24"
USDA Zones: Hardy
The foliage of the Japanese Iris resembles that of a Daylily more than of other Iris but the flowers are unmistakably Iris. Japanese Iris produces masses of blooms in late spring
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Lantana camaraLantana montevidensis
Height: 1-4 ft.
USDA Zones: 7-11
Lantanas are fast growing, shrubby, spreading or trailing evergreen plants that grow from one to four feet tall. Lantana plants produce flat-topped 2" clusters of bright, multi-colored tubular flowers in the summer and fall.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Lupinus
Lupines are upright, mound forming annual or perennial wildflowers with large green, lance shaped leaves and spikes of brightly colored sweet pea-like flowers from June to August. Can be easily grown from seed Beware of slugs!
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Tagetes
Marigolds are one of the easiest of all plants to grow and care for, making them a perfect plant for teaching young children about growing and gardening. These spunky little plants are only hardy in zones 9-11 so they are normally grown as annual bedding plants.
Common Name:
Meadow Sage
Botanical Name: Salvia nemorosa
Height: 3 ft.
USDA Zones: 5-10
Narrow erect plant with irregular leaves, spikes of small purple to white blooms in the Summer. Prefers slightly alkaline soil
Common Name:
Mimosa Tree
Botanical Name: Albizia julibrissin
Height: 20-30 ft.
USDA Zones: 6-9
The Mimosa Tree is a short lived, fast growing, multi stemmed deciduous tree with fine, compound, fern like foliage. It produces clusters of fragrant, feather-ball flowers in the summer, followed by brownish seed pods
Common Name:
Monkey Flower
Botanical Name: Mimulus hybridus
The Monkey Flower is a colorful, easy to grow addition to the shaded areas of your garden. This plant grows well in containers and can be grown as a house plant
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Crocosmia
Height: 2-4 Ft.
USDA Zones: 5-8
Crocosmia are easy to grow, corm type plants that are related to the Iris. They produce a stalk of brilliantly colored, tube shaped flowers that open sequentially up the stem from July until the first hard frost. They can be grown, but not over-wintered in containers
Common Name:
Morning Glory
Botanical Name: Ipomoea species
Morning Glories are very fast growing vines that are capable of growing 10 feet or more within the first two months. They readily reseed themselves for the next year. Morning Glory vines may become invasive
Common Name:
Mountain Garland
Botanical Name: Clarkia elegans
The Mountain Garland is a fast growing, easy care annual plant that produces an abundance of bright, double flowers on tall whispy stems. Excellent for cut flowers. Can be easily grown from seed
Common Name:
Mountain Speedwell
Botanical Name: Veronica montana
Height: 3"x12"
USDA Zones: 3-9
Groundcover, Rock Gardens, Borders, Containers
Spreading, mound forming groundcover with small, variegated, cream and green leaves with scalloped edges. Produces small clusters and tiny lilac flowers in late spring into early summer.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Tropaeolum majus
Once established, Nasturtiums take little or no care. As they spread and grow, their foliage resembles a sea of tiny lily pad leaves topped with brightly colored, edible blossoms. Can be easily grown from seed
Common Name:
Oriental Poppy
Botanical Name: Papaver orientale
Height: 18-36"
USDA Zones: 3-7
Poppy plants form 18"-36" tall clumps of deeply divided green leaves that are covered with fine bristles. These undemanding perennials slowly spread by rhizomes to form nice two to three foot colonies. Their flowers have the texture of silky crepe paper.
Common Name:
Peruvian Lily
Botanical Name: Alstroemeria
Height: 2-3 ft.
USDA Zones: 7-10
Peruvian Lily plants are easy to care for, tuberous rooted perennials with bright green, lance shaped foliage that grow 2-3 feet tall. They produce loose clusters of speckled, 1½"-2" Azalea-like flowers on long, leafy stems in late spring into mid summer.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Petunia hybrida
Petunias have long been the most popular flowering annual for planting in hanging baskets, window boxes and for border plantings. There are many single and double flowering varieties available. Can be easily grown from seed
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Phlox subulata
Height: 4-6"
USDA Zones: 3-10
Mat growing fine foliage with masses of 1 inch, fragrant, star shaped flowers (white, blue, pink or red) in Spring
Common Name:
Pineleaf Penstemon
Botanical Name: Penstemon pinifolius
Height: 10-18"
USDA Zones: 4-9
The Pineleaf Penstemon blooms for 6-10 weeks in mid summer. The dark orange flowers, will attract hummingbirds from miles around
Common Name:
Scouler's Corydalis
Botanical Name: Corydalis scouleri
Height: 3 ft.
USDA Zones: 7-9
Corydalis scouleri is a perennial wildflower that is native to western Washington, Oregon and parts of southwestern British Columbia. Scouler's Corydalis will gradually form a 3 foot clump of 3 foot stems of light green, lace-like foliage. Spikes of hot pink, tubular flowers appear in late spring and continue into summer.
Common Name:
Plantain lily
Botanical Name: Hosta
Height: 9-24"
USDA Zones: 3-9
Decorative, large clumps of lush foliage and spikes of lily shaped flowers later in summer. A hummingbird favorite flower
Common Name:
Powder Puff Tree
Botanical Name: Calliandra haematocephala
Height: 3-10 ft.
USDA Zones: 10-12
Calliandra haematocephala, commonly known as the Powder Puff Tree grow up to 10 feet tall with an equal spread, but dwarf, 3-6 foot varieties are also available, which are more appropriate in colder regions where you will need to over-winter your plant indoors.
Common Name:
Red Hot Poker
Botanical Name: Kniphofia uvaria
Height: 2-5 ft
USDA Zones: 5-10
The stately flowers of the Torch Lily, Kniphofia uvaria provide a dramatic display, when grown in a space where the entire plant is visible.
If you have sufficient space, you can select varieties to provide bloom during every month from May through October!
Common Name:
Rosary vine
Botanical Name: Ceropegia woodii
The vines of the Rosary plant are like thin wires with marbled, heart shaped leaves. They will reach two to four feet in length. The slender flowers resemble an inverted, small pink vase. The end of the tube is partly closed by delicate purple bars. Do not over-water! Usually grown as a house plant
Common Name:
Rose Mallow
Botanical Name: Hibiscus moscheutos
Height: 4-8 ft.
USDA Zones: 5-10
Hardy Hibiscus are upright growing, multi stemmed perennial plants with light green, 6-8 inch leaves that have a fuzzy underside. Dramatic 5"-12" flowers appear in late summer. Rose Mallow does not like to be moved once it has become established
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Salvia officinalis
Height: 2-3 ft.
USDA Zones: 5-11
Sage is a short lived evergreen shrub with fuzzy, greyish green leaves. Camphor scented, purplish blue flowers appear in mid-summer. Sage is used in cooking, cosmetics and herbal remedies
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Gaultheria shallon
Height: 2-8 ft.
USDA Zones: 5-9
Salal is a deer resistant, low growing shrub that prefers partial shade and well draining, acidic soil. It has thick, leathery, dark green foliage and spikes of small bell flowers in the spring and edible purple berries in the fall
Common Name:
Scarlet Sage
Botanical Name: Salvia splendens
Scarlet Sage is a frost tender perennial that is usually grown as an annual. It blooms in various colors including scarlet, purple, orange, lavender and yellow. Remove old flowers for repeat blooms.
Common Name:
Siberian Iris
Botanical Name: Iris siberica
Height: 12-18"
USDA Zones: 4-9
Siberian Irises are very durable and extremely hardy. They typically bloom in late May and into June. Siberian Iris should be divided every 3-4 years to ensure a quality show of blooms.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Antirrhinum majas
Snapdragons produce tall stalks of fragrant flowers that attract both butterflies and hummingbirds throughout the summer. Snapdragons are easily grown from seed
Common Name:
Spider Flower
Botanical Name: Cleome hasslerana
Spider Flowers are durable plants that make outstanding mass plantings which create the illusion of a large flowering shrub. They producebrightly colored, 8" balls of blossoms from mid summer until early fall. Good for cut flowers. Can be easily grown from seed
Common Name:
Spike Speedwell
Botanical Name: Veronica spicata
Height: 24"x36"
USDA Zones: 6-10
Containers, Cut Flowers
Compact, spreading, clump forming plant with deep green or silvery, felt-like foliage. Produces 12" airy spikes of tiny flowers all summer. Remove spent flower spikes regularly to extend blooming season.
Common Name:
Strawberry Tree
Botanical Name: Arbutus unedo
Height: 6-12 ft.
USDA Zones: 7-10
Strawberry trees are upright evergreen shrubs with thick, leathery, dark green foliage. They produce hanging clusters of inverted urn-shaped flowers which develop into 1", bright red spherical fruits that take a full year to ripen. The fruit is edible but not flavorful
Common Name:
Tall Speedwell
Botanical Name: Veronica longifolia
Height: 36"x18"
USDA Zones: 6-10
Containers, Cut Flowers
Deciduous, clump forming plant with soft, deep green foliage with serrated edges. Produces long lasting, dense, 6" spikes of tiny flowers from late spring until mid summer. Cut plant back to 12" after blooming for a repeat show in the fall.
Common Name:
Texas Bluebonnet
Botanical Name: Lupinus texensis
Height: 12-24"
USDA Zones: 3-8
The Texas Bluebonnet is an upright, mound forming perennial wildflower with large green, lance shaped leaves and spikes of blue, sweet pea-like flowers in late spring. Can be easily grown from seed
Common Name:
Trailing Petunia
Botanical Name: Calibrachoa
Calibracoa shares most of the features of a Petunia, except everything is shrunk down to about one fourth the size. Trailing Petunias are easy to care for, fast growing plants that will produce an abundance of Petunia-like blooms all summer long.
Common Name:
Trumpet Creeper
Botanical Name: Campsis radicans
Trumpet Creeper is a deciduous, clinging vine which grows to great heights. It produces large orange-red trumpet shaped blooms throughout the summer. A hummingbird favorite
Common Name:
Trumpet Honeysuckle
Botanical Name: Lonicera sempervirens
Coral Honeysuckle is a fast growing, high climbing, semi-evergreen vine. It produces clusters of intensely colored, trumpet shaped flowers all summer then red berries in the fall
Common Name:
Mme. Galen's Trumpet Creeper
Botanical Name: Campsis x tagliabuana
Mme. Galen's Trumpet Creeper is a cross between Campsis radicans and Campsis grandiflora with large dark green serrated leaves and bright reddish orange flowers. t thrives in poor soil and in partial shade
Common Name:
Reiger Begonia
Botanical Name: Begonia tuberhybrida
Height: 6-12"
USDA Zones: 9-11
Reiger Begonias are a hybrid cross between Tuberous Begonias and Wax Begonias. With proper care, they will remain in bloom for several months. They can be planted in pots and grown as a house plant
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Verbena species
Height: 6"-5'
USDA Zones: vary
There are about 250 annual and perennial species of Verbena but there are only about a half dozen that are commonly cultivated. These easy to grow, long blooming plants are both heat and drought tolerant. Trailing forms of Verbena are excellent for growing in containers and hanging baskets.
Common Name:
Violet Tubeflower
Botanical Name: Iochroma cyaneum
Height: 3-5 ft.
USDA Zones: 9-11
Violet Tubeflowers are shrubby, evergreen plants. They are sometimes called Mini Brugs, because they resemble and are a close relative of Brugmansias. they produce umbel-like, dangling clusters of up to 20, 2"-3", tubular, deep purple flowers.
Common Name:
Weeping Weigela
Botanical Name: Weigela rosea
Height: 6 ft.
USDA Zones: 5-9
Weeping Weigela are easy to care for deciduous shrubs They cover themselves with brightly colored, five petal star flowers from May to June. Can be grown into a beautiful hedge
Common Name:
Wild Lilac
Botanical Name: Ceanothus cuneatus
Height: 4-8 ft.
USDA Zones: 6-10
The Wild Lilac or Buckbrush is a drought tolerant shrub, native to the west coast. The sprays of white to light blue flowers are very fragrant in late Spring
Common Name:
Woodbine Honeysuckle
Botanical Name: Lonicera periclymenum
Honeysuckle vines are easy to grow, vigorous, heat-tolerant, and nearly indestructible. The flashy and fragrant flowers will attract hummingbirds and butterflies all summer long.
Common Name:
Woolly Yarrow
Botanical Name: Achillea tomentosa
Height: 9-12"
USDA Zones: 5-10
Woolly Yarrow is a very durable and low maintenance perennial with aromatic, greyish green, strap-like leaves. It produces small clusters that continue throughout the summer. Very drought tolerant
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Achillea millefolium
Height: 2-4 ft.
USDA Zones: 3-10
Yarrow belongs to a group of plants that includes annual and perennial, drought resistant plants that will grow in almost any garden soil. It is a long blooming perennial wildflower with fern like greyish green foliage and 4-6" flower clusters
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Zinnia elegans
Zinnias are easy to grow annual plants that produce an abundance of brightly colored 2-3" flowers through the summer months. They grow well in containers and make excellent cut flower arrangements. They dislike wet foliage. Can be easily grown from seed
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