How to Grow and Care for Hollyhock Mallow Plants
Malva alcea
Hollyhock Mallow plants are multi-stemmed, upright perennials that grow 2-4 feet tall, forming 2 foot clumps.
From mid summer until fall, they produce spikes of 2" rose-pink or white flowers that resemble Hollyhocks.
The lower leaves are larger and kidney or heart shaped, with a soft, velvety texture.
Foliage higher on the plant becomes progressively smaller and is more deeply cut and lacy.
Growing Requirements for Hollyhock Mallow Plants
Hollyhock Mallow are reliable, easy to care for plants that are hardy in USDA zones 4-8.
For best results, plant them 12"-24" apart in an area where they will receive full sun,
but they will tolerate partial shade, especially in hotter regions.
They aren't overly fussy about the soil, as long as it is well-drained.
Pinch back the tips of new growth when it reaches 12 inches tall to produce a more compact plant.
Provide protection from strong winds, or provide a stake for taller varieties.
Once they are established, Mallow plants tolerate some drought,
but they are happier when they are watered regularly.
Feed monthly when actively growing, with a good, all-purpose fertilizer.
Remove spent flower spikes promptly to encourage additional blooms,
or wait and cut the entire plant back by a third
after the initial flush
of blooms has finished, to allow for some self-seeding.
When your Mallow plants begin to decline in late fall,
cut them all the way back to their basal foliage.
Propagating Mallow Plants and Growing them from Seed
Mallow plants can be propagated by tip cuttings
taken in the spring or early summer.
Mallow seeds can be planted directly in the garden beginning in the spring,
up until two months before the first killing frost.
If you are starting your seeds indoors, maintain a temperature in the
growing medium of 70° until germination, which takes only 5-10 days. |
Hollyhock Mallow Malva alcea 'Fastigiata'
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