Annual Plants and Flowers to Grow in Your Garden

Annual plants are those whose life cycle lasts for only one year. Their life cycle begins with the germination of the seed. The plant then blooms, producing the next generation of seed, after which the parent plant dies. Removing the blooms prior to them going to seed will prolong the life of the plant.
Annual plants will often re-seed themselves, or the seeds may be collected, prepared and re-sown. Annuals are an excellent way to create a dramatic splash of summer color in the garden, or for long blooming annual baskets.
Common Name:
African Daisy
Botanical Name: Arctotis x hybrida
African Daisies typically have bold, beautiful foliage and large, 3"-4", intensely colored flowers
with bright centers. The foliage is grey to silvery green and coated with soft, downy silver hairs. The flowers
close at night.
Common Name:
African Daisies
Botanical Name: Osteospermum barberae
Osteospermums should be grown in full sun, but they will tolerate some partial shade. They produce a steady
supply of unique 2" spoon flowers from early spring until the first frost
Common Name:
Annual Aster
Botanical Name: Callistephus chinensis
This annual plant is a native to Asia. The 2-4" flowers range in color from blue, white, red, yellow, or
pink on 1'-3' stems. Do not plant annual varieties of Asters in the same are for more than two consecutive years
to prevent Aster wilt.
Common Name:
Bachelor's Button
Botanical Name: Centaurea cyanus
Bachelor's Button is the annual version of the Mountain Cornflower. It is an easy to grow plant that quickly
forms a nice clump. It begins producing it's bright flowers in late spring and will often continue blooming well
into fall. Excellent for dried flowers and potpourri.
Common Name:
Bat Face Plant
Botanical Name: Cuphea llavea
Bat Face Flowers are low maintenance, shrubby perennials with glossy green, lance shaped leaves. They grow
18"-24" tall with a three foot spread. Bat Face Cupheas produce masses of 1" purple tubular
flowers with two bright red, upward facing petals.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Iberis species
The Iberis genus of plants includes about fourty different species of annuals, perennials and sub-shrubs, with
flower colors in shades of white, red, pink or lavender. They are great plants for borders or in your Rock Garden.
Common Name:
Cigar Plant
Botanical Name: Cuphea cyanea
The Cigar Plant or Black Eyed Cuphea as it is also known, form two foot tall mounds of lance-shaped, bright
green leaves with brittle stems. They produce foot long sprays of tubular, orangish-red to pink,
1"-1½" flowers with two tiny black petals.
Common Name:
Cigarette Plant
Botanical Name: Cuphea ignea
The Cigarette Flower plant is sometimes called a Firecracker Plant. They have small, lance shaped, glossy
green leaves that form tight mounds and tubular, petal-less, bright orange-red, ¾"-1¼"
Common Name:
Cup and Saucer Bellflower
Botanical Name: Campanula calacanthema
There are about three hundred different species of Campanula. This annual variety prefers full sun and rich,
well drained soil and should be kept well watered, especially when in bloom.
Common Name:
English Marigold
Botanical Name: Calendula officinalis
The English Marigold is a bright and cheery plant that produces 3"-5" blooms all summer from June
until frost. They are very fast and easy to grow and are easily grown from seeds.Herbal and Medicinal uses of the English
Marigold Plant
Common Name:
Castor Bean
Botanical Name: Ricinus communis
Castor Beans are fast growing, tender perennial shrubs that are capable of growing up to 12 feet in a single
season. Castor Bean plants have reddish colored stalks with very large palmate shaped, deep green to dark purple leaves that can grow up to 2
feet wide. Seeds of the Castor Bean plant are extremely poisonous!
Common Name:
Chocolate Cosmos
Botanical Name: Cosmos atrosanguineus
The dark maroon flowers of Chocolate Cosmos appear on wirey 18 inch stems from June until frost and produce a
pleasant chocolate scent. With excellent drainage and heavy winter mulching Chocolate Cosmos will often survive
in zone 6.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Pericallis cruenta
Cineraria plants form 12"-24" tall, mounded clumps of large, lush, bright green leaves which create
a nice accent for the vividly colored, 3"-5" flowers that stand above it in the spring and summer.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Celosia Argentea
Plumosa cultivar flowers resemble plume like feathers, while Cristata flowers looks like a rooster's comb with
crested heads and ridges. Low maintenance, good for dried flowers
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Cosmos bipinnatus
Cosmos are extremely heat and drought tolerant. They prefer full sun and do well in poor, infertile soil.
Cosmos plants come in a rainbow of summer blooming flower colors
Common Name:
Creeping Zinnia
Botanical Name: Sanvitalia procumbens
Creeping Zinnia is a bright little yellow flowering annual plant. They should be planted in rich, well
draining soil, in full sun.
Common Name:
Cup Flower
Botanical Name: Nierembergia
Height: 6-9"
USDA Zones: 

Cup Flowers are long lasting annual plants that produces hundreds of 1", upturned star shaped flowers
from late spring until mid fall. It is great for hanging baskets and planters or as a quick ground cover
Common Name:
Dusty Miller
Botanical Name: Senecio cineraria
Height: 12-24"
USDA Zones: 8-11
Dusty Miller are compact, mound forming, evergreen perennial plants that are grown as annuals in cooler
regions. They are great for borders or as companion plantings for brightly colored annual flowers. Excellent for
growing in containers.
Common Name:
English Daisy
Botanical Name: Bellis perennis
Height: 3"-6"
USDA Zones: 4-10

The original English Daisy is the wild Daisy often seen growing in lawns. This biennial plant has now been
hybridized to include double flowering varieties in shades of white, pink, rose-red or purple. The bright
2" flowers appear in succession, on 6" stems from April through June.
Common Name:
Florist's Carnation
Botanical Name: Dianthus caryophyllus
Florist's Carnations are actually tender perennials that are best grown from seed as an annual and then disposed of. They prefer alkaline soil and dislike heat.
They produce richly fragrant flowers in the summer
Common Name:
Floss Flower
Botanical Name: Ageratum
Ageratum is known for its furry mounds of long lasting floss-like blue flowers, occasionally you can find them
in white and pink. Deadhead regularly for continued bloom
Common Name:
Flowering tobacco
Botanical Name: Nicotiana alata
Flowering tobacco is a tall, easy to grow annual that is useful for garden backgrounds or for eye catching
mass plantings. It produces an abundance of 2½" star shaped flowers all summer until first frost.
Can be easily grown from seed
Common Name:
Four o' clock
Botanical Name: Mirabilis jalapa
Four o' clocks are fragrant, colorful and very easy to grow. The plants got their name, Four o' clock, because
the flowers do not open till around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, except on cloudy days. Can be easily grown from seed
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Digitalis purpurea
Height: 3-6 ft.
USDA Zones: 

Foxglove is a biennial flower which is native to Europe but now grows wild in most temperate climates of the
world. Foxgloves prefer moist, well draining, fertile soil but can survive drought and almost any growing
Common Name:
Garden Pinks
Botanical Name: Dianthus
Height: 6-12"
USDA Zones: 

Most Garden Pinks are tender perennial or biennial clump forming plants that prefer alkaline soil and dislike heat. They produce richly
fragrant flowers in the spring or summer, sometimes extending right up until the first frost.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Heliotropium arborescens
Heliotropes are also known by the old-fashioned name of Cherry Pie. They are frost tender, evergreen shrubs
that are most often grown as annual bedding plants. Their main attraction is
the aroma from their clusters of tiny flowers with the sweet fragrance of vanilla or cherry pie.
Common Name:
Ivy Geranium
Botanical Name: Pelargonium peltatum
The Ivy Leaved Geranium is a frost tender, climbing and trailing, semi succulent perennial that produces
clusters of orchid-like flowers at the vine tips all summer. Good in hanging baskets. They can be propagated by softwood
cuttings or grown
from seed
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Consolida ambigua
Larkspur is a low maintenance, upright growing annual with many stems of sparsely covered with light green,
needle-like foliage topped with a spire of brightly colored flowers throughout the summer. Remove spent blooms
to prolong flowering.
Common Name:
Lotus Vine
Botanical Name: Lotus maculatus
The Lotus Vine is a semi hardy hanging or ground crawling vine that is most often grown as an annual plant.
The foliage consists of fine, 1-2", silvery blue needle like leaves. Produces lots of bright, 'parrot beak'
shaped flowers in late spring and early summer. Excellent for hanging baskets or to cascade down a rockery
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Lupinus
Lupines are upright, mound forming annual or perennial wildflowers with large green, lance shaped leaves and
spikes of brightly colored sweet pea-like flowers from June to August. Can be easily grown from seed Beware of slugs!
Common Name:
Marguerite Daisy
Botanical Name: Argyranthemum frutescens
Marguerite Daisies are easy to grow, tender perennials that are usually grown as annual plants. They produce
masses of fragrant, 1-2", Chrysanthemum-like flowers from mid spring until mid fall that attract many types
of butterflies
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Tagetes
Marigolds are one of the easiest of all plants to grow and care for, making them a perfect plant for teaching young children about growing and
gardening. These spunky little plants are only hardy in zones 9-11 so they are normally grown as annual bedding
Common Name:
Monkey Flower
Botanical Name: Mimulus hybridus
The Monkey Flower is a colorful, easy to grow addition to the shaded areas of your garden. This plant grows
well in containers and can be grown as a house plant
Common Name:
Morning Glory
Botanical Name: Ipomoea species
Morning Glories are very fast growing vines that are capable of growing 10 feet or more within the first two
months. They readily reseed themselves for the next year. Morning Glory vines may become invasive
Common Name:
Moss Rose
Botanical Name: Portulaca Grandiflora
Moss Rose is a quick growing succulent annual. Portulaca seeds should be sown outside after your last frost
has passed. Seeds will germinate within 10-15 days.
Common Name:
Mountain Garland
Botanical Name: Clarkia elegans
The Mountain Garland is a fast growing, easy care annual plant that produces an abundance of bright, double
flowers on tall whispy stems. Excellent for cut flowers. Can be easily grown from seed
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Tropaeolum majus
Once established, Nasturtiums take little or no care. As they spread and grow, their foliage resembles a sea
of tiny lily pad leaves topped with brightly colored, edible blossoms. Can be easily grown from seed
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Nemesia strumosa
Nemesias are brightly colored annual plants that quickly grow to a height of 12 inches. Nemesias grow well in
hanging baskets and planters
Common Name:
Ornamental Kale
Botanical Name: Brassica oleracea
Ornamental Kale will not tolerate summer heat. These plants are very showy, and come in a variety of colors,
ranging from white to pinks, purples or reds, extremely cold-tolerant
Common Name:
Painted Nettle
Botanical Name: Coleus blumei
Coleus plants are durable and easy to grow. They are best known for their bright colors, and variety of
foliage forms
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Viola
Pansies may be cool season annuals, biennials, or hardy perennials. They may bloom in early spring or fall
depending on the species. Planting time is critical
Common Name:
Persian Buttercup
Botanical Name: Ranunculus asiaticus
Persian Buttercups provide a continuing display of beautiful 3"-5" Camellia-like flowers atop
branched, 8"-18" stems, from late spring through mid summer.
They are well suited plants for growing in planters
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Petunia x hybrida
Petunias have long been the most popular flowering annual for planting in hanging
baskets, window boxes and for border plantings. There are many single and double flowering varieties
available. Can be easily grown from
Common Name:
Pin Cushion Plant
Botanical Name: Nertera granadensis
The Pin Cushion Plant is a fast growing tropical plant that produces an abundance of tiny orange berries just
in time for halloween. Pin cushions require full sun or they will produce a lot of foliage and very few berries
Common Name:
Pocketbook Plant Pouch Flower
Botanical Name: Calceolaria
Height: 6-15"
USDA Zones: 9-11
There are about 300 species of Calceolaria, but the vast majority of those commonly cultivated are hybrids of
the Chilean species Calceolaria crenatiflora. They are commonly known as Pocketbook Plants, Pouch
Flowers or Slipper Flowers.
Common Name:
Poor Man's Orchid
Botanical Name: Schizanthus wisetonensis
The colorful orchid like flowers of the Butterfly Flower contrast beautifully against the soft, feathery
foliage of this annual. Schizanthus dislike extremes of heat or cold, preferring cool and moist conditions.
Common Name:
Scarlet Sage
Botanical Name: Salvia splendens
Scarlet Sage is a frost tender perennial that is usually grown as an annual. It blooms in various colors
including scarlet, purple, orange, lavender and yellow. Remove old flowers for repeat blooms.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Antirrhinum majas
Snapdragons produce tall stalks of fragrant flowers that attract both butterflies and hummingbirds throughout
the summer. Snapdragons are easily grown
from seed
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Bracteantha bracteata
Paper Daisys are tender perennials usually grown as annuals. They need moist, but well drained soil. They can
be propagated by softwood
cuttings or grown
from seed
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Helianthus annuus
Sunflowers are single stemmed annuals with large, fuzzy, silvery green, lance shape leaves. They produce long
lasting, large single or multiple flower heads that range from 4-12" depending on the variety.
Common Name:
Sweet Pea
Botanical Name: Lathyrus odoratus
Sweet Peas have long been a favorite of gardeners because of the wonderful fragrance of the large clusters of
colorful flowers that grace these annual vines all summer.
Common Name:
Sweet William
Botanical Name: Dianthus barbatus
Height: 6-12"
USDA Zones: 

Sweet William is a clump forming, deciduous biennial that prefers alkaline soil and dislikes heat. They
produce a steady supply of fragrant, showy flowers from late spring to late summer, sometimes extending right up
until the first frost.
Common Name:
Treasure Flower
Botanical Name: Gazania
The Treasure Flower's brightly bi-colored, daisy-like flowers are 2-5 inches in diameter, growing atop 6-12
inch stalks. The foliage is somewhat grasslike, but narrow at the base and widening toward the tip.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Diascia barberae
Twinspurs are a vigorous growing, tender perennials that are closely related to the Snapdragon. They have
small, heart shaped foliage and grow from 6"-12" tall, forming 8"-20" clumps. From late
spring until early fall, they produce bright pink or salmon colored, 1/2"-3/4" flowers.
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Viola sp
Violets are dainty little self seeding versions of the Pansy. Their seeds can be directly sown into the garden
at anytime from spring through fall, but the seeds need darkness and 70° to germinate
Common Name:
Botanical Name: Zinnia elegans
Zinnias are easy to grow annual plants that produce an abundance of brightly colored 2-3" flowers through
the summer months. They grow well in containers and make excellent cut flower arrangements. They dislike wet
foliage. Can be easily grown from seed
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