USDA Plant Hardiness Zones
One of the most important considerations in determining what garden and landscape plants
you can grow in your garden is whether or not they will survive in the planting zone for your area.
The USDA Planting Zone Map factors in average winter minimum temperatures. This collection of information starts with
Zone 1, where minimum temperatures can go down to MINUS 50° F., and ranges to Zone 11, for the lucky gardeners in
Hawaii and extreme Southern Florida where lows don't drop below 40° F.
The information provided is based on data collected by the USDA over a period
of 70 years.
We chose to utilize the USDA standard planting zones rather than other zone standards because of its more universal
use by both gardeners and growers.
This Plant Growing Zones Atlas consists of the master map, nine regional maps, a "last frost date" map,
tables and charts. Use them as tools to plan your gardening activities.
Keep in mind that there is always a chance of occasional extreme winters or summers that should also be factored into your plans!
Planting Zones Map
Click on any area within the United States to go to a close-up of the Planting Zones in that region To return to this map, click your browser's Back button or the flashing button on the left.

If you are having trouble with the planting zones map function above please click on your State to view your planting zones
Special thanks to Jody Shuart, Scott Bauer and the ARS Information Staff for their hard work on the
Plant Hardiness Zone Map project!
This publication is not copyrighted, and permission to reproduce it is not required.
Average Date of last killing Frost, Plant Zone temperature ranges, Temperature conversion table