How to Grow and Care for Shrubby Cinquefoil Plants
Potentilla fruticosa
Shrubby Cinquefoil plants, Potentilla fruticosa, are a small, low maintenance,
deciduous shrubs which are an excellent addition
to a Butterfly Garden,
or for areas where deer are a problem.
The yellow or pink buttercup-like flowers first appear on this 1-4 foot tall shrub in June
and will continue to brighten your landscape until the first frosts of Fall.
Cinquefoil plants are a very durable and will tolerate drought,
flooding, extreme cold, and will transplant easily.
Growing Requirements for Potentilla Plants
Potentillas are hardy in areas as cold as USDA zone 2,
however they will not perform very well in climates warmer than zone 7.
Potentilla prefer well-drained, reasonably rich soil, but will tolerate clay, rocky, or slightly alkaline soils as well.
Plant your Potentilla in a sunny area that receives some shade during the hottest part of the day
to prevent the flower colors from fading.
The best time to feed Potentilla plants is in either late February or early June, using a quality
'Rose type' (8-12-4) fertilizer according to label directions.
If you use a dry, granular type of fertilizer be certain to water it in thoroughly, immediately after application.
Prune out the oldest stems in late winter to prevent your plant from becoming leggy.
Propagating Potentilla Plants and Growing them from Seeds
Potentilla Plants can be propagated by
digging and dividing established plants in the spring.
Softwood cuttings can be taken from
the new growth of Potentillas in the summer.
Potentilla seeds are short lived, and should not be stored!
Potentilla seeds can be sown directly into the garden
in late fall or early spring.
Sow seeds indoors in early spring.
Maintain a temperature in the growing medium of 65°-70° until germination,
which takes 15-20 days.
Shrubby Cinquefoil Potentilla fruticosa
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