How to Grow and Care for Sea Pink Plants
Armeria maritima
The Sea Pink, or Thrift is a low maintenance, drought tolerant, short lived perennial that forms a 6-12" cushion-like, compact mound of coarse, narrow, dark green grass-like leaves.
This perennial plant is a native to northern Europe and Greenland.
The Sea Pink produces a steady supply of 1" white, red or pink flowers from late spring until mid summer
Sea Pinks are excellent to grow for seaside gardens, borders or as a ground cover plant.
Growing Requirements for Armeria Plants
Sea Pink Plants are hardy in zones 3-9
They grow best in full sun, with sandy, fast draining soil
Growing Sea Pink Plants from Seed
Soak Armeria seeds in warm water for 6-8 hours before sowing!
Sea Pink seeds can be sown in the garden during late spring and summer months, up until two months before the first frost.
Seeds that are started indoors, in early spring and kept at 60°-70° F. will germinate in two to three weeks and bloom the first year. |
Sea Pink Armeria maritima |
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