Common Name |
Botanical Name |
Height |
Plant Characteristics and Notes |
USDA Zones |
Growing Requirements Benefits |
Alpine Pinks |
Dianthus alpinus |
4-8" |
This true alpine species of Pinks forms cushions of neat, dark green foliage. In mid-summer they produce dozens of extra large but otherwise typical looking, sweet smelling Dianthus flowers. Deer resistant |
4-9 |

Bears Breeches |
Acanthus species |
3-4 ft. |
Bear's Breeches are huge, mound forming perennials with dramatic, deeply cut, bright green leaves that can reach one foot wide and two feet long. From late spring until mid summer, they produce impressive, 2-3 foot tall spikes of hooded, white or light pink flowers. |
5-10 |

Blue Flax |
Linum narbonense |
18" |
Clumps of soft green foliage, long lasting funnel shaped violet flowers in the Summer |
5-10 |
Candytuft |
Iberis species |
6"-12" |
The Iberis genus of plants includes about fourty different species of annuals, perennials and sub-shrubs, with flower colors in shades of white, red, pink or lavender. They are great plants for borders or in your Rock Garden. |
Checkerbloom |
Sidalcea malviflora |
3-4 ft. |
Sprawling growth of round leaves, loose heads of pink to white flowers throughout the Summer |
6-10 |
Cinquefoil |
Potentilla fruticosa |
2-3 ft. |
Potentillas prefer well-drained, reasonably rich soil, but will tolerate clay, rocky, or even slightly alkaline soils as well. Loads of pink or yellow 'buttercup' flowers in June. |
2-7 |
Clematis 'Snowdrift' |
Clematis armandii |
Abundant, fragrant 2-3 inch flowers in March through April. Attractive, evergreen covering for fences and arbors. Clematis like their heads in the sun and their roots in the shade. |
6-9 |
Clematis 'Anna Karolina' |
Clematis Anna Karolina |
Clematis 'Anna Karolina' produces loads of 5-6" white flowers in late Spring and again in late Summer on short six to nine foot vines. Prune back to 3-4 ft. in late winter. Clematis like their heads in the sun and their roots in the shade |
4-9 |
Coral Bells |
Heuchera sanguinea |
12-18" |
Coral Bells are compact growing, 18" mounding, evergreen plants that offer a growing variety of outstanding foliage colors in shades of purple, rose, lime green, gold as well as many striking variegations. |
6-9 |
Cranesbill |
Erodium reichardii |
3-6" |
Erodiums are low growing plants that form compact, dense 12" evergreen mounds of tufted, dark green foliage with scalloped edges. From April until October they produce ½" saucer shaped, rose-pink flowers or white flowers with red veins. |
7-10 |
Crown Vetch |
Coronilla varia |
24" |
Sprawling leafy stems with an abundance of pink clover-like flowers throughout the Summer |
6-10 |
Delphinium |
Delphinium x elatum |
2-6 ft. |
Delphiniums are stately, elegant plants that form mounds of maple-like or deeply serrated, dark green foliage. They produce tall spikes of showy flowers in late spring through to mid summer. Delphiniums range in size from less than 2 feet tall to towering 6 ft. spikes of cup shaped blossoms. |
3-9 |

Dwarf Baby's Breath |
Gypsophila muralis |
3" |
Spreading mat of greyish foliage; abundant clusters of pink or white flowers from late Spring until early Summer |
5-10 |
Florist's Carnation |
Dianthus caryophyllus |
6-12" |
Florist's Carnations are actually tender perennials that are best grown from seed as an annual and then disposed of. They prefer alkaline soil and dislike heat. They produce richly fragrant flowers in the summer |

Foxtail Lily |
Eremurus robustus |
24-36" |
Straplike green leaves with 24" spikes of pink flowers atop 8 ft. stems in late Spring |
6-9 |
Garden Pinks |
Dianthus |
6-12" |
Most Garden Pinks are tender perennial or biennial clump forming plants that prefer alkaline soil and dislike heat. They produce richly fragrant flowers in the spring or summer, sometimes extending right up until the first frost. |

Goat's Rue |
Galega officinalis |
3-5 ft. |
Light green, lance shaped foliage with spikes of pink pea-like flowers in mid-Summer |
5-10 |
Gold Plate Yarrow |
Achillea filipendulina |
4 ft. |
Gold Plate Yarrow is a long blooming perennial with fern like greyish green foliage and 4-6" bright yellow flower clusters |
3-10 |
Hardy Carnation |
Dianthus caryophyllus |
6-12" |
Hardy Carnations are low maintenance, long blooming perennials. (Unfortunately they are only hardy to zone 8) They prefer alkaline soil and dislike heat. They produce their sweetly fragrant flowers all spring |
8-10 |

Hart's Tongue Fern |
Asplenium scolopendrium |
24-30" |
Unlike most other ferns, tropical looking Hart's Tongue Fern has strap-like undivided fronds. These glossy green ferns are native to most areas of the world with alkaline soil. Keep the soil evenly moist. Hart's Tongue Ferns are well suited for growing as a container plant. |
6-8 |
Heartleaf Saxifrage |
Bergenia cordifolia |
10-15" |
Bergenia's clusters of purple-pink flowers are produced atop twelve inch burgundy stems in the early spring. Glossy 8 inch heart shaped leaves |
3-9 |

Helen's Flower |
Helenium autumnale |
5 ft. |
Branching, leafy stems with yellow, orange or reddish Daisy-like flowers in the Fall |
3-9 |
Hens and Chicks |
Sempervivum tectorum |
1"-4" |
Many varieties of succulent rosettes; unique flowers develop after the plant is a couple years old; needs excellent drainage |
zones vary |
Italian alkanet |
Anchusa italica |
3-4 ft. |
Italian alkanet is a stout and durable member of the Forget-me-not family. It has hairy 6" leaves and produces spikes of "true blue" flowers in June and July |
3-9 |
Japanese Wind Flower |
Anemone hupehensis |
12" |
Spreading ground cover with single 2-3", white to pink flowers |
6-10 |

Jupiter's Beard |
Centranthus ruber |
24-36" |
Jupiter's Beard is an upright, branching perennial with soft, light bluish green, lance shaped foliage. It produces clusters of small, fragrant flowers from June through August. Can be easily grown from seeds. |
4-9 |

Ladies Fingers |
Anthyllis vulneraria |
12-18" |
Silky, fern-like foliage mound, with small white or yellow blooms |
7-9 |
Lilacs |
Syringa vulgaris |
5-8 ft. |
Lilacs require full sun for maximum bloom. They prefer a slightly alkaline soil (pH 7.5). Most Lilacs require a pronounced winter chilling period or they may fail to bloom the following year |
3-7 |
Leopard's Bane |
Doronicum pardaliances |
3 ft. |
Large heart shaped green foliage with bright yellow Daisy-like flowers from Spring to mid-Summer |
5-9 |

Madwort |
Alyssum spinosum |
24" |
Compact shrub-like growth, tiny foliage, profusion of small white to pink flowers |
8-9 |
Maidenhair Spleenwort |
Asplenium trichomanes |
4-7" |
The Maidenhair Spleenwort is a rhizomous, low growing, creeping fern that forms dense tufted rosettes of deep green fronds on black, wire-like stems. In nature, Maidenhair Spleenworts grow in shady rock cervices and rocky, calcium rich (limestone) soil. They require constant moisture and good drainage. |
3-9 |
Meadow Cranesbill |
Geranium pratense |
36" |
Shiny green foliage turns bronze in the Fall, 1" saucer shaped flowers in mid_Summer |
5-9 |
Meadow Sage |
Salvia nemorosa |
3 ft. |
Narrow erect plant with irregular leaves, spikes of small purple to white blooms in the Summer. Prefers slightly alkaline soil |
5-10 |
Milky Bellflower |
Campanula lactiflora |
2-5 ft. |
Large clumping plant with tall spikes of bell shaped purple/blue flowers in Summer |
5-9 |
Monkshood |
Aconitum napellus |
3 ft. |
Monkshood closely resembles Delphiniums in both foliage and flower. It has deeply divided green foliage and tall spikes of dark blue, purple or white flowers |
3-9 |

Moss Campion |
Silene schafta |
6-12" |
Semi-evergreen clump of hairy, tongue shaped leaves, solitary purplish/red flowers appear on wirey stems in late Summer and Fall |
6-10 |
Oregano |
Origanum amanum |
6-8" |
Evergreen, small heart shaped green leaves; funnel shaped pink flowers mid-summer |
8-10 |
Pasque Flower |
Pulsatilla vulgaris |
9"-12" |
In early spring, Pasque Flower plants produce large, 3"-4", violet purple, pink or sometimes white flowers with bold, contrasting yellow centers which, as they begin to fade, are followed by finely dissected, silvery green, fern-like foliage.
4-8 |
Pincushion Flower |
Scabiosa columnaria |
1-2 ft. |
The Pincushion Flower is a long blooming, clump forming perennial. From early summer until the first frost of fall, Pincushion Flowers produce an abundance of rounded, 1½" flowerheads on top of wirey, 12"-24" stems. |
4-8 |
Privet |
Ligustrum vulgare |
4-15 ft. |
Privet is a densely growing deciduous shrub with small light green, mottled or golden foliage. It produces clusters of fragrant white flowers all summer. Can be pruned into elaborate shapes
Attracts: Spring Azure, Painted Ladies, Red-spotted Purple |
1-10 |
Purple Mullein |
Verbascum phoeniceum |
2-4 ft. |
Dark green rosette, purple or pink flowers form on low spikes in the Summer |
6-10 |
Purple Toadflax |
Linaria purpurea |
3 ft. |
Grey/green foliage with spikes of small violet colored, Snapdragon-like flowers in the Summer |
6-10 |
Rabbitbrush |
Chrysothamnus nauseosus |
4-5 ft. |
Rabbitbrush is best known for it's intensely yellow colored flowers which bloom from August through October. |
4-6 |

Saxifrage |
Saxifraga bronchialis |
8" |
Saxifrage is an evergreen perennial that forms cushions of moss-like fine foliage and produces pretty, cream colored flowers spotted with red or pink all Spring |
4-9 |
Siberian Bugloss |
Brunnera macrophylla |
15-24" |
10" tall and 20" wide mounds of light green, heart shaped leaves, with clusters of tiny violet-blue 'forget-me-not' flowers on wirey stems in late spring |
3-7 |
Soapwort |
Saponaria ocymoides |
4" |
Forms thick mat of ground covering, fine foliage; hundreds of small pink to red flowers cover the plant in early Spring |
4-10 |
Stonecress |
Aethionema armenum |
6" |
Low growing shrubby evergreen, with long lasting bright rose-pink flowers |
6-9 |
Sweet William |
Dianthus barbatus |
6-12" |
Sweet William is a clump forming, deciduous biennial that prefers alkaline soil and dislikes heat. They produce a steady supply of fragrant, showy flowers from late spring to late summer, sometimes extending right up until the first frost. |

Whitlow grass |
Draba aizoides |
4" |
Small rosette of tiny grey or greel leaves; bright yellow flowers in late Spring |
5-9 |
Woolley Thyme |
Thymus pseudolanuginosus |
1" |
Spreading mat of tiny, hairy, light green foliage; covered by tiny pink flowers in mid Summer. Several aromatic Thymes are also available. |
3-9 |
Yellow Corydalis |
Corydalis lutea |
12-15" |
Corydalis lutea is a short lived perennial wildflower that is very easy to grow and care for. They grow 12"-15" tall and gradually form 24" diameter mounds of light greyish-green, fern like foliage. Sprays of bright yellow, 1" tubular flowers begin to appear in early May and will continue until the first frosts of Fall. |
6-10 |
