Winter Care of Geranium Plants and Ivy Geraniums
"After lifting geraniums (also hanging ivy geraniums and citronella), how do I store for the winter?
Thanks - Barbara (in NE Ohio) "
Caring for Geraniums in the House
The most important thing I can tell you is to keep all of your Geraniums away from heat sources.
Also be aware that there may be insects on the plant, which could migrate to your houseplants,
so you might want to spray them or isolate them for a while before exposing them to your other plants.
The best strategy is to try to re-create the same conditions indoors that the geraniums were growing in when they were outdoors.
Try to provide as much light and humidity as you can.
The best temperature range would be from 60-70 degrees, which is cooler than a typical house in the winter, so if you have a cooler spare room that has sufficient light, you will have it made.
Even in these conditions, your geraniums may begin to get leggy and less attractive by the end of winter.
If this is the case, simply take cuttings from the mother plants.
Propagating new Geraniums with Softwood Cuttings
If you are inclined to try taking softwood cuttings, Geraniums are a very easy plant to start with...
Take cuttings in September from healthy plants which have been kept rather dry for a couple weeks.
Use a clean, sharp knife and make a cutting 3 to 4 inches in length from the growing tips.
Trim off the lower leaves from the cutting, and stick it into a coarse, sandy medium in a small pots or in flats, and water well.
Place them in indirect light. Do not allow your cuttings to dry out!
After new roots are formed, move the new plants into full sun and but only water them enough to keep them from shriveling.
Fertilize with a diluted solution of liquid fertilizer every two weeks after your new plant shows signs of active growth. |
Not only will the mother plants become bushier, you'll increase your stock of geraniums just in time for spring!
The winter care for both the Ivy Geranium, and Citronella will be the same.

Geranium 'Orange Appeal'
Pelargonium hortorum |

Ivy Geranium
Pelargonium peltatum |
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