Jade plants
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2004
by Quinton on March 10, 2004 05:48 AM
Hello all. I am new here and I was hoping someone could help me with my jade plant. I have had my plant for about 3 years or so, but for the last 4 months it has not grown at all and it cannot stand up by itself. The leaves haven't turned brown or shriveled and it doesn't appear to be dead, but I don't know what to do. More light, more/less water? Can someone help me? Thank you.
by Jiffymouse on March 10, 2004 04:41 PM
by Quinton on March 11, 2004 05:26 AM
Thanks for your help. I will be back if anything changes. Thanks again.
by Will Creed on March 11, 2004 10:14 PM
Hi Quinton,
The symptoms you described suggest that there is problem with roots. My guess is that the roots have started to rot. That could be because you water a bit too frequently, because you repotted, or because it does not get enough light.
Can you post a photo?
The symptoms you described suggest that there is problem with roots. My guess is that the roots have started to rot. That could be because you water a bit too frequently, because you repotted, or because it does not get enough light.
Can you post a photo?
by Carolyn on March 15, 2004 08:16 PM
Hey! Just wanted to let you know that some jades just droop. A friend of mine has some beautiful large jade plants, but they droop more like a hanging plant, even the branches that are 1" in diameter. I wish I had some photos for you. As long as the stems and leaves look OK, I wouldn't worry too much. Do keep an eye out for squishy stems, which means that water isn't getting to the leaves. Now that the days are getting longer, it should start growing again, as long as you don't have a root rot problem.
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