Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by langford on April 26, 2006 10:36 AM
Does anyone know of any water garden plants that can go outside of the pond? around it, to make it look nice? i'm at a loss here..also a few pretty blooming water plants..would be nice to know...thanks
by SpringFever on April 26, 2006 11:22 AM
Right now I have peppermint (use caution it spreads rapidly!!) and some ornimental grass..
I have one lotus and I put irish flowering moss around the walking areas..
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I have one lotus and I put irish flowering moss around the walking areas..
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by eclo on April 26, 2006 10:18 PM
Japanese Iris... it has been my experience, that it will grow and bloom in dry soil and then right up to and into the water... even with the rhizomes completely submerged. Also, I have some "Zebra Bullrush" that originally was in my pond but a bit of it rooted just outside the pond and done rather well. I think you may have to keep it watered fairly well tho! Do you have a bog area?
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by SpringFever on April 27, 2006 01:44 AM
I wanted some for inside the pond... Icould make a bog area but my area is pretty rocky..
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by langford on April 27, 2006 01:49 AM
What in the heck is a bog area? sounds like some sort of animal..hehe...so i would have to say i don't have one of those...and all these flower& plant names..does anyone know if they will live by me? i mean we get some crappy weather here..frost this morning (boy was i mad) ruined my day..but it's suppose to get nicer..and i just read that the weekend is suppose to be nice..OH YEAH...PARTY TIME!!!! Let's get to working outside (my husband said he'll be working on the basement this weekend..uhhhhhhhh hello mcfly...you have my pond to dig...hehe..i love him though..guess we'll get to it when we can..thanks for all the answers..i appreciate them greatly..
by SpringFever on April 27, 2006 02:48 AM
Bog is an area you build and contain soggy soil I think ...If its nice get to diggin!! the basement is for rainy days! ![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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by SpringFever on April 27, 2006 02:49 AM
OOPs and the flowers and plants should be fine in your area.. what zone are you in?
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by langford on April 27, 2006 03:36 AM
I think i am in zone 5..i think..indiana..northern part..
by SpringFever on April 27, 2006 03:38 AM
You have to find the plants that are hardy to that zone when it says hardy zone 3-8 you are in that group so it should be fine for winter in your area...
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by langford on April 27, 2006 03:41 AM
Ok..that is good..now what plant is it that i want...?? i will eventually need alot of them..hehe
by SpringFever on April 27, 2006 03:44 AM
I have a few I heard about elco says japanese iris I have a water lily, water lettuce,ummmmm that is all I know of ..
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by langford on April 27, 2006 04:09 AM
got it..i'm writing it down as we speak..or type..anyhow..spring do you work? i'm thinking not..must be nice..i use to not work when it wasn't worth my while to spend 500.00 /wk on daycare..but now my oldest 2 watch the little 3 after school til i get home..works nice..i have a iris i think..not sure..could be a lily..hmm what about lily pads..what do you think of those?
by SpringFever on April 27, 2006 04:12 AM
lily pads are lotus ... kinda the same .. I sell fur coats lang.. yep last 7 years .. I cut my hours back cause of day care..
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by langford on April 27, 2006 04:15 AM
oh...you sell fur coats?? that is sad...i mean i understand you have to make a living..but how sad...ohhhh on the lily pads...cool..i didn't know that is what they were..hehe
by SpringFever on April 27, 2006 04:19 AM
I know .... I could get a different job but I love my boss she is such a wonderful person! she does a ton for me including pay for my child care where else are you going to find that..?
We have wild ones around here they are yellow and pretty!
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We have wild ones around here they are yellow and pretty!
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by langford on April 27, 2006 04:41 AM
Yeah that is nice how they pay the childcare for ya..cause that is expensive..so that is nice...i had a lily pad plant last year..it died though...am i suppose to bring it inside?
by Gardencrazy on April 27, 2006 05:10 AM
Hi, Guys! Sorry but I need to clear up some info.
Lily pads and lotus are not the same thing.
Lotus (nelumbo) can range in size from 2' to 6' high out of the water. Waterlilies (nymphaea) have floating pads with only a few varieties that hold there flowers or pads above the water.
langford~ In zone 5 there are quite a few plants that will work for your pond and be hardy. You also don't need water plants to grow on the outside, regular perennials & annuals will work fine but here are a few I can think of that grow in regular garden dirt if kept damp iris pseudacorus, LA iris, Japanese iris, horsetail rush, chameleon plant, sweet flag & creeping jenny. For flowers in the pond waterlilies, spatterdock, pickeral rush, marsh marigolds, lizard tail, lotus & water avens. The waterliliy, spatterdock & lotus are deep water plants, all of the others are marginals.
There are some plants that aren't hardy for your zone but look great next to a pond such as taro and cannas.
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Lily pads and lotus are not the same thing.
Lotus (nelumbo) can range in size from 2' to 6' high out of the water. Waterlilies (nymphaea) have floating pads with only a few varieties that hold there flowers or pads above the water.
langford~ In zone 5 there are quite a few plants that will work for your pond and be hardy. You also don't need water plants to grow on the outside, regular perennials & annuals will work fine but here are a few I can think of that grow in regular garden dirt if kept damp iris pseudacorus, LA iris, Japanese iris, horsetail rush, chameleon plant, sweet flag & creeping jenny. For flowers in the pond waterlilies, spatterdock, pickeral rush, marsh marigolds, lizard tail, lotus & water avens. The waterliliy, spatterdock & lotus are deep water plants, all of the others are marginals.
There are some plants that aren't hardy for your zone but look great next to a pond such as taro and cannas.
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by SpringFever on April 27, 2006 05:17 AM
THANK YOU GARDENCRAZY!! we have been waiting and waiting ...
Ps I know the lotus are different just a genral idea what they are
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by SpringFever on April 27, 2006 05:17 AM
where did you get the lily?
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by langford on April 27, 2006 05:24 AM
I got the lily ( i think that is what it is) at lowes last year..i left it outside..and it still has green things on it..hehe..wow..ya know? but garden crazy..you helped me tremendously..thank you very very much..i printed this out to take to hubby and tell him lets go SHOPPING..let the fun begin..haha..i only have 1 set up so far..lets not get carried away rayann..so..spring..let me ask you something..do you think a semi tarp would work for a liner??
by SpringFever on April 27, 2006 05:26 AM
needs to be more pliable I think it is suppose to be 8mm at least!
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by langford on April 27, 2006 05:29 AM
oh the tarps are very thick..it is thicker than a pool liner..but i think it would work for an underliner? what do you think?
by SpringFever on April 27, 2006 07:55 AM
you could try it in the winter it might get to brittle and crack easier... not for the main liner right?
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by langford on April 27, 2006 08:04 AM
no not for the main liner..but i'm thinking ( i work at a trucking company) if they don't break and crack for out trucks..they should be ok..
by SpringFever on April 27, 2006 08:38 AM
yeah I would use a couple if it was me.. do you get them for free? like old ones?
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by langford on April 27, 2006 09:54 AM
actually i did get them for free..but they are new..kinda cool huh?
by SpringFever on April 27, 2006 10:09 AM
yeah why not thats what I say!! Hope it does that would save you some change ... I would try to get the free carpet as well just cause it is thicker and you would not have worry about any rocks puncturing the plastic
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by langford on April 27, 2006 10:19 AM
you think? i'm thinking those tarps are pretty heavy..guess i'll see when i get them..right? maybe i'll hang up the tarp..and throw some rocks at it..hehe
by SpringFever on April 27, 2006 10:23 AM
It is the weight of the water ... waters heavy!! could poke a hole in plastic easy if you missed even 1 rock.. root what ever there may be ![[dunno]](im/graemlins/dunno.gif)
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by langford on April 27, 2006 10:51 AM
man that sucks..i was hoping that i wouldn't have to go in search of someone's old used carpet..ya know? guess the search is back on..great
by SpringFever on April 27, 2006 10:55 AM
Just trying to help you save time!!
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by langford on April 27, 2006 10:57 AM
Oh i understand..and thank you..cause honestly..i have no clue what i'm doing..heheheh..i can't wait for this to get off the ground though..my husband on the other hand..keeps telling me how i am going to dig this hole..ummm duh...im not incredible hulk man..ya know? i'll fill it up with water and transport the fishies..hehe
by SpringFever on April 27, 2006 10:58 AM
I dug mine myself .. to impatient to wait 3 years for him to do it !!
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by langford on April 28, 2006 05:55 AM
HAHAHAHAHA..i'm thinking i'll be digging this myself as well..he told me there is a company right next to his office that rents back hoes..we just need a little one..why don't i call and check on the pricing of that..OMG..he really doesn't plan on doing it..hehe
by SpringFever on April 28, 2006 05:58 AM
LOL yep there ya go... though mine did clean out the garage today... and dug some weeds out of the garden.. so I can't complain!
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by langford on April 28, 2006 06:19 AM
WOW..that's awesome..i wish..i wish..i wish..hehe..although mine does take care of the lawn and edging..and watering..and well does alot..hehe..but when he is working long hours..i don't expect him to do anything but come home and sleep..the other day he was up for more than 36 hours..so i dont complain much..hehe
by afgreyparrot on April 28, 2006 06:59 AM
quote:If you have no idea what you are doing, you might want to read this first...
Originally posted by langford:
..cause honestly..i have no clue what i'm doing..heheheh..i can't wait for this to get off the ground though..
How NOT To Build A Pond!
I did everything WRONG!
Make sure you use a level...first.
If one side is even a few inches lower than the other side, it's not good...trust me.
This was my second pond-building experience.
I obviously didn't learn anything from my first one.
I'm a slow learner.
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by SpringFever on April 28, 2006 07:02 AM
LMAO I read the thread about that cindy... wish I was here when I put mine in there was like 2 weeks of total hell involved!!
Where can you find that spreading floating plant you have?? I love it !
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![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
Where can you find that spreading floating plant you have?? I love it !
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by langford on April 28, 2006 08:50 AM
Well hello afgreyparrot..i've been waiting to see you post..actually i read all of that post before i joined..and laughed hysterically at everything that happened...very funny stuff...So did you read what i was going to do..cause i wouldn't mind your input as well..
by afgreyparrot on April 28, 2006 04:33 PM
quote:Which one?
Where can you find that spreading floating plant you have?? I love it !

I got them all from a member here. She was the one who saved me! I don't know what I would have done without those plants for shade for my fishies in the small pond.
None of the floating plants lived over the winter, though...so now I have to start all over with those.
I have a few little pieces of the Parrot's Feather still alive...just barely.
But, let me tell you! When I have plants that someone blesses me with, EVERYBODY gets some of them! I sent that stuff to a bunch of other people last year...all over the United States. So, if I get anything growing good before you do, then I will be sure to send you some.
Well hello afgreyparrot..i've been waiting to see you post..
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
I've been reading everything here!
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by langford on April 29, 2006 05:30 AM
Wow that is pretty...what are they both called? Well we measured our pond last night..or layed it out to see what it would look like..and it is 26 long..by 18 1/2 wide..guess that is big enough..right?
by SpringFever on May 01, 2006 03:25 AM
CINDY I love the little floating ones...
It is awsome!! That harron would never be able to see my fishies then!! What are the feathery ones??
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It is awsome!! That harron would never be able to see my fishies then!! What are the feathery ones??
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by plants 'n pots on May 01, 2006 04:42 AM
Cindy's right - she shared some with me too, and my fish and I were very thankful!
The little ones are called duckweed, and the feathery ones are called Parrots feathers.
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"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
The little ones are called duckweed, and the feathery ones are called Parrots feathers.
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"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
by SpringFever on May 01, 2006 07:29 AM
Lynne I am gonna have to get some of that before I get more fish!! It is pretty.. how dod you keep it wintered?
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by langford on May 03, 2006 02:58 AM
I am getting some of that too..dang i like that ...thanks for the info..gonna have to find that somewhere..don't know where yet..but somewhere..hehe.
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