Cannas Seed Pods?
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by mike57 on July 19, 2005 01:07 AM
yes those are seed pods let them turn brown befor you pick them.some varitys will have seeds in them some will not.yor canna lillys looks great
looks like it has put up a second shoot for you.if you plant the new seeds lightly sand them then soke them in warm water 24 hours befor you plant them ok.your friend in gardening.mike57
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by tkhooper on July 19, 2005 01:22 AM
Thankyou Mike,
I really appreciate the information. That's the yellow flowered cannas and I know two members who have said they would like the yellow.
I'm assuming it would be two years from seed to flower? I really shouldn't be assuming since I do it sooooooo badly. I hope it has seeds. That would be so great.
I really appreciate the information. That's the yellow flowered cannas and I know two members who have said they would like the yellow.
I'm assuming it would be two years from seed to flower? I really shouldn't be assuming since I do it sooooooo badly. I hope it has seeds. That would be so great.
by mike57 on July 19, 2005 01:47 AM
again TK you can all ways use them in seed trades.your cannas will grow more each year from the risome root system so you will have even more next i would trade them seeds.i have a lot of different colors of cannas i have ornge,yellow,red,peach.and pink.i dig some of mine up every year to sell at the 450 mile yard sale we have here.i have traded some of my seeds with a guy in the camin islands for some that i did not have.your friend in gardening.mike57
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by tkhooper on July 19, 2005 01:59 AM
Pictures, pictures please. Pretty please. Those sound so pretty. I didn't know they came in all those colors. That is great.
by Carly on July 19, 2005 12:23 PM
One of last year's Canadian Gardening issues did a Cannas feature - I couldn't stop looking at it -absolutely fascinating plants.
I don't really think I could get them going on our lot. With this drought, I trust nothing anymore.
I like to stick with what grows naturally. It's just too heartbreaking when you see your flowers fail.
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When sorting seeds, do not whistle.
I don't really think I could get them going on our lot. With this drought, I trust nothing anymore.
I like to stick with what grows naturally. It's just too heartbreaking when you see your flowers fail.
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When sorting seeds, do not whistle.
by tkhooper on July 20, 2005 10:40 PM
They fall off of the plant when they get to this stage. Does that mean that this one won't produce seeds?

by mike57 on July 21, 2005 01:07 AM
they should turn brown while still on the stalk.but you can open it up and check. it should have round seeds about the size of a green sweet pea.if there is nothing in it then see if you can get some to turn brown on the stalk.hope this helps and good luck with getting some seeds.your friend in gardening.mike57
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by mike57 on July 21, 2005 02:34 AM
here are a few photos of the colors of canna lillys i have theses are older photos i have not had much time to take photos of them this year but theses should show you some of the colors that are avalable there are a lot more types out there.
your friend in gardening.mike57![[wayey]](im/graemlins/wavey.gif)
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your friend in gardening.mike57
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No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent.
by MaryReboakly on July 21, 2005 02:38 AM
Wow Mike those are gorgeous colors. I especially love the peach one ![[Wink]](im/wink.gif)
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by tkhooper on July 21, 2005 03:17 AM
Hey Mike the flowers look different on each one of your plants. The red the petals look really thin. Where my red one has kind of wide petals and your peach seeds to have bunches of petals. Are these all different variations? Do the cannas mutate on their own or do you have to get divisions/seeds for each variety?
The inside of the pod had 14 little black seed like things inside but nothing larger than a columbine seed. I guess maybe mine didn't get pollenated or something? I have no idea how that works with plants. I'll hope one of the other plants manages to come up with some seeds I hope. I wonder what colors the rest of them are now that I know they come in different colors.
The inside of the pod had 14 little black seed like things inside but nothing larger than a columbine seed. I guess maybe mine didn't get pollenated or something? I have no idea how that works with plants. I'll hope one of the other plants manages to come up with some seeds I hope. I wonder what colors the rest of them are now that I know they come in different colors.
by mike57 on July 21, 2005 03:32 AM
HI TK all i know is there are a lot of different variations of cannas.some have thin flowers some have large ones some are varagated colored seems like i see a new varity every year.your friend in gardening.mike57
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by tkhooper on July 21, 2005 03:42 AM
Did you see the tropicanna? I definitely want to see if I can get one of those. That one wouldn't even need a flower the folage is fancy enough all by itself.
Sounds like we are going to have a canna seed scavenger hunt over the comming seasons lol.
I wish I had known a long time ago how much fun a garden could be. I'd have had one years ago.
Sounds like we are going to have a canna seed scavenger hunt over the comming seasons lol.
I wish I had known a long time ago how much fun a garden could be. I'd have had one years ago.
by njoynit on July 21, 2005 06:16 AM
I grow a few kinds of cannas& yes their are different types.I have a few species type and they set seed.when they set seed.that thing you see?where you got small black things?well it swells if its going to set seed.I don't have a nay seed setters that are not species....but they do have some....just not in my yard.
I got black knight over the should have red flowers& its tall& has bronzed foliage(like a green with a purple cast& dark edges)I'm still waiting for it to bloom.I have florence vaughn.Red indica(sets seed)orange indica(sets seed)Bengal tiger.has green yellow striped foliage the flowers are a pretty orangeish color.I got journeys end for my birthday last year(in yahoo albulm)I have lucifer& he is slow to bloom& multiply(anyone else grow him?????)I also got 3 peach divisions....still waiting on a bloom on those.I don't know If did sylvias garden page right.....but she has a listing of cannas alphabetically....if it don't work.....I'll fix tomorrow.I have to cook dinner& told myself I'd get off computer at 4:30....and its after 5
I was told cannas from seed will bloom the 1st year,but will be stronger plants if pinch 1st bloom off.I'm still scratching my seed.....I found my coffee cup of soaking seeds....It was dry& seeds water stained...guess will scratch them some more.....and NOT lose where I sat the cup down this time.
I'm also intrested in colorful foliage types& the banna canna& I got bookmarks of canna sites.but I gotta cook dinner.Its chicken...rice....garlic bread.hungry???
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
I grow a few kinds of cannas& yes their are different types.I have a few species type and they set seed.when they set seed.that thing you see?where you got small black things?well it swells if its going to set seed.I don't have a nay seed setters that are not species....but they do have some....just not in my yard.
I got black knight over the should have red flowers& its tall& has bronzed foliage(like a green with a purple cast& dark edges)I'm still waiting for it to bloom.I have florence vaughn.Red indica(sets seed)orange indica(sets seed)Bengal tiger.has green yellow striped foliage the flowers are a pretty orangeish color.I got journeys end for my birthday last year(in yahoo albulm)I have lucifer& he is slow to bloom& multiply(anyone else grow him?????)I also got 3 peach divisions....still waiting on a bloom on those.I don't know If did sylvias garden page right.....but she has a listing of cannas alphabetically....if it don't work.....I'll fix tomorrow.I have to cook dinner& told myself I'd get off computer at 4:30....and its after 5
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
I was told cannas from seed will bloom the 1st year,but will be stronger plants if pinch 1st bloom off.I'm still scratching my seed.....I found my coffee cup of soaking seeds....It was dry& seeds water stained...guess will scratch them some more.....and NOT lose where I sat the cup down this time.
I'm also intrested in colorful foliage types& the banna canna& I got bookmarks of canna sites.but I gotta cook dinner.Its chicken...rice....garlic bread.hungry???
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
by tkhooper on July 21, 2005 07:15 AM
Um I'm just getting a blank page on that link. It might be me, I seem to have lost my thinking cap. I'm not sure what "species" is. I guess I also need to figure out what kind of canna I have and I'm not so sure how to do that either.
by Sami on July 21, 2005 12:00 PM
Here is a site that I use a lot when looking for seeds:
Maybe, it'll help a little. I'm not having luck with my cannas or their seeds this year.
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Talentless but connected.
Maybe, it'll help a little. I'm not having luck with my cannas or their seeds this year.
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Talentless but connected.
by tkhooper on July 21, 2005 07:08 PM
Thanks Sami,
That is a great site. I've used it before. Don't know why I didn't think to look there lol. I can be kind of slow sometimes.
That is a great site. I've used it before. Don't know why I didn't think to look there lol. I can be kind of slow sometimes.
by Sami on July 23, 2005 08:17 AM
Your welcome. Pictures help me alot ![[Embarrassed]](im/redface.gif)
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Talentless but connected.
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Talentless but connected.
by njoynit on July 27, 2005 11:43 PM
sorry the page did not work for you.
species are the smaller flowered cannas.I have a few can do an image search for species.
and karchestky carries some
they hold a sale in the fall.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
species are the smaller flowered cannas.I have a few can do an image search for species.
and karchestky carries some
they hold a sale in the fall.
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
by tkhooper on July 27, 2005 11:57 PM
I've got stocks on two of my canna that haven't bloomed yet so I'm still waiting to see what color they are. That yellow and pink on your link are really nice so I have my fingers crossed. But I know I'd like to trade for a tropicanna if anyone has one. It would be so nice to add them to the assorted collection I seem to have started. I'm watching the pods carefully. I have one of the red pods that is darkening like it is suppose to. and two of the yellow with orange centers doing the same. I don't see any of the pods getting fat yet though. I wonder if the yellow jacket bee fell down on the job. He was out buzzing around those canna for at least a week or more.
by JV on July 28, 2005 12:39 AM
I just learned things about canna's the Nursery people couldn't or wouldn't tell me. Now I know what to look for in seeds. Thanks TK for bringing it up and thanks Mike my freind in gardening and Njoyit and Sami. And my gardening education continues. Thats what's so great about this forum.
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Meet Clyde my Male Sugar Glider. Clyde says.
Keep it organic
Pray for our Troops!

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Meet Clyde my Male Sugar Glider. Clyde says.
Keep it organic
Pray for our Troops!

by tkhooper on July 28, 2005 12:53 AM
Hey JV can you do Canna. I keep on seeing them described as liking a lot of water? Is that right? I've been watering mine everyday and cursing myself for putting them in a "well draining" container.
by Sami on July 29, 2005 11:26 AM
TK & I don't live too far apart. We can grow them here but they do need lots of water. I haven't been able to water mine much this year & have had hardly any blooms, the stalks aren't getting nearly as tall as usual & they are getting a little "brownish". The heat this year has been terrible.
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Talentless but connected.
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Talentless but connected.
by tkhooper on July 30, 2005 11:16 PM
well some of the seed pods are getting black but they aren't bulking up yet so I have my fingers croseed that they will stay on the plant long enough to produce viable seeds. Of course I'm going to have to give them away. I won't be able to water a bunch of plants next year. I talked to the landlord today and he said I could plant but only if the stuff was drought tolerant. No watering or at least very little.
At least the herbs and portulaca will be ok with that.
At least the herbs and portulaca will be ok with that.
by njoynit on July 31, 2005 03:54 AM
you can mulch.That will help your water& mother nature go further& amending the soil helps.My cannas in poor spot.the lucifers their leaves look shabby&I've got a new bed for this fall working on my mind.I think while I was mowing I went with the idea that I'll just raise at as hubby will miss whats growing**might as well build it hubby proff**
I got my USB ports have unloaded the 160 pictures off my old camera and can use my new camera more now.I'm working now to load photos watch the flowers for my canna shots.I have a shot of this years orange species canna also...and Journeys end.Monday I'm gonna play with the tools useing my canna seeds.I've screend a drink container for Pepsi
& added soil for the seeds.
Monday I will hook up my cam....once I locate the correct 5 gallon bucket.& you can see my ducks on cam in their pond while I'm online in the day.I just put a tomato cage on their pond pump.They have me in there 6 or 30 times in one day sometimes...I FIXED them!GET me
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
I got my USB ports have unloaded the 160 pictures off my old camera and can use my new camera more now.I'm working now to load photos watch the flowers for my canna shots.I have a shot of this years orange species canna also...and Journeys end.Monday I'm gonna play with the tools useing my canna seeds.I've screend a drink container for Pepsi
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
Monday I will hook up my cam....once I locate the correct 5 gallon bucket.& you can see my ducks on cam in their pond while I'm online in the day.I just put a tomato cage on their pond pump.They have me in there 6 or 30 times in one day sometimes...I FIXED them!GET me
* * * *

I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
by afgreyparrot on August 01, 2005 10:03 PM
I can't wait to see your pond cam. I hope it's up and running before I move. I won't have internet for awhile after that.
I was glad to find this topic...I was gonna ask about canna seeds, too, because some of the ones you sent me have these on them now...
...and I was wondering if that was gonna be seeds.
I wanna see you on that cam swimming around with the ducks!
Cindy Faye
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
I can't wait to see your pond cam. I hope it's up and running before I move. I won't have internet for awhile after that.
I was glad to find this topic...I was gonna ask about canna seeds, too, because some of the ones you sent me have these on them now...

...and I was wondering if that was gonna be seeds.
I wanna see you on that cam swimming around with the ducks!
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
Cindy Faye
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Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
by tkhooper on August 01, 2005 10:15 PM
yep the little furry things turn black and get kind of fat and then they have viable seeds inside. I can't wait to get some.
by njoynit on August 02, 2005 11:18 PM
Florence vaughn has the yellow flowers with the red splashes.does not set seed
Pretoria with the yellow/green leaves orangey flowers does not set seeds.
the red indica sets seeds.has the tiny red flowers and you'll see hummers on that one as they go for the species type.its also shorter that your can grow them in your pond too.My ducks have ate on my 2 pots& they like your gnats eyeballs(I gotta move whats left,they ate my dam flowers before getting seeds& they KNOW their doing wrong....cause they RUN when see me!)
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
Pretoria with the yellow/green leaves orangey flowers does not set seeds.
the red indica sets seeds.has the tiny red flowers and you'll see hummers on that one as they go for the species type.its also shorter that your can grow them in your pond too.My ducks have ate on my 2 pots& they like your gnats eyeballs(I gotta move whats left,they ate my dam flowers before getting seeds& they KNOW their doing wrong....cause they RUN when see me!)
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!
by JV on August 03, 2005 03:00 AM
Tk I water mine as I water my Hibiscus. Have some that get little water seem to do better then some with daily water. Mine at the old house in New Mexico gets water about once a month unless it rains and they do great have been there most of my life anyway and that is semi arid area.
I have some red and some peach? that was given to me waiting to see just what they do. Both were around 4 ft tall when I weas given the risome. But will I am watching for seed now.
* * * *

Meet Clyde my Male Sugar Glider. Clyde says.
Keep it organic
Pray for our Troops!

I have some red and some peach? that was given to me waiting to see just what they do. Both were around 4 ft tall when I weas given the risome. But will I am watching for seed now.
* * * *

Meet Clyde my Male Sugar Glider. Clyde says.
Keep it organic
Pray for our Troops!

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