Is there such a thing as miniature zinnias?
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by tkhooper on July 04, 2005 12:58 PM
I would love some. Is there anything on my seed exchange list that would interest you?
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by mike57 on July 05, 2005 09:28 PM
Bestofour mine started bloming when they where about that small to but now there getting taller and puting on more bloomes cut off all the old dead blooms and they should cotinue to grow taller and put on lots more works for me.never heard of a mini one.hope this helps.your friend in gardening.mike57
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by Bestofour on July 06, 2005 06:29 AM
Thanks Mike, I'll do that. tk, do you want zinnia seeds? That's what these are supposed to be. When these go to seed I'll send you some but do you want them if they get normally big?
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by tkhooper on July 06, 2005 07:52 AM
Yes I would still love to have some. One of my neighbors seems to have a real thing for them and most of mine are getting picked before I can get seeds off of them. And I don't think I harvested them correctly. So I'm really going to need seeds next year. I think I'm going to have some portulaca available too if you like them. Mixed colors. Let me know if we can trade. I love to trade.
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