Is there such a plant??
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by GiraffeMSW on June 26, 2005 05:17 AM
Is this it?
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The higher the point of view, the broader the horizon...said the giraffe.
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The higher the point of view, the broader the horizon...said the giraffe.
by floweraddict on June 26, 2005 03:07 PM
Thanks for the input. I looked at the picture... It is close, but the flower is "skimpy" and the petals don't angle downward. I looked on the web at other pictures of that plant and saw that the leaves are kinda similar at the bottom, but not really the same.
Taking the helpful lead that u gave me, i did a little more research...
The plant u have referenced is Rudbeckia Laciniata. I looked a little further online and found an additional variety Rudbeckia Laciniata var. hortensis
Here is a good pic i found of that variety:
Rudbeckia Laciniata var. hortensis
The pic shows the leaves and plant stalk as i desribed originally.It appears to be a perfect match. This looks to be the one. I'm not 100% sure about the flower (been a few years since i have seen it), but i think it is close.
Rudbeckia Lacinuata var. Hortensis flower
I appreciate all your help.
Does anyone else have a flower in front of their garage or next to their home similar to the ones shown in the links??
I saw that the name "golden glow" was used interchangably;so, that is probably it's nickname.
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Taking the helpful lead that u gave me, i did a little more research...
The plant u have referenced is Rudbeckia Laciniata. I looked a little further online and found an additional variety Rudbeckia Laciniata var. hortensis
Here is a good pic i found of that variety:
Rudbeckia Laciniata var. hortensis
The pic shows the leaves and plant stalk as i desribed originally.It appears to be a perfect match. This looks to be the one. I'm not 100% sure about the flower (been a few years since i have seen it), but i think it is close.
Rudbeckia Lacinuata var. Hortensis flower
I appreciate all your help.
Does anyone else have a flower in front of their garage or next to their home similar to the ones shown in the links??
I saw that the name "golden glow" was used interchangably;so, that is probably it's nickname.
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by GiraffeMSW on June 26, 2005 09:51 PM
How pretty! It looks like a mum. I've never seen those down here.
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The higher the point of view, the broader the horizon...said the giraffe.
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The higher the point of view, the broader the horizon...said the giraffe.
by floweraddict on June 26, 2005 11:49 PM
Well, i hope it flowers this year so i can see for sure what the flower looks like.
I also brought back a few other plants from Michigan- Lilly-of-the-valley, rasberry bushes, lilac, a few sundrops, and some wild flowers.
I'm interested to see how the lilacs will do here in SC. They were "suckers" from a single runner. I cut them up and put them in small pots filled good potting soil. I might set them out in the fall.
The wild flower, Indian paint brush,i harvested might be considered a weed by some (probably is- now don't laugh!!!), but i want to see how it will respond to a little TLC. I've had some amazing results from other wild flowers i have found here in SC. If they end up looking like "crap", i can always pull them up or spray them with round-up!
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I also brought back a few other plants from Michigan- Lilly-of-the-valley, rasberry bushes, lilac, a few sundrops, and some wild flowers.
I'm interested to see how the lilacs will do here in SC. They were "suckers" from a single runner. I cut them up and put them in small pots filled good potting soil. I might set them out in the fall.
The wild flower, Indian paint brush,i harvested might be considered a weed by some (probably is- now don't laugh!!!), but i want to see how it will respond to a little TLC. I've had some amazing results from other wild flowers i have found here in SC. If they end up looking like "crap", i can always pull them up or spray them with round-up!
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I brought back some plants that my mother gave me from her garden. One of the plants she gave me originally came from my grandparent's house in Vermont. My mother called it "Golden Glo"...
I've looked through some of my books and have not found this plant by that name... I haven't even found a picture of the plant yet! It must be one of those "old timey" plants that are too common to be in a book! LOL!
Let me try to describe it... Sorry, but i don't have a pic.It is usually grown close to buildings and fences. It gets very tall (4 or 5 ft tall). It's sort of like the perrenial sunflowers that i have in my garden (Helianthus Maximilliani)... It has large yellow flowers, and fully shaped green leaves, with odd shaped forks or fingers on them.
It is very hardy and comes back every year with little or no care. It spreads from the roots, sending up single shoots. Each plant is a tall, single stalk and they are usually within a few inches of each other.
It might be more common in the North, but i'm not sure- i just haven't seen it here in SC.
I just want to know what the scientific name for it is so i can properly care for it.
I appreciate your help!
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