Watermelon question
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by Amigatec on June 04, 2006 01:00 PM
What kind of animals/insects do you see?
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One OS to rule them, one OS to find them:
One OS to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Redmond where the shadows lie.
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One OS to rule them, one OS to find them:
One OS to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Redmond where the shadows lie.
by DeepCreekLake on June 04, 2006 01:05 PM
Has it been wet from rain around you? Slugs are bad for eating things you want to grow! Did you see a slime trail near anything? If so, buy a bag of slug pellets, and sprinkle around the plant you want to protect. Try to make a barrier with the pellets, and not put them too close to the plant you want to protect.
by Firstyeargardener2006 on June 05, 2006 04:09 AM
I did not think about that slugs. We do have them. I figured it was some furry animal since how it was cut off real nice and neat. Now I have to keep an eye on that and get some slug pellets.
I also we doing some reading on the net about the waterlmelon plant it self. I did not know you are suppose to water it once a week, No wonder I keep getting a lot of flowers and no fruit and once it rain I stop watering it for 3 days and fruit comes out.
I am going to get this right if it's not this year then it's next year. lol
Sorry for going on and on.
Thank you,
* * * *
I sit in my vegetable garden so that I can see them grow.
I also we doing some reading on the net about the waterlmelon plant it self. I did not know you are suppose to water it once a week, No wonder I keep getting a lot of flowers and no fruit and once it rain I stop watering it for 3 days and fruit comes out.
I am going to get this right if it's not this year then it's next year. lol
Sorry for going on and on.
Thank you,
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I sit in my vegetable garden so that I can see them grow.
by LandOfOz on June 06, 2006 12:53 PM
A sprinkling of ashes should also take care of the slugs and it will add a little potash to the soil.
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Sarah - Zone 5b/6

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Sarah - Zone 5b/6

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I sit in my vegetable garden so that I can see them grow.