whats the deal with eggplant?
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by Sorellina on April 19, 2006 11:08 PM
Ciao Claire,
LOL! How cute are you! Ah, the excitement of buying a plant impulsively and then figuring out how to take care of it. I've never done that before....
Eggplants are a bit like tomatoes - they're actually in the same family. They like WARM weather, so keep them inside until your nights are in the '60's or they'll just sit in your garden and pout. They won't die unless it gets really chilly, but they won't grow either if it's too cold. Water them from below (put a tray under them) when the soil dries out (stick your finger in it down an inch and water if it's dry). When it's warm enough to plant out, plant them 1' apart and bury the stem up to the seed leaves (cotyledons). They won't form roots up the stem like tomatoes will, but the extra soil around the stem gives them more support. Give them 3' stakes or wimpy tomato cages in case of winds and that's all you do.
Buona fortuna,
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LOL! How cute are you! Ah, the excitement of buying a plant impulsively and then figuring out how to take care of it. I've never done that before....
Eggplants are a bit like tomatoes - they're actually in the same family. They like WARM weather, so keep them inside until your nights are in the '60's or they'll just sit in your garden and pout. They won't die unless it gets really chilly, but they won't grow either if it's too cold. Water them from below (put a tray under them) when the soil dries out (stick your finger in it down an inch and water if it's dry). When it's warm enough to plant out, plant them 1' apart and bury the stem up to the seed leaves (cotyledons). They won't form roots up the stem like tomatoes will, but the extra soil around the stem gives them more support. Give them 3' stakes or wimpy tomato cages in case of winds and that's all you do.
Buona fortuna,
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by eClaire on April 20, 2006 08:14 AM
Thanks Julianna! I have done most of my gardening this way, buy and then figure it out
Luckily most of my stuff has survived. Thanks for the great advise, and its already warm at night here so I think I'll put it right in the ground and see what happens.
Take care!
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Take care!
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by obywan59 on April 20, 2006 12:05 PM
Watch out for flea beetles! They love eggplants!!! They'll make tons of tiny holes in the leaves, eventually virtually defoliating the plants. You can keep them off with row covers, or spray to kill them with an organic spray like rotenone or pyrethrins. I love eggplant parmesan!
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May the force be with you
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May the force be with you
by Shawn M on April 20, 2006 08:58 PM
Hi Claire,
I've had pretty good results growing eggplants in containers.
I agree with Julianna, I have grown them next to cherry tomatoes and they seem do well in the same conditions.
The summers here get pretty hot, so frequent watering and plenty of sun worked for me last year.
Eggplants are amazing grilled in olive oil, so let us know how they turn out.
I've had pretty good results growing eggplants in containers.
I agree with Julianna, I have grown them next to cherry tomatoes and they seem do well in the same conditions.
The summers here get pretty hot, so frequent watering and plenty of sun worked for me last year.
Eggplants are amazing grilled in olive oil, so let us know how they turn out.
by Deborah L. on April 30, 2006 04:12 PM
I just bought a eggplant plant-I planted it in a pot in the best sunniest area. It has the prettiest flowers.
I've never had one and never tasted eggplant, so this will be fun.
Shawn, that sounds good, in olive oil !
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I've never had one and never tasted eggplant, so this will be fun.
Shawn, that sounds good, in olive oil !
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by Sorellina on April 30, 2006 06:17 PM
Ciao Deborah,
You might just get one at your grocery to try before the one you planted is ripe so you know what you're in for. Pick one out that resembles the one you're growing in size and shape, colour doesn't have much to do with eggplant flavour, unlike that of tomatoes.
Too cute. You must be an ornamental grower eh?
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You might just get one at your grocery to try before the one you planted is ripe so you know what you're in for. Pick one out that resembles the one you're growing in size and shape, colour doesn't have much to do with eggplant flavour, unlike that of tomatoes.
Too cute. You must be an ornamental grower eh?
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by Deborah L. on April 30, 2006 06:38 PM
What's an ornamental grower?
You know, there was no tag on the eggplant, so it will be fun to see what kind the plant produces.
Because it comes from a local nursery it is probably the standard one we see in the grocery store, not one of the specialty types.
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You know, there was no tag on the eggplant, so it will be fun to see what kind the plant produces.
Because it comes from a local nursery it is probably the standard one we see in the grocery store, not one of the specialty types.
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by Shawn M on April 30, 2006 06:49 PM
I usually cut the eggplant into slices, grill with olive oil, and use on pizza or salads.
I've never grown only one, so I don't know if it is self pollinating or not. It does have some really nice flowers.
I usually cut the eggplant into slices, grill with olive oil, and use on pizza or salads.
I've never grown only one, so I don't know if it is self pollinating or not. It does have some really nice flowers.
by Deborah L. on May 01, 2006 10:14 AM
I hope I get at least one eggplant, it'd be fun.
Do you peel it before slicing?
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Do you peel it before slicing?
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by lakegran on May 01, 2006 12:00 PM
I hope your eggplant does well. I had just one plant last year ( my first) and harvested at least a dozen smallish eggplants, cooked most on the grill with zucchini and vidalia onions Yummm I can hardly wait. I was still getting fruit from this plant at the first hard frost. They look cool growing too.
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by Deborah L. on May 01, 2006 03:15 PM
Thanks, lakegran, I hope to get as many as you did ! The grilling does sound good, and zucchini-love it !
Name the veggie, I love it !
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Name the veggie, I love it !
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by Rosepetal on May 01, 2006 05:15 PM
Hi All,
I'm like many of you, but the only thing I did was buy the eggplant seeds and let them germinate in the house. A few weeks ago I transplanted them in my greenhouse and they're growing beautifully.
I don't even know what they look like,
let alone what they taste like,
but I'm game to try them out. Hey you never know what you missed if you don't try.
I also planted gourds from seed as well and they're coming up nice too. Can't wait for them, I did a mixed seed package so that I have a few of each. I can just see them now in a basket on counter.
I love to try new things. I'm new to the vegetable garden scene, but I've done flowers for years so I figure I'll be OK. I've had lots of help and read lots of advice on this forum already so, hey, where can I go wrong, ![[muggs]](im/graemlins/mugggggs.gif)
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For this "New Year" help me to be kinder and more loving to all around me, I pray.
I'm like many of you, but the only thing I did was buy the eggplant seeds and let them germinate in the house. A few weeks ago I transplanted them in my greenhouse and they're growing beautifully.
I don't even know what they look like,
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
I also planted gourds from seed as well and they're coming up nice too. Can't wait for them, I did a mixed seed package so that I have a few of each. I can just see them now in a basket on counter.
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For this "New Year" help me to be kinder and more loving to all around me, I pray.
by davida580 on May 02, 2006 04:15 AM
i love egg plant too. try just slicing it about one quarter inch thick and rolling it in flour. you can add garlic powder before you put in flour also salt and black pepper just fry in skillet until brown their great.
by DeepCreekLake on May 02, 2006 11:59 AM
Make some Eggplant parmesean...best way to eat them! You can bake the eggplant instead of frying the slices, if you are trying to cut down on the fat. Do not let the eggplant get overbig, they tend to get bitter. If the seeds look dark when you cut them, its probably gonna taste bitter. Let it develop full color (on black ones), and pick it while its still shiney. Picking will keep the plant productive- leaving them on will slow it down!
by Deborah L. on May 03, 2006 04:28 PM
Has anyone else read what I have, that eggplant has NO nutrients AT ALL?
I wish I could remember where I read that.
Or maybe it was on Food Network. The Good Eats show, I think.
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I wish I could remember where I read that.
Or maybe it was on Food Network. The Good Eats show, I think.
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by cookinmom on May 30, 2006 04:11 AM
I'm also on my first eggplant plant. It has one eggplant on it so far, but it keeps blooming. It's a "black beauty" variety, so I guess I better not pick it yet. It's a really nice purple, but not dark enough to be black.
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Real women don't have hot flashes -- we have power surges!
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Real women don't have hot flashes -- we have power surges!
by eClaire on May 30, 2006 10:05 AM
great cooking ideas guys! i like "pizza" style eggplant, where I slice them, then put fresh tomatoes and motzerella on top - seasoned with some herbs from the garden of course
I have one flower on my plant, I have been battling powedery mildew stuff all season, so the leaves look pretty pathetic, but hopefully something will come of it.
Good luck everyone !
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I have one flower on my plant, I have been battling powedery mildew stuff all season, so the leaves look pretty pathetic, but hopefully something will come of it.
Good luck everyone !
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I looked on the web, but you guys give better advise. Anyone have experience with these? Thanks!
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