If I pick up one more snake...ugh!
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by weezie13 on April 07, 2004 01:12 AM
We've had some conversation about snakes and spiders, mostly in the beginning we were all saying leave them alone, (Mostly us Northerner's who don't get poisonous snakes, ahhh another reason to at least appreciate the cold weather and snow) But we've come to fully understand your feelings and you've written them quite nicely!!!
I could never live in an area with poisionous ones, so you have a valid complaint, and with children even more so!!!!
I don't really have an answer for you, but I'm sure someone will come thru with some possibles..
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

We've had some conversation about snakes and spiders, mostly in the beginning we were all saying leave them alone, (Mostly us Northerner's who don't get poisonous snakes, ahhh another reason to at least appreciate the cold weather and snow) But we've come to fully understand your feelings and you've written them quite nicely!!!
I could never live in an area with poisionous ones, so you have a valid complaint, and with children even more so!!!!
I don't really have an answer for you, but I'm sure someone will come thru with some possibles..
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by Jiffymouse on April 07, 2004 01:26 AM
hey angelia, i don't have any answers, but being a pensacola native and now living in the back woods of georgia, i can definitly sypmathize!!
by angelia on April 07, 2004 01:43 AM
Thanks so much for your support! I have made a new law around here because of this problem. No one is allowed outside to play in the garden without tough leather gloves and boots!
Ahhh...I can remember a time when flip-flops and jean cuttoffs were the only required equipment for gardening. NO MORE!!
Hopefully the mockingbirds will make their appearance soon, and chase away the bad guys for me this year. For some reason my mocking birds seem to abhor my reptilian visitors as much as I do. Go figure huh?
Until another solution arises...I'm afraid that the only recourse is death and destruction for the little rascals
Ahhh...I can remember a time when flip-flops and jean cuttoffs were the only required equipment for gardening. NO MORE!!
Hopefully the mockingbirds will make their appearance soon, and chase away the bad guys for me this year. For some reason my mocking birds seem to abhor my reptilian visitors as much as I do. Go figure huh?
Until another solution arises...I'm afraid that the only recourse is death and destruction for the little rascals
by weezie13 on April 07, 2004 03:10 AM
How do you attrack more of those mockingbirds??
That seems to be the key, if you can just keep
those guys around??
Grow some berries~*raspberry, blackberries, elderberries, research the trees and bushes that those birds like*, throw out bread crumbs, birdseed, water~*for baths and drinking*,
A place to nest and forage....
Worth a try!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

How do you attrack more of those mockingbirds??
That seems to be the key, if you can just keep
those guys around??
Grow some berries~*raspberry, blackberries, elderberries, research the trees and bushes that those birds like*, throw out bread crumbs, birdseed, water~*for baths and drinking*,
A place to nest and forage....
Worth a try!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by angelia on April 07, 2004 04:10 AM
bugs and yarn...that's what keeps mockingbirds around! They eat the insects, and play with the yarn when they're scouting for nesting materials. Mine seem to prefer the colorful yarn (can birds see in color??), so I make a special effort to throw some into the trees they like around that time of year.
Unfortunately...once... I wasn't careful when placing the yarn and it became tied in a knot (???) around the limb of one of my plum trees. An eager mockingbird swooped into the tree...grabbed the end of it and attempted to fly off with it. I have never seen a look of suprise on a birds face before! When the yarn became taut and he was stopped in midair and snatched back...he was suprised...and a little "put out". Luckily he wasn't hurt...just a little irritated. I have never heard such squawking before!! Can birds really throw temper tantrums? He fought with that string for about an hour and proudly flew off with his "find". I secretly think he was the one that kept pooping on my truck the minute I washed it all summer.
Anyway...when the mockingbirds are nesting they are seriously protective of their areas. They will even go so far as to attack anything that comes close...dogs, cats, people, other birds, and yes...snakes....YAYyyyyyyy!!
I plant to attract them any way I can!
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
Anyway...when the mockingbirds are nesting they are seriously protective of their areas. They will even go so far as to attack anything that comes close...dogs, cats, people, other birds, and yes...snakes....YAYyyyyyyy!!
I plant to attract them any way I can!
by afgreyparrot on April 07, 2004 08:20 PM
Can't answer the snake question. I had a BAD copperhead problem at my farm, record "catch" for one day was 11, and the record length was 4' 1" long.
But, yes, birds see in color.
And, YES!!! Birds have temper tantrums!
Lola had one about 5 minutes ago when I took my cell phone away from her!
(She doesn't make long distance calls, just likes to chew the buttons off!)
* * * *

Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
But, yes, birds see in color.
And, YES!!! Birds have temper tantrums!
Lola had one about 5 minutes ago when I took my cell phone away from her!
(She doesn't make long distance calls, just likes to chew the buttons off!)
* * * *

Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
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The past several times I've been working in the yard I have literally picked up snakes without knowing it. Of course by the time I realize it it's too late to ignore the little devils. I have nothing against snakes...not really...except the ones that visit my yard are highly poisonous, and I worry about my children. I have tried snake repellants in the past and they have not worked at all. I grew up on a farm, and now live wayyyyy out in the country, so I'm accustomed to living with snakes..as long as they stay away from me, we get along fine.
The past couple of summers I seem to be infested with snakes...all kinds. I don't mind the garter snakes, or the grass snakes, but the poisonous ones give me the willies!! I have maimed and destroyed 7 Copperheads in the past 2 weeks alone!
Does anyone have any ideas on how to rid myself of this invasion? Or at least...to slow the hostile take over? I have heard that spreading cedar tree limbs around the porches and out buildings will hold them at bay somewhat. Has anyone tried this?? Does it work?
I know that some of you will have a problem with me trying to rid myself of this particular problem...hahah...live and let live and all of that. I agree completely. I value the role snakes play in the environment, I just don't want to put my hands on them anymore when I'm trying to "destress" in the garden! HELP!!!!!