If anyone knows...
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
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by Bill on May 02, 2005 06:57 PM
by tkhooper on May 02, 2005 09:29 PM
Thanks Bill would you believe I did a forum search. I must have misspelled it or had a
moment. I'm having a lot of those this week. I'm really suprised it hasn't died on me and I've had it over a week. Usually that's the life span of my house plants. This forum and you are making all the difference.
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by Bill on May 02, 2005 09:41 PM
quote:I believe that you did a search and didn't find the topic..... because I didn't write it until I saw THIS topic!
Thanks Bill would you believe I did a forum search. I must have misspelled it or had a [Confused] moment.
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by tkhooper on May 02, 2005 11:13 PM
Oh Bill,
You are so very special. Thankyou!!!!
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You are so very special. Thankyou!!!!
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temperature, water requirements, height of plant, and that the flowers stink. I would really like something more informative.
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