My new perennial bed
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by alankhart on June 03, 2006 06:14 AM
Hollyhocks, Joe Pye Weed, Rose Mallow, Lucifer Montbretia, Maximillian Sunflower, Trumpet Lilies, Indian Cup, Tall Coreopsis, Canna Lillies....just to name a few.
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by Drea on June 03, 2006 07:22 AM
Oooh, 'love canna lilies. Hollyhock would attract more butterflies and hummingbird too????
by Wrennie on June 04, 2006 01:46 AM
My Bee balm gets over 3 feet tall. Theres some height.
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Summer Camp '07, July 14th weekend, won't you join us? 
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summer camp thread 1, 2, 3,4
by buzylady on June 04, 2006 02:51 AM
What about an unplant item. An old chair, an unused gate, a statue, an oblisk, a pole for a flag or bird house. Just a few ideas.
You can find a lot of things just sitting around. Or in the basement or attic. Just let your imagination go wild. I once saw a baby crib head board in a garden with a plant climbing around it. I'm going to try that. The crib myself and siblings slept in is now not safe.(slats are too far apart, funny 6+ kids slept in it but is now not safe)
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buzz buzz buzz
You can find a lot of things just sitting around. Or in the basement or attic. Just let your imagination go wild. I once saw a baby crib head board in a garden with a plant climbing around it. I'm going to try that. The crib myself and siblings slept in is now not safe.(slats are too far apart, funny 6+ kids slept in it but is now not safe)
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buzz buzz buzz
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I have picked up my plants but haven't put them in yet. My only "height-plants" are grasses, Karl Foerster and a couple variegated reed grass, blue oat grass for infront of them. Then I have a couple bee balm , 3 coral bells, 2 blanket flower, 2 dwarf winged Euonymous and then for the front... 5 silver mound.
Last night I picked up some salvia and verbena to fill in some spots. Phew...that was a mouthful