How to Grow and Care for Golden Chain Trees
Laburnum watereri
For the two weeks that it is in bloom in late spring,
a Golden Chain Tree stands out in your landscape like few other plants!
Golden Chain Trees are fairly ordinary looking plants when they are not in bloom.
They have an olive green trunk that stands out nicely against the winter snow, and dainty, dark green, trifoliate leaves to make it a nice shade tree in the summer... but...
But when the 12"-24" pendulous clusters of bright yellow, pea-like flowers open,
the Golden Chain Tree transforms into a real traffic stopper.
These trees will grow from 12-15 feet tall and 12 feet wide. All parts of a Golden Chain Tree are to be considered toxic!
Eating any part of these plants can be fatal.
Wear long sleeves and protective gloves when doing any pruning.
Contact can cause some skin irritation or a possible allergic reaction.
Growing requirements for Golden Chain Trees
Golden Chain Trees are hardy down to zone 5, but do not do well in areas warmer than USDA zone 7
The ideal location for planting your Golden Chain is where they will get full sun for the first half of the day
and light to partial shade in the afternoon.
They should be grown in moderately moist, moderately rich, well drained soil.
Waterlogged soil can quickly prove fatal.
Apply a thick layer of mulch to help retain moisture and keep the roots cooler.
Pruning should be done sparingly, and only in late summer to avoid bleeding sap.
Growing Golden Chain Trees from Seed
Golden Chain seed can be collected from the tree
after the pods have dried and turned brown.
Soak the seeds in warm water for 24 hours,
or nick the shell before sowing.
Sow seeds directly in the garden where they are to grow, in the fall
for germination during the following spring.
Golden Chain seeds can be started indoors at any time.
Maintain a temperature of 55°-70° within the growing medium.
Germination may take from 30 to 60 days.
Golden Chain Tree
Laburnum watereri
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