New growth
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by syl726 on April 23, 2004 04:08 PM
For quite sometime now, you have bared with me over how to root cuttings from a Philo and now I've done it
Maybe I was paying TOO much attention because I've seen new roots forming on other people cuttings in a week! Yesterday I noticed that one of the smaller cuttings is growing a leaf underwater near the node and it's not even a quarter inch long. Meaning, if I put it in soil the leaf too will be covered because there is hardly any stem below the leaf to stick in the soil without including the leaf. Now what????
Also, how long should I let the root get before planting it? I can't think of anything tiny enough to put it in. I've read that putting plants in a container too large isn't good. Any suggestions?
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
by Chrissy on April 23, 2004 04:16 PM
I usually wait till a pretty good root system is going & then I plant as usual in whatever medium is best for that particular plant. Some plants root really easily in water, others are better in a soiless medium with rooting hormone. I have found so far the easiest things to root from cuttings for me have been snowball bushes, pussy willows & perillas.
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