Processing aloe vera
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by Cricket on January 02, 2005 07:09 AM
Hi Dianec,
Anytime I've used aloe gel, I've just sliced open the piece of stem, scraped out the gel and stored it in a small, clean vial in the refrigerator.
Anytime I've used aloe gel, I've just sliced open the piece of stem, scraped out the gel and stored it in a small, clean vial in the refrigerator.
by Nako on January 02, 2005 08:53 AM
You can even use it straight from the stem
after a few hours, the stem callouses over, and you can snip that open, and use whatever's left. It lasts quite a while like that. If you want it to last for a pretty long time though *like a few months* you can do the vile thing ^.^
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by Jiffymouse on January 02, 2005 04:47 PM
after the end callouses over, you can also put the stem and all in the refrigerator or freezer to prolong the life. i've done that.
by dianec on January 04, 2005 03:29 AM
Thanks all, for the suggestions for the aloe. I will give scraping it out and saving it in the frig in a jar a shot - although since I have a lot of leaves, I may put it in the food processor and then strain it! I'll let you know how it goes...
thanks again!
thanks again!
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