Propagating a polka dot plant
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by Bill on January 20, 2004 03:55 AM
Polka Dots (Hypoestes phyllostachya) are very easily grown from seeds (which will provide subtle variations in each plant) or from cuttings...
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by barleychown on January 20, 2004 03:58 AM
So, with the cuttings, do you root in soil or water? ![[dunno]](im/graemlins/dunno.gif)
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by Bill on January 20, 2004 04:02 AM
Personally I've never been a real fan of rooting cuttings in water. I've always had good success with a 50/50 mix of potting soil and vermiculite.
Seeds will germinate in 10 to 12 days if kept at 70-75 degrees, and grow quickly!
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Seeds will germinate in 10 to 12 days if kept at 70-75 degrees, and grow quickly!
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by barleychown on January 20, 2004 04:06 AM
Thank you, Bill! ![[kissies]](im/graemlins/kissies.gif)
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We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
by Will Creed on January 22, 2004 08:44 PM
Polka dot cuttings quickly wilt in normally dry air. I suggest a potting mix of damp peat moss and perlite. Put the pot and cuttings inside a clear plastic bag, blow it up, and seal it. The bag will maintain both the soil moisture and the humidity. Keep it out of direct sunlight.
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