my poor roses
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by weezie13 on March 08, 2005 07:13 PM
Absolutely!!! A nice whiskey barrel are wonderful for them....
The only thing I might say is not to keep it in
the direct wind for like say winter time...
(*What growing zone are you?)
And the miniature roses do good in containers too!!
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
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- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
Absolutely!!! A nice whiskey barrel are wonderful for them....
The only thing I might say is not to keep it in
the direct wind for like say winter time...
(*What growing zone are you?)
And the miniature roses do good in containers too!!
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by Polka on March 08, 2005 08:35 PM
I'm not sure if I'm replying correctly, Wheezi What about the moldy stuff?? Anything I can do about that. I am really a beginner gardner since I retired. I am in zone 4
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Thanks, Polka
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Thanks, Polka
by weezie13 on March 08, 2005 08:47 PM
Yep, you're repling correctly!!!
For the mold I would scrape the mold off the top or if it's not there yet, maybe the top layer of dirt!
Or transplant all together, you said it's planted in the ground???
If so, dig it up, wash off the roots...
And in your container, I'd put some small rocks down on the botton, say 1"~2" rocks, and inch or two deep, for good drainage... Then fill with some dirt, and then make a mound in the middle of the container, then place your rose bush on top of the mound, spread out all of it's roots around the top and down the sides of the mound of dirt, then fill in with some more dirt on the sides...
Make sure you don't plant your plant tooo deep.
I'd suspect the moldy conditions came from the growing conditions, in a shaded area that kept moisture!
Usually in the containers/barrels/pots what ever plant in, are fast drainers, and don't hold water when properly drained *ie; holes in the bottom and or rocks in the bottom so the roots aren't sitting in water...
P/S Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum by the way, I didn't welcome you before...
We're glad you found us!!!
And don't ever hesitate to ask questions, or re~ask something you didn't understand......
we enjoy helping you with plants and helping the plants survive and thrive!!!
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
For the mold I would scrape the mold off the top or if it's not there yet, maybe the top layer of dirt!
Or transplant all together, you said it's planted in the ground???
If so, dig it up, wash off the roots...
And in your container, I'd put some small rocks down on the botton, say 1"~2" rocks, and inch or two deep, for good drainage... Then fill with some dirt, and then make a mound in the middle of the container, then place your rose bush on top of the mound, spread out all of it's roots around the top and down the sides of the mound of dirt, then fill in with some more dirt on the sides...
Make sure you don't plant your plant tooo deep.
I'd suspect the moldy conditions came from the growing conditions, in a shaded area that kept moisture!
Usually in the containers/barrels/pots what ever plant in, are fast drainers, and don't hold water when properly drained *ie; holes in the bottom and or rocks in the bottom so the roots aren't sitting in water...
P/S Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum by the way, I didn't welcome you before...
We're glad you found us!!!
And don't ever hesitate to ask questions, or re~ask something you didn't understand......
we enjoy helping you with plants and helping the plants survive and thrive!!!
quote:We'll have you gardening full time in no~time...... "We all have a good case of the gardening bug around here"
I am really a beginner gardner since I retired.
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by weezie13 on March 08, 2005 08:52 PM
And Rose's
Epsom's Salt.
Click on this link here and it'll tell
you about it..
Epsom Salt
(*click on all 3 links on the lefthand side too*)
And here's a link we had a discussion on rose's here too
confused about prunning roses
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
Click on this link here and it'll tell
you about it..
Epsom Salt
(*click on all 3 links on the lefthand side too*)
And here's a link we had a discussion on rose's here too
confused about prunning roses
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by Polka on March 08, 2005 09:35 PM
Wheezie Thanks Thanks and more Thanks. I am so excited I can't wait to dig in that dirt. Thank you also for making me welcome.
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Thanks, Polka
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Thanks, Polka
by Rob_n_HouTx on March 09, 2005 05:10 AM
I am brand new to this site also, and I just thought I would do one of my first posts about one of my biggest interests! I am about 4 years into rose gardening, and my goal is to only grow those that need very little [or no] spraying and chemicals. I live in a very humid area, and mold and black spot are two issues that I struggle with all of the time.
Two things I have learned regarding mold and black spot (both caused by humidity and shade) are shade and crowding. To avoid the mold, an area where the roses will get at least 6 hours of sun per day is really optimum. Maybe since they will be in pots, you will have more options as to where to place them. Secondly, the crowding prevents the necessary circulation the roses like to keep the leaves dryer and decrease the mold spore growth. A good general rule of thumb is at least three feet between plants.
Along the same lines, the sun typically equals flowers. Most sun loving flowering plants will produce larger and more abundant flowers when placed in the sun.
One final suggestion that is if you can help it, don't get the leaves wet when watering. This tends to promote more mold (powdery mildew)/blackspot (yellow leaves with black spots).
WANT WANT WANT....hehehe. Roses can be cantakerous, hence my plight to find the troublefree ones. :-) Good luck to you! Hope to chat w/ you again soon.
I am brand new to this site also, and I just thought I would do one of my first posts about one of my biggest interests! I am about 4 years into rose gardening, and my goal is to only grow those that need very little [or no] spraying and chemicals. I live in a very humid area, and mold and black spot are two issues that I struggle with all of the time.
Two things I have learned regarding mold and black spot (both caused by humidity and shade) are shade and crowding. To avoid the mold, an area where the roses will get at least 6 hours of sun per day is really optimum. Maybe since they will be in pots, you will have more options as to where to place them. Secondly, the crowding prevents the necessary circulation the roses like to keep the leaves dryer and decrease the mold spore growth. A good general rule of thumb is at least three feet between plants.
Along the same lines, the sun typically equals flowers. Most sun loving flowering plants will produce larger and more abundant flowers when placed in the sun.
One final suggestion that is if you can help it, don't get the leaves wet when watering. This tends to promote more mold (powdery mildew)/blackspot (yellow leaves with black spots).
WANT WANT WANT....hehehe. Roses can be cantakerous, hence my plight to find the troublefree ones. :-) Good luck to you! Hope to chat w/ you again soon.
by Polka on March 09, 2005 05:46 AM
Hi Rob, Now everyone will know how new I am to gardening. I always thought it was good to water the leaves. So besides being in the shade, near a sprinkler I also watered the heck out of the leaves. I have a feeling with your help I will have some gorgeous roses!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a really great site!
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Thanks, Polka
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Thanks, Polka
by weezie13 on March 09, 2005 05:51 AM
The only time I ever water my leaves is
when I'm doing a foliar feed for them...
I don't do it alot, I mostly use homemade
compost tea and once or twice Spray~n~Grow.
And I do it in the morning, so the leaves aren't burned in the hot afternoon sun and have time to dry off before night...
I'm looking into doing fish emulsion for mine
this summer...stuff looks really good.
I have used it indoors, and loved it...
Never used it on plants outdoors...
But I've only read favorable results on it!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
when I'm doing a foliar feed for them...
I don't do it alot, I mostly use homemade
compost tea and once or twice Spray~n~Grow.
And I do it in the morning, so the leaves aren't burned in the hot afternoon sun and have time to dry off before night...
I'm looking into doing fish emulsion for mine
this summer...stuff looks really good.
I have used it indoors, and loved it...
Never used it on plants outdoors...
But I've only read favorable results on it!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by weezie13 on March 09, 2005 05:56 AM
Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum by the way, I didn't welcome you before either...
We are so very glad you found us too!!!
Welcome to the boards!!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
Welcome to The Garden Helper's Forum by the way, I didn't welcome you before either...
We are so very glad you found us too!!!
quote:You said a mouthful!!!
WANT WANT WANT....hehehe.
Roses can be cantakerous
Welcome to the boards!!!!
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by Polka on March 09, 2005 07:14 AM
How do you make compost tea? Is miracle grow the same as spray and feed? How often should I do this and should it be done also with the epsom salt? What is fish emulsion? I guess I should get a book, any suggestions?
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Thanks, Polka
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Thanks, Polka
by weezie13 on March 09, 2005 03:36 PM
Good questions!!!
my twin barrel compost tumbler I have, when it rains... delute it down with some rain water and there's my tea...
But you can make your own, even if you don't have a compost pile...
Get a bag of compost from your local store,
and a bucket of water, and some cheese cloth and put a couple of shovels full of the bagged compost into the cheese cloth, tie it up and allow that to hang into your bucket and when the water mixes with the compost it'll infuse the water with the nutrients of the compost..
You can then water your plants with it or put in a sprayer and spray your plants as a foliar feed.
Very organic stuff....*but don't do this when the sun is shining hot down on your plant, do like in the morning hours.. and not too late at night either, because most plants don't like their leaves wet at night and can invite disease's.....
The Miracle Grow is as I understand it, man made, or synthetic or not totally organic...
It's wildly used and not harmful, it's just that I am on the lines of an organic gardener and really choose not to use it... (Only time I use something along those lines is Schultz Plus 10~60~10 for transplant shock when I'm transplanting because it's instant food for the plant being moved)
Spray~n~Grow is an organic Macro~Nutrient spray...
It's great for some things, I'm a bit poor, so I don't use it alot on ALL of my plants, have way too many to do that on...
Sprinkle the Epsom's around the drip line
***that info is posted on that one link about PRUNING ROSE's above posts***
Yes you can use those both at the same time...
The Epsom's gets activated with rain water or hand watering. The other you can put on your
own schedule, but I am not the kind to over do, just a little or enough, don't want an explosion, just health...
Awesome way to use the waste product from canneries and it's one of the best things organically for plants, any plant!!!
That can be used to water your plants or also in a spray as a foliar feed...
And also, if you have a fish tank you can water any plant with your fish water...**Unless it's a salt water tank, then it would be a no
How'd I do???
Keep asking those great questions,
That's how you learn and get the gardening bug!!!
I love Rodale's series..
Kinda pricey, but worth the $$, but I read just about any publication...
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
quote:I make my own homemade compost and mine drips from
How do you make compost tea?
my twin barrel compost tumbler I have, when it rains... delute it down with some rain water and there's my tea...
But you can make your own, even if you don't have a compost pile...
Get a bag of compost from your local store,
and a bucket of water, and some cheese cloth and put a couple of shovels full of the bagged compost into the cheese cloth, tie it up and allow that to hang into your bucket and when the water mixes with the compost it'll infuse the water with the nutrients of the compost..
You can then water your plants with it or put in a sprayer and spray your plants as a foliar feed.
Very organic stuff....*but don't do this when the sun is shining hot down on your plant, do like in the morning hours.. and not too late at night either, because most plants don't like their leaves wet at night and can invite disease's.....
quote:NO! Not really...
Is miracle grow the same as spray and feed?
The Miracle Grow is as I understand it, man made, or synthetic or not totally organic...
It's wildly used and not harmful, it's just that I am on the lines of an organic gardener and really choose not to use it... (Only time I use something along those lines is Schultz Plus 10~60~10 for transplant shock when I'm transplanting because it's instant food for the plant being moved)
Spray~n~Grow is an organic Macro~Nutrient spray...
It's great for some things, I'm a bit poor, so I don't use it alot on ALL of my plants, have way too many to do that on...
quote:the Epsom Salts are used, *lets' see where you live again* are you growing zone 5 like me, probably...I use mine May 1st, June 1st, July 1st, and August 1st.. I don't do in April, cause it can still get a storm, snow, freeze, etc. in my area and the Epsoms' promotes basal growth, real tender and you don't want that when there's a chance of killing temps... and I don't use Any type of fertilzer on mine after August 1st, because I don't want any more new growth or flowers on my rose's becaue I want them to wind down from summer and go to sleep for winter...
How often should I do this and should it be done also with the epsom salt?
Sprinkle the Epsom's around the drip line
***that info is posted on that one link about PRUNING ROSE's above posts***
Yes you can use those both at the same time...
The Epsom's gets activated with rain water or hand watering. The other you can put on your
own schedule, but I am not the kind to over do, just a little or enough, don't want an explosion, just health...
quote:Fish Emulsion, is an organic by product of fish and fish parts....Great for plants!!!
What is fish emulsion?
Awesome way to use the waste product from canneries and it's one of the best things organically for plants, any plant!!!
That can be used to water your plants or also in a spray as a foliar feed...
And also, if you have a fish tank you can water any plant with your fish water...**Unless it's a salt water tank, then it would be a no
How'd I do???
Keep asking those great questions,
That's how you learn and get the gardening bug!!!
quote:Never a bad idea.... I am inflitrated with books, any and every book I can get me hands on!!
I guess I should get a book, any suggestions?
I love Rodale's series..
Kinda pricey, but worth the $$, but I read just about any publication...
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by Polka on March 09, 2005 05:44 PM
How did you do? Wonderful, amazing. I have learned sooooo much in the last two days. You are awsome. ![[flower]](im/graemlins/flower.gif)
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Thanks, Polka
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Thanks, Polka
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Thanks, Polka