Prepping for winter in Michigan
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by alankhart on September 18, 2005 08:49 PM
You can cut your peony back or just let the top growth die over winter and then cut it back. It probably won't bloom for a year or two because you moved it...they resent movement and usually sulk and don't bloom for a while.
If you use mulch to protect your roses, be sure to pile it up over the graft line. I've never tried using a bucket, but then it doesn't get as cold here.
Once again you can cut your perennial hibiscus back or just let the top growth die. They are slow to come up in spring, so you should mark it so you don't accidentally dig it up or something.
You can prune your Rose of Sharon to keep it from getting too big or just to keep a nice shape.
Do not prune your are right in that they bloom on old wood and if you prune now you will be sacrificing next years blooms. Next spring just cut back any dead stems. If you need to prune it, do so right after it blooms in summer.
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If you use mulch to protect your roses, be sure to pile it up over the graft line. I've never tried using a bucket, but then it doesn't get as cold here.
Once again you can cut your perennial hibiscus back or just let the top growth die. They are slow to come up in spring, so you should mark it so you don't accidentally dig it up or something.
You can prune your Rose of Sharon to keep it from getting too big or just to keep a nice shape.
Do not prune your are right in that they bloom on old wood and if you prune now you will be sacrificing next years blooms. Next spring just cut back any dead stems. If you need to prune it, do so right after it blooms in summer.
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by threeski on September 20, 2005 03:10 AM
Its today in Denver, getting that fall feeling however, still in the mid 70's and low 80's and high 40's and low 50's at night I usually do all my bush triming about this time of year but am feeling it might be a little early yet. I know not to touch the junipers until after dormat like late october but, would I cause any damage to my regular green type bushes that usually get a triming in the middle of summer also?
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Anyway, should I cut them back before winter? How far, and when?
I lost three rosebushes last winter. I never covered them with anything but mulch. In my defense, my husband did dig right next to their roots, to bury the cat. Should I put a bucket over them this year?
Perennial Hibiscus: Do I cut this back? How far?
Rose Of Sharon: Do I just prune to keep shape on this one?
Hydrangea: Same questions, do I cut it back, and how far? I know new blooms grow on old wood, so I am thinking I just leave it alone....but wanted to check with the experts.
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