I bought this bag of 25 mixed lilies "boasting"100 days of blooms(probably 80...maybe....)I got 2 plants with these bulbil things on the tops and the top 3 leafs against the stem.I'd take a guess and say its off the asiatic one(it looked alot like Grand Cru )
So how do I plant them?
Do I pot them?or make shade bed nursery?
How long till they bloom?
If they need a cold period....will my mild winter do it?or do I need to use fridge or freezer? SE TX Z 8b usually no colder than 20& thats briefly if 6 hours.
So how do I plant them?
Do I pot them?or make shade bed nursery?
How long till they bloom?
If they need a cold period....will my mild winter do it?or do I need to use fridge or freezer?
SE TX Z 8b usually no colder than 20& thats briefly if 6 hours.
above is photo with a dime for compareison.
they are starting to get green stem things.I pulled 3 off with the stems and stuck in begonia pot
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I will age ungracefully until I become an old woman in a small garden..doing whatever the Hell I want!