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by angelblossom on March 08, 2006 09:39 AM
That is interesting in deed!! I wonder if you can grow it outdoors!! that would be really cool! ![[clappy]](im/graemlins/claps.gif)
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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!

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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!

by weezie13 on March 08, 2006 10:13 AM
Did you know, if a celery stalk lays side ways
in your refrigerater for any period of time,
the tips of the plant will try to start to bend up and grow????
Just remember that when you have a plant in water, and it developes roots, those roots are
"water~roots", because they've been in water..
If you decide to pot up that celery, in dirt,
it doesn't have any dirt roots and may go into shock...
*from lack of ways to get food to it'self..*
So, maybe, since you're doing an experiment, try putting in some dirt, into the water, little by little... and when you finally want to change it over, put mostly dirt, but leave the dirt very watery... that way, it'll still be getting it's water fix, while it starts it's dirt roots..
And please keep us posted
on your celery adventures
, we would really
hear the out come of it.... realllly
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
in your refrigerater for any period of time,
the tips of the plant will try to start to bend up and grow????
Just remember that when you have a plant in water, and it developes roots, those roots are
"water~roots", because they've been in water..
If you decide to pot up that celery, in dirt,
it doesn't have any dirt roots and may go into shock...
*from lack of ways to get food to it'self..*
So, maybe, since you're doing an experiment, try putting in some dirt, into the water, little by little... and when you finally want to change it over, put mostly dirt, but leave the dirt very watery... that way, it'll still be getting it's water fix, while it starts it's dirt roots..
And please keep us posted
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by tkhooper on March 09, 2006 01:00 AM
I definitely want to hear all about it. I would love to grow celery but it's a little warm down here.
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by margaret e. pell on March 09, 2006 05:53 AM
Does the water/dirt roots apply to the ivy I'm rooting in water? How best shall I pot it up when the time comes?
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
by weezie13 on March 09, 2006 06:24 AM
I would almost have to say, sorta..
Ivy is a pretty hardy plant, and can adapt...
I would have to ask though, how long has the ivy been in water??????
Than may have a factor... if it has not been in there long, I'd say no..
It's when you keep it in the water for an extended amount of time.. and only has been kept in water..
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
Ivy is a pretty hardy plant, and can adapt...
I would have to ask though, how long has the ivy been in water??????
Than may have a factor... if it has not been in there long, I'd say no..
It's when you keep it in the water for an extended amount of time.. and only has been kept in water..
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by PAR_Gardener on March 09, 2006 12:38 PM
I read that wild celery actually likes to grow in swampy or water logged soil. I've grown celery before from seed, but it takes a long time to get really big stalks. Some varieties are winter hardy in my zone 5b. The last time I started it from seed I dug some up and put it in an old litter pail (no drainage holes) with soil about half way up. I thought the sides of the pail might help blanch it too. It was still alive last year even with a drought and neglect from me. It's been three years now. I don't know if it'll come up this year or not.
It's supposed to be a bi-anneal, but I've never seen a flower or gotten any seeds.
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Composting is more than good for your garden. It's a way of life.
It's supposed to be a bi-anneal, but I've never seen a flower or gotten any seeds.
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Composting is more than good for your garden. It's a way of life.
by GardenGuy_Gardener on March 11, 2006 08:52 AM
Sorry i wasnt here for a few days when weezie posted about the water roots..i did stick it in soil and its doing great no shrivilling or drying. So i guess im HOPEFULLY doing the right thing lol..But yes i do keep the water fairly moist
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The good thing about snow is that it makes your yard look just like your neighbors!
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by weezie13 on March 11, 2006 09:14 AM
Total water roots would be if you let stuff
sit in the water like wayyyyy too long...
If you do it early enough, they adjust nicely...
But thanks for letting
us know..
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
sit in the water like wayyyyy too long...
If you do it early enough, they adjust nicely...
But thanks for letting
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
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