Question About Chamaedorea Elegans Seeds
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by alankhart on February 27, 2005 06:27 PM
This may help some, but it doesn't answer all your questions:
Freshly sown seeds need to be kept slightly moist at all times, the addition of under tray heating will increase the rate of success.
Offsets (suckers) should be taken when the plant is actively in growth, place into a (65% / 35%) mix of sand and peat, keep it moist and in a quite shaded position, reintroduce to higher light as the root begin to develop.
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Freshly sown seeds need to be kept slightly moist at all times, the addition of under tray heating will increase the rate of success.
Offsets (suckers) should be taken when the plant is actively in growth, place into a (65% / 35%) mix of sand and peat, keep it moist and in a quite shaded position, reintroduce to higher light as the root begin to develop.
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by ISA on February 28, 2005 04:04 AM
Do I separate them now while they are green, or do I wait until they reach a ceratin color?
by Cricket on February 28, 2005 05:03 AM
I couldn't find information specifically on when to collect parlour palam seeds, but generally plant seeds are left to ripen on plants until they turn brown. Green seeds are usually immature, so won't germinate. Someone more knowledgeable should be around - maybe Will? Oh, Rockin' Will, your expertise is needed!
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I have a Chamaedorea Elegans that I bought about 6 years ago. The plant is about 2 feet tall. Last spring it grew 3 very fragile branches with tiny green seeds and I didn't know what to do, so they dried out. Now, I see the branches are there again with tiny green seeds, and I would like to know what to do to grow them before they dry out again. Do I separate them now while they are green, or do I wait until they reach a ceratin color? Put them in water? Soil? I'm sure someone here can guide. I really appreiate your help.