birch seeds
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2004
by weezie13 on October 03, 2004 07:49 AM
I'm not too knowledgeable on the birch trees,
but I am an experimental gardener, and I not that knowledgeable about seeds, but I love to experiment.....
Do it a couple of ways and see how each way works...
You said you got quite a number of seeds, take a certain amount, I'll say 5 each... and take 5 and just sprinkle on top of the dirt somewhere's where you've worked the soil, cleared the weeds and you'll remember where the seeds were...
Leave them on top and gently press the seeds on top of the dirt to make a good contact with the soil...
Then take some pots and fill with dirt and again, sprinkle some on top....
Take some more pots and maybe put seeds on top and put a bit of soil on top of the dirt....
And keep some in a cool, dark place in a paper envelope and then plant in the spring....
*They may need a "COLD" period to germinate, so maybe another set you could put in the freezer for 8 wks or so.....
You could do the paper towel method, but remember to only handle the leaves, not the stem, the plant can always grow a new leaf if you break it off, but if you crush the stem, it'll die.......
When you see the seed send out a root, *out from inside the seed, put that root so it's heading down into the soil/dirt and slighly cover with soil.....
That way, you can get a real good feel for the seeds and what to do, and which way was easier, or more germination to the method....
Hope some of this info helps!!!
I think some of the other gardeners' may come thru and give you some more advice....
And please keep us posted on your out come,
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
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Search The Garden Helper:
i posted about this in the early summer, and i am posting again for some clarification...
i have a birch tree that i would love to start a seedling from...
i was told a few months ago to harvest the seeds in september or october... well, i have harvested them... i actually have quite a few...
my question now is, what do i do with them? one suggestion i got was to lay them out on a damp cloth an let them germinate... is this the best way? if so... when they DO germinate, what do i do with the seedling? if this is not the best way, can anyone offer any other suggestions?
all the help i can get will be greatly appreciated...