Head scratchin over Hibiscus'
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by tkhooper on August 02, 2005 11:28 AM
rose of sharon is a small hardy hibiscus off-shoot type thing. It's funny that as close in appearance as they are, I like the hibiscus but not the rose of sharon.
yepper poodle thing is right. If you order a dinner plate hibiscus you are not going to get a rose of sharon.
My landlord has a tropical hibiscus with a braided trunk that he keeps inside. And I like it, but I never cared for the rose of sharon my dad had when I was a kid. I think it has to do with it being called a rose and it isn't. Silly that, that should make such a difference to me but it does.
yepper poodle thing is right. If you order a dinner plate hibiscus you are not going to get a rose of sharon.
My landlord has a tropical hibiscus with a braided trunk that he keeps inside. And I like it, but I never cared for the rose of sharon my dad had when I was a kid. I think it has to do with it being called a rose and it isn't. Silly that, that should make such a difference to me but it does.
by MaryReboakly on August 02, 2005 11:47 AM
Thanks! That totally clears it up for me. I thought I was losin my marble. (last one) I love those braided ones too.
I really just didn't want to end up with a rose of sharon - and I think it's the same reason as yours as silly as it seems! Thanks![[Wink]](im/wink.gif)
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I really just didn't want to end up with a rose of sharon - and I think it's the same reason as yours as silly as it seems! Thanks
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by mike57 on August 03, 2005 12:33 AM
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by tkhooper on August 03, 2005 12:39 AM
I'm drooling over your list already and it's months from being posted lol. I am soooooo bad. Worst thing about it is I won't have any space to put anything I might get anyway. I guess that cigarette money is going to have to go towards a plot of land somewhere.
by JV on August 03, 2005 03:12 AM
Rose of sharon is also called Althea so watch for that. Like Mike I am expecting to have seeds this year. Tk I also have two braided Hibiscus One pink and one yellow I posted photo's of them in June I think. Anyway you can see them on my photobucket link. I like rose of Sharon myself . My sister and I are trying to ring our properties in New Mexico (they join)with every color of ROS we can find anything to break the West and south winds in summer and the North winds in winter.We figure we may have it about half done before we are each dead. Be watching this fall for my trade list. I know I will have Zabrina seeds and some Manhot Sweet Yellow seeds. Most of pepper seeds have already ask for.
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Meet Clyde my Male Sugar Glider. Clyde says.
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Meet Clyde my Male Sugar Glider. Clyde says.
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by MaryReboakly on August 03, 2005 10:41 AM
quote:ME TOO! Over both of your lists...geesh, I guess I better stock up on stamps - and find a bigger spot to keep my seeds - and a spot to start stuff indoors over the winter - and..and...and
I'm drooling over your list already and it's months from being posted
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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by JV on August 03, 2005 01:10 PM
I have the purple and white right now. Not sure what all colors my sister has. I sent her about 20 last year from Springhill Nurseies for her birthday. But any color would be fine and thank you very much.
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Meet Clyde my Male Sugar Glider. Clyde says.
Keep it organic
Pray for our Troops!

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Meet Clyde my Male Sugar Glider. Clyde says.
Keep it organic
Pray for our Troops!

by Meg on August 03, 2005 06:02 PM
I absolutely LOVE hibiscus. I had one given to me last year, but I guess it wasn't hardy.. it died over the winter, never to return. I just can't be bothered with ones that need to be brought in.. I can't bring them in, so they must be hardy. Hey, if you have any HARDY hibiscus, I'd love to go on a list for some kind of trade, or something.
I can't seem to find the hardy ones here.. I guess they just want to sell hibiscus, and don't care if they won't live past the winter here. *sigh* It's like the Mandevilla I saw at Lowes.. absolutely one of the most beautiful I've seen.. needs to be brought in if it gets to 50F.
That just isn't happening, not in this house!
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Search The Garden Helper:
Is this like all poodles are dogs but not all dogs are poodles type thing?
JV & Mike have posted pics of the type I'm lookin for...I don't want to end up planting a rose of sharon thinking Im getting a dinner plate hibiscus like theirs
Can someone please set me straight? Well, erm...may be not straight but...
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