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by Amy R. on February 23, 2005 01:21 AM
LMAO Accidental Farmer!!!
I'm sorry, I have absolutely no suggestions for you; your post had me in stitches and I just had to respond...You one funny guy!
Ahem, surely someone with more craft and expertise(than I) will come along and help you. In the meantime, have fun wheelbarrowing!
I'm sorry, I have absolutely no suggestions for you; your post had me in stitches and I just had to respond...You one funny guy!
Ahem, surely someone with more craft and expertise(than I) will come along and help you. In the meantime, have fun wheelbarrowing!
by weezie13 on February 23, 2005 07:02 AM
quote:I fired my husband from weed whackin' too!!!
She does not even trust me with a weed whacker or the lawn mower.
He got a little whack~happy!!!
And then I wanted to be whack~happy with him!
Climbing:Gloriosa Lily
Only climbing lily....
*Must be lifted like a gladiola for this growing zone.....*
Old Fashion Sweet Peas Can not go wrong with these.
So sweet smelling and virbrant colors.
Verbena Bonariensis Light and airy filler.
Pink Gaura Another light and airy, also comes in white.
Bluebeard - Blue Mist / Caryopteris x clandonensis
Yellow Lilac
Perennials: Jacob's Ladder
Momma doesn't live long 3~5 years, but reseeds...
Oh, I could go on and on and on and on!!!
Does she have a list of what she has??????????
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by tamara on February 23, 2005 02:51 PM
I guess I am not the only person to ban the husband from yard work. I don't think you could go wrong even if you purchased something that she already has. It's the thought that counts.
How about a gift card for a nursery so she can shop for herself if she doesn't want multiples. I myself love the different varieties of Columbines and Rudbeckias. Does she have a rose garden? If not, that would be a wonderful idea.
Now you have me all excited about shopping for flowers. I must get out the catalog.![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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Tamara's Photos
Thinking Spring, Thinking Spring...Nope, doesn't work.lol
How about a gift card for a nursery so she can shop for herself if she doesn't want multiples. I myself love the different varieties of Columbines and Rudbeckias. Does she have a rose garden? If not, that would be a wonderful idea.
Now you have me all excited about shopping for flowers. I must get out the catalog.
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
* * * *

Tamara's Photos
Thinking Spring, Thinking Spring...Nope, doesn't work.lol
by The Accidental Farme on February 23, 2005 03:20 PM
This is why I call myself "The Accidental Farmer." I know that she has three different species of Clametus and each needs a different pruning technique. I know that you take the dead wood out of the roses in the fall and feed them bone meal. I know that she has problems getting some plant called a gooseneck to come back every year. I know that day lilys need devided every three years. I know the holly bushes are male and female. I know that everything my wife thins and puts in pots she has no problem getting rid of. I know that the night blooming sirious does just that , big old white blooms at night, they look like the horn on a gramaphone. I know that you should wear gloves and use a sharp shovel to split up yucca plants. I know that mums come in all colors and even make up new colors from hanging around together. I know that lavender comes in several heights and colors and different shaped leaves. I know that fiddle head ferns are good to eat in salad when they are small and unfurled. I know that there are not too many plants that don't like horse hockey! I know that if a woman does not like rocks she probably does not garden.I do know a secret recipe for growing the biggest tomatoes you have ever seen. I know that if you bury a book of matches with your pepper plants they will amaze you.And finally I know that Beebalm indeed is loved by the bees.Ok Ok one more thing I know that sevin powder is your friend if you have yellow jackets, but only after dark!
How do I know these things? Because my wife tells me and after 35 years I have learned to listen.
How do I know these things? Because my wife tells me and after 35 years I have learned to listen.
by suzydaze on February 23, 2005 06:01 PM
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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I try to take one day at a time -- but sometimes several days attack me at once.
-Jennifer Unlimited-
quote:me too and if he gets to close with the lawn mower the cactus gets it
I fired my husband from weed whackin' too!!!
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
* * * *

I try to take one day at a time -- but sometimes several days attack me at once.
-Jennifer Unlimited-
by weezie13 on February 23, 2005 06:18 PM
Well, he did get a repreeve on the lawnmowing
dept., because we have two sets of lawns to mow,
my mom's and ours.... I let him mow her's,
she's got an almost straight run of a huge back yard, and no obstacles...so he enjoys that yard.
But when it comes to our back yard he still keeps muttering under his breath, *not too loudly now mind you or I'll fire him again* but we have so many things to mow around he gets a little
and a little
and a little
and a little
and a little
and a little more like a
carried away when he's done. And he gets so mad when I leave half of the backyard un~cut cause I want to see the wild violets in bloom... or the wild veronica or the wild clover, or the wild speedwell, or the, oh you get the picture, he gets a little WILD himself, and va~rooooooooooom goes all the heads of those beautiful flowers...
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

dept., because we have two sets of lawns to mow,
my mom's and ours.... I let him mow her's,
she's got an almost straight run of a huge back yard, and no obstacles...so he enjoys that yard.
But when it comes to our back yard he still keeps muttering under his breath, *not too loudly now mind you or I'll fire him again* but we have so many things to mow around he gets a little
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

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Just to clear the air, let me start by saying I am not too crazy about flowers. My wife on the other hand is off the wall completely nuts, gone 100% gaga over perrentials. The girl has amassed a collection of these cultivated weeds that would rival a botanical garden. I learned years ago how to keep myself from bending over and pulling weeds from her beds. The trick is never learn to tell the difference between an ordinary weed and the fancy weeds. I am "Persona Non Grata" in her landscaping, oh darn. She does encourage me to run the wheel barrel and haul her vast amounts of well rotted horse hockey to various location on the property. She does not even trust me with a weed whacker or the lawn mower. Quote "I would rather do it myself".
Well here is my problem. Over the years I have strived to suprize her with new plants for her beds, but it gets harder and harder to find something she does not already have. What do you buy for a girl that already has seventeen varieties of lavender? If there was a flower trivia game I would enter this lady. Do you have to put a bib On a Gerber Daisy? Bulbs Tubers, Rhizoms, all roots to me.
Let me say this just to be fair. The place looks great! she has something blooming from the time the snow slows to a stop til her Mums are finished in the fall!