Daylily not blooming
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by mike57 on July 28, 2005 02:56 AM
HI JAKE I see you from Calgary, Alberta zone 4 it still might to early for them to bloom in you area give them a little more time.your friend in gardening.mike57
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by loz on July 28, 2005 04:37 AM
Yep, I'm in zone 6 and mine have just started blooming this past don't give up hope on them jake....
by Karrie on July 28, 2005 09:33 AM
I am in Zone 5b but I have had them blooming for probably 3 weeks now? Maybe I got real lucky!
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It doesn't matter where you go in life... It's who you have beside you when you get there.
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by JAKE on July 29, 2005 02:56 AM
It sounds like I am far too impatient - thanks for the input - I'll keep waiting and see what transpires!
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by weezie13 on July 29, 2005 03:45 AM
Hi ya JAKE!!! How you been doing??
Certain ones have been blooming for me about
3 weeks too... but some are just starting too..
Different colored one's at different times..
What name or color were they???
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- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
by JAKE on August 03, 2005 12:39 AM
Hey Weezie - doing fine thanks! Don't remember the names of the daylilies - only that they were being remarked upon for their prolific blooming (Ha Ha) which is why I bought them. Hope they bloom soon! Is there any way perhaps that I planted them too deep therefore stunting the blooming?
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by phoenix on August 03, 2005 01:09 AM
Hang in there Jake,
Mine just started to bloom 2 weeks ago.
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"If you want to talk bollocks and discuss the meaning of life,you're better off downing a bottle of whiskey.That way you're drunk by the time you start to take yourself seriously"
Mine just started to bloom 2 weeks ago.
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"If you want to talk bollocks and discuss the meaning of life,you're better off downing a bottle of whiskey.That way you're drunk by the time you start to take yourself seriously"
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