Rare find?
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2005
by pattioh on June 29, 2005 01:29 AM
It's a beauty alright!
Great find!
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ACTUAL CHURCH BULLETIN TYPOS #9: Don't let worry kill you off - let the church help.
Great find!
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ACTUAL CHURCH BULLETIN TYPOS #9: Don't let worry kill you off - let the church help.
Search The Garden Helper:
Anyway, i brought the gladiolus home and set them out in 2 places in my garden.I just left them there. They didn't bloom at all that first summer and last summer i was out of town when they bloomed. I finally got to see what they really looked like this year...
Needless to say, i am very amazed at how beautiful they are.
I searched online and found a very, very close match. Its a rare find- called Apricot Lustre, and dated to 1969. The one on the web site that looks like mine was found from a sunny clearing in the deep woods of Maine.
Heirloom glad
Heirloom Gladiolus Bulbs
Whether i have an old plant or not i'm still happy to have it in my garden! It's almost like collecting antiques!
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