Red Hot Sally, not so hot..
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by MaryReboakly on June 15, 2005 11:51 AM
ach...fooey! Are they thirsty? Too much sun? (no idea what their requirements are)
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by Meg on June 15, 2005 11:56 AM
They are getting the same water & sun as the rest are that I got the same day. They were in the front of the nursery, with all the other "full sun" plants, and they were fine at first.. I just don't know what else is wrong. *sigh*
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by MaryReboakly on June 15, 2005 12:07 PM
Meg I just found this...are you fertilizing?
The rainforest soils of the natural habitat of Salvia are very fertile and rich in organic matter. Salvia generally chooses very damp or even wet places to grow and is frequently found along mountain creeks and gullies. The soils can be heavy or light but are always very rich. Salvia responds well to high nutrient levels. It has come to my attention, that salvia is extremely snesitive to ammonia gas. This can be produced when manures or urea fertilisers are exposed to heat. A build up of these gases will kill the foliage of the plant and may do damage to the growth nodes.
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The rainforest soils of the natural habitat of Salvia are very fertile and rich in organic matter. Salvia generally chooses very damp or even wet places to grow and is frequently found along mountain creeks and gullies. The soils can be heavy or light but are always very rich. Salvia responds well to high nutrient levels. It has come to my attention, that salvia is extremely snesitive to ammonia gas. This can be produced when manures or urea fertilisers are exposed to heat. A build up of these gases will kill the foliage of the plant and may do damage to the growth nodes.
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by Meg on June 15, 2005 12:12 PM
Hmm.. well, I planted it in mostly compost. The other plants LOVE it. It may not have gotten enough water, and we did give it some miracle grow over the weekend.. but umm.. it still looks all sad & pitiful.
A girl on another forum (not a gardening forum, but folks who just happen to like to garden that visit another type of forum.. ya lost yet?) said they can't grow salvias there because of their extreme desert heat. Well, I don't live in those conditions, HOWEVER, we have had a lot of UNUSUALLY HOT weather here this week. 90's, with heat index close to 104 today. We were under a heat advisory today. *blech* Maybe the extra hot temps had something to do with it?
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A girl on another forum (not a gardening forum, but folks who just happen to like to garden that visit another type of forum.. ya lost yet?) said they can't grow salvias there because of their extreme desert heat. Well, I don't live in those conditions, HOWEVER, we have had a lot of UNUSUALLY HOT weather here this week. 90's, with heat index close to 104 today. We were under a heat advisory today. *blech* Maybe the extra hot temps had something to do with it?
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by 4Ruddy on June 15, 2005 12:13 PM
Meg, Mary is right...they require a lot of water. My red hot Sallys and blue salvas are the only thing I have to water every day....or they wilt, but...they pop right back up. I cn't understand why just that one plant would be doing that though. Is it inthe same location as the others? Mine also get whiteflies really bad...and I have to check the undersides of the leaves frequantly. Hope you can save that baby!
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Happiness, like a dessert so sweet.
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by Meg on June 15, 2005 12:15 PM
Well, it was planted with orange zinnia, a purple hybrid sage, and 8 little marigolds.. and the red hot sally is the only one that is doing this. So ya, maybe they want more water than the rest of them. Guess I know what I'll be doing tomorrow morning..
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I reject your reality, and substitue my own!
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by MaryReboakly on June 15, 2005 12:18 PM
HI Of 104?! GEEEZ Louiseeeee!
Keep us posted, I sure hope you can save it!
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Keep us posted, I sure hope you can save it!
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by weezie13 on June 15, 2005 09:19 PM
HOT weather and Miracle Grow don't mix
well sometimes....
It shouldn't be applied in the hot sun..
shouldn't be right on the roots...
and sometimes half strength is better than full.
I use the stuff like it, only as a shock
treatment when first planted, and that's it...
Never apply after mid morning... and better yet
on overcast days...
Yeah, we've been in the uppper 90's...
Finally broke the heat spell last night,
it's about 70+ something now!! Lot's cooler!!!
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- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
well sometimes....
It shouldn't be applied in the hot sun..
shouldn't be right on the roots...
and sometimes half strength is better than full.
I use the stuff like it, only as a shock
treatment when first planted, and that's it...
Never apply after mid morning... and better yet
on overcast days...
Yeah, we've been in the uppper 90's...
Finally broke the heat spell last night,
it's about 70+ something now!! Lot's cooler!!!
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2
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