Carnations from seed
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by nmlAlba-dC15 on July 13, 2006 03:52 AM
send me some...send me some..pleeease!![[grin]](im/graemlins/grinnnn.gif)
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i believe that somewhere in da darkest night...a candle glows,
i believe for every drop of rain that falls...a flower grows....
send me some...send me some..pleeease!
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i believe that somewhere in da darkest night...a candle glows,
i believe for every drop of rain that falls...a flower grows....
by tkhooper on July 13, 2006 04:04 AM
Hi Nor,
Do you like carnations? They do have a nice scent. These also have an unusual color. They are a pinkish orange color what I grew up calling salmon pink.
I have a couple of more seed heads that with luck will ripen over the next month or so. When they do I will send you a packet.
Remember they are biennials so plant half one year and half the next so that you have blooms everry year after the first year.
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Do you like carnations? They do have a nice scent. These also have an unusual color. They are a pinkish orange color what I grew up calling salmon pink.
I have a couple of more seed heads that with luck will ripen over the next month or so. When they do I will send you a packet.
Remember they are biennials so plant half one year and half the next so that you have blooms everry year after the first year.
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by nmlAlba-dC15 on July 13, 2006 07:58 PM
Thank you....thank you..thank you sooo very much!!!
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i believe that somewhere in da darkest night...a candle glows,
i believe for every drop of rain that falls...a flower grows....
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i believe that somewhere in da darkest night...a candle glows,
i believe for every drop of rain that falls...a flower grows....
by nmlAlba-dC15 on July 13, 2006 08:01 PM
wooops too excited that i forgot to add....n i'll b searching n looking around what i have that would b suitable to send to u....or do u have any special request? TQ again!
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i believe that somewhere in da darkest night...a candle glows,
i believe for every drop of rain that falls...a flower grows....
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i believe that somewhere in da darkest night...a candle glows,
i believe for every drop of rain that falls...a flower grows....
by tkhooper on July 14, 2006 03:02 AM
Well I may want to try the round stemmed orchids again later in the year. They still don't appear to be recovering. Although the golden shower orchid appears to be hanging in there.
I have it in an east facing window. Is that ok? Or is it too much direct sun?
I've been reading up on the wood rose and there is no way I can grow it here. It really needs to be in the ground because it developes a huge root system.
It's common name is wooly morning glory. I think I'll put the last seed I have in the same envelope with the carnation seeds when I harvest them. You have the right climate down there to grow them I think. And if it works in a few years when they bloom you can send me one of the wood rose seed pods.
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I have it in an east facing window. Is that ok? Or is it too much direct sun?
I've been reading up on the wood rose and there is no way I can grow it here. It really needs to be in the ground because it developes a huge root system.
It's common name is wooly morning glory. I think I'll put the last seed I have in the same envelope with the carnation seeds when I harvest them. You have the right climate down there to grow them I think. And if it works in a few years when they bloom you can send me one of the wood rose seed pods.
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Search The Garden Helper:
If I plant half of the seeds now will they produce foliage this year and flowers next year? And then I can sow the rest of the seeds next spring for foliage that will bloom the year after. And that way have a self sustaining clump?
Thankyou for your assistance.
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