Is it going to die?
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by peach on May 28, 2006 06:08 PM
I gave my venus fly trap tap water (about a tablespoon) for the first time. Is it going to die? Or will it live if I give it distilled water later?
by margaret e. pell on May 28, 2006 06:59 PM
A tablespoonful? Is your water that toxic? My guess is that it won't notice, unless you get sick when you drink a glassful. Distilled water is best, go from there, and don't worry about this. There's lots of good VFT info here, read it and relax. Do remember that it wants to be damp to soggy all the time.
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
by TomR on May 29, 2006 01:41 PM
Unless you have well water NEVER give your VFT tap water. Distilled or rainwater only. Flush the soil out with distilled a few times.
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My memory's not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
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