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by mom54 on April 03, 2006 01:42 AM
Hey Bill, I would like to have a couple of these plants. I know you can't dig them up from the wild. Would you know of any sources that I could check out? I saw a gardening show this a.m. and he made a beautilful dish garden from pitcher plants, butterwort and a couple of others. It was really pretty.
Thanks, Mom
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by angelblossom on April 03, 2006 10:20 AM
Amber J here is my pitcher plant when I first got it in the same pot as purchased.
The second picture is now with new growth at the top with pitcher spouts at the end of new leaves and some of the existing pitchers are beginning to shrivel up do I cut them off NOW or wait until they are completely dried up??

pic of it today

you can see the swriveled 'neck of the pitcher on the left and the lids of all pitcher are beginning to wringle as well.., is it the end of their life cycle because of the new growth at the top or I'm I not doing something correctley??
Any input would be appreciated!
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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!

The second picture is now with new growth at the top with pitcher spouts at the end of new leaves and some of the existing pitchers are beginning to shrivel up do I cut them off NOW or wait until they are completely dried up??

pic of it today

you can see the swriveled 'neck of the pitcher on the left and the lids of all pitcher are beginning to wringle as well.., is it the end of their life cycle because of the new growth at the top or I'm I not doing something correctley??
Any input would be appreciated!
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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!

by Amber J on April 05, 2006 03:36 PM
Oh wow that is so beautiful!
I think it is the end of their cycle ... usually when mine would die I would clip em just for the looks. I do not think it would hinder anything to clip it - if it's not eating at the moment then why not? Maybe then the plant can concentrate its energy on the new growth?
So how is the plant doing with low humidity? I see it's not in a terrarium, what's the temp like in your house? How old is it? (The plant, not the house!
I think it is the end of their cycle ... usually when mine would die I would clip em just for the looks. I do not think it would hinder anything to clip it - if it's not eating at the moment then why not? Maybe then the plant can concentrate its energy on the new growth?
So how is the plant doing with low humidity? I see it's not in a terrarium, what's the temp like in your house? How old is it? (The plant, not the house!
by angelblossom on April 06, 2006 07:10 AM
Amber J I really don't know how old the plant is I've had it for a couple of months a least and I bought it from a nursery. Well I Do live in Tx and it's been raining off and on that's why I have it in the window (I water it with rain water for now) if I feel it's getting to dry in the air I just mist it in the morning and again when I come home from work not directly on it but around it know what I mean?? The temp usually stays around 70-75 in here sometimes warmer maybe even up to 80 during afternoon hours but it seems to like it here ..
You know I was wondering about cutting it off so the energy would go to the new growth too. But you know how you just hate to cut on a plant you really know nothing about
I may wait untill it dries up just a LIITTLE more
Okay I admit it I'm scared I don't want anything to happen to it I wanted one for sooo long ..!!
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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!

You know I was wondering about cutting it off so the energy would go to the new growth too. But you know how you just hate to cut on a plant you really know nothing about
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
I may wait untill it dries up just a LIITTLE more
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!

by Amber J on April 06, 2006 12:01 PM
That plant is so pretty you inspired me to buy one
by angelblossom on April 07, 2006 09:06 AM
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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!

by Amber J on April 08, 2006 05:50 PM
The shipping said it would take 9 - 12 days though - I hope it survives!!
Angel .... sssshhhhh - I think we're the only ones in here!
Angel .... sssshhhhh - I think we're the only ones in here!
by angelblossom on April 09, 2006 04:41 AM
It's okay Jamie we get new members everyday I'm sure they will find this thread and join in It's just that pitcher plants are something that can be intiminating because of the humidity and care, But I was determinied not to let that bother me Cus I wanted one period!
SOO You DID order one?? I wish I knew more about how to start one off of mine I'd send you a starter express!!
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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!

SOO You DID order one?? I wish I knew more about how to start one off of mine I'd send you a starter express!!
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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!

by Amber J on April 09, 2006 10:40 AM
Yeah I did - it's going to be here next week I guess! But from the pic it looks like yours
by Sylorna on April 09, 2006 09:08 PM
I saw some just like yours (although yours looks happier to be a alive) at a nursery yesterday. They're so neat that big! I almost bought myself one, but soon realised that I wouldn't be into misting it so much AND I don't have anywhere to put it. Guess I'll live vicariously through your pictures
by angelblossom on April 10, 2006 05:35 AM
Sylorna.... What was the price on the ones in the nursery??
Amber.... Post a pic when you get it . 9-12 days is a while for it to be closed up Where's it coming from(State) Now all the necks of mine are swrifling up I guess it's time to cut them off
But I dont wanna!!I'm going to do a search and read up on the life cycle of the pitchers first...
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!

Amber.... Post a pic when you get it . 9-12 days is a while for it to be closed up Where's it coming from(State) Now all the necks of mine are swrifling up I guess it's time to cut them off
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
![[Big Grin]](im/biggrin.gif)
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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!

by angelblossom on April 10, 2006 09:20 AM
Amber J...
maybe this can shed some light
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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!

maybe this can shed some light
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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!

by Sylorna on April 10, 2006 09:23 PM
Amber J, It was only $30 Canadian, so something close to $25 US. I thought it was a pretty impressive price actually, considering that I had never seen them that big until I read your post
by angelblossom on April 11, 2006 10:04 AM
That is a pretty decent price alright !!
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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!

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Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, Faith looks up!

by puddingned94 on May 08, 2006 03:14 AM
does anyone know how to make venus fly traps' traps twice as big
by puddingned94 on May 08, 2006 03:19 AM
is it possible to take cuttings from venus fly traps? if so how?
by puddingned94 on May 08, 2006 03:22 AM
how do you make VFT bloom
by Amber J on May 16, 2006 07:54 PM
You want to keep your plant from blooming - if it starts to bud, definitely cut that sucker off!! It will kill your plant!
As soon as you see even the tiniest pokey of a stalk, pinch it off. If you let it go (especially by the time you see a flower), your plant is dead. It takes up so much of the energy that it kills the remaining plant.
It is complicated to gain seeds from a bloom, and takes much time for them to grow into big plants (we're talking years) - not worth it.
The best way to get cuttings from it is to tear a leaf off, making sure you get some of the white rhizome at the very bottom. Lay it down on top of the soil, cover it up just a bit at the base, water and wait.
The only way to make it grow bigger is time, sorry to say!
As soon as you see even the tiniest pokey of a stalk, pinch it off. If you let it go (especially by the time you see a flower), your plant is dead. It takes up so much of the energy that it kills the remaining plant.
It is complicated to gain seeds from a bloom, and takes much time for them to grow into big plants (we're talking years) - not worth it.
The best way to get cuttings from it is to tear a leaf off, making sure you get some of the white rhizome at the very bottom. Lay it down on top of the soil, cover it up just a bit at the base, water and wait.
The only way to make it grow bigger is time, sorry to say!
by BeckyB on June 02, 2006 12:35 PM
That Pitcher Plant amazes me!
It's so cool!
How do you keep one as a houseplant?
I just read Bill's info, but it seemed to pertain to outdoor plants.
What do you feed it?
Any info you have would be greatly appreciated.
I'm adding that to my list of dream plants!
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"As long as there are tests,
there will be prayer in public schools"
- Maxine
That Pitcher Plant amazes me!
It's so cool!
How do you keep one as a houseplant?
I just read Bill's info, but it seemed to pertain to outdoor plants.
What do you feed it?
Any info you have would be greatly appreciated.
I'm adding that to my list of dream plants!
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"As long as there are tests,
there will be prayer in public schools"
- Maxine
by J o e y on July 30, 2006 02:10 AM
So Sylorna, hows your plant if I may ask? They sure look awesome and where I live its almost tropical so I think one would thrive here.
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