Need information on Japanese Maple tree
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by margaret e. pell on August 06, 2006 03:13 AM
I think the Cacti and Succulents forum is the wrong place for this post. Please try Shrubs and Trees to get an answer. Welcome, anyway!
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
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may God bless the WHOLE world!
by Jiffymouse on August 06, 2006 05:54 AM
i'm moving this, thanks margaret for directing this person in the right direction
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I just bought a bright Red Japanese Maple tree - 4 foot tall. It was propagated from other big one (by cut and wrapping soil on that cut) and almost 4 months old now. Gentleman who sold it to me said I have to wait until this Sept for planting.
Before I plant it on ground I need some information and advices:
The location I choose for my Japanese Maple is near to garden pond edge. Pond depth is 2 feet, on the North.
North side of Japanese Maple's location is 4'x6' pond. and cedar hedge is 8 feet away as wind break.
West side, North-West, South-West side: patio stone away 1 foot from Japanese Maple.
South and South-East: Grass.
North-East: Rose garden is away 5 feet from Japanese Maple.
1. Is this location suitable for my Japanese Maple ?
or any advice.
2. How tall and width this Japanese Maple can growth.
3. If it will be tall how can I trim to control its heigth.
4. I live in Ottawa, Canada. How I can protect it in the cold winter ?
Any advice will be appreciated.