Indoor Garden
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by tkhooper on February 16, 2006 05:46 AM
That sounds like a wonderful idea. I have the variegated aloe vera as the center piece/show stopper and it grows shallow fat roots so that I can have it in a shallow and wide pretty pot. I have some Dudleya gnoma McCabe 'white sprite' in with it and hope to add some of the Crassula capitella ssp. thyrsiflora (Thunb.) Tölken 'Aanteel-poprosie' if I can ever find it locally. I'm just not sure about buying plants and having them shipped my one experience with doing that was awful so now I try to stick to seeds and bulbs.
If you have a fair amount of space you might want your focal point to be a 'Bonsai Crassula'
Scientific Name: Crassula sarcocaulis Eckl. & Zeyh
and then have a carpet of portulaca at it's feet. Mine has bloomed most all of the fall and some during the winter indoors although it has needed pruning a few times.
I hope I've been of some help. Good luck with your indoor garden.
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If you have a fair amount of space you might want your focal point to be a 'Bonsai Crassula'
Scientific Name: Crassula sarcocaulis Eckl. & Zeyh
and then have a carpet of portulaca at it's feet. Mine has bloomed most all of the fall and some during the winter indoors although it has needed pruning a few times.
I hope I've been of some help. Good luck with your indoor garden.
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by cinta on February 17, 2006 01:48 PM
I have most of my sucs and cacti in pots. If you look at my album you will see some of the ones I have put together.
I like colors. I have put these together echeverias and crassulas and Kalanchoe I think because they all like generally the same care they do well together for me.
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If you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain!!
I like colors. I have put these together echeverias and crassulas and Kalanchoe I think because they all like generally the same care they do well together for me.
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If you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain!!
by Ivy9 on March 08, 2006 05:50 AM
I have a small jade plant and a black prince and cape blanco. Can I pu them together in a dish like pot with jade in the center?
by jonni13 on March 08, 2006 09:07 AM
Yes those should do very well together, Ivy.
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Getting old is the pits. But it sure beats the alternative. My Blog
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Getting old is the pits. But it sure beats the alternative. My Blog
by Ivy9 on March 09, 2006 12:19 AM
I forgot about my kalanchoe plant. I have 3 stems in one pot the same one since I bought. It is flowering beutifully in my kitchen window. I was thinking of separating the three stems and putting one of them in the center with black prince and cape blanco and the other two with the smaller jade. That way even after the kalanchow stops flowering the foliage would look good with the others. But then when it is time for kalanchoe to go in dark for some time to induce flowering the others have to go in with it too
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Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
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