my bonsai experience.
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by SpringFever on December 06, 2006 04:55 AM
You can grow a bonsai in just about any pot that is balanced with the tree itself..
I have grown the same one for near 4 years now.. I was checking out a few different types to try and grow from seed! The one I have now is a lustrium it is an indoor outdoor type in my area..
I could sit here and type a bunch of things.. But is there a specific question you have?? I have several books that I use as guides...
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I have grown the same one for near 4 years now.. I was checking out a few different types to try and grow from seed! The one I have now is a lustrium it is an indoor outdoor type in my area..
I could sit here and type a bunch of things.. But is there a specific question you have?? I have several books that I use as guides...
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Tonight I am having friends for dinner... Hanibal Lector My Album
by neko nomad on December 21, 2006 10:37 AM
i'm involved in an alternative to bonsai, Ueki no Te Ire , or giant bonsai, in sculpting a scots pine into a Japanese style form. Here's what I've achieved after about eleven years so far:

The objective here is the branch over gate form, or Monkan Shitate, with that lower branch.
One thing I've learned in the process is that the scots pine doesn't respond to this type of treatment as does, say, the
japanese Black Pine, in that it's a much larger tree. Therefore, I'm contending with a heavier branch characteristic which may not develop into as graceful a form as would a smaller species.
Before spring, I'll trim off the stubs left from this year's work. There's still some way to go yet.

The objective here is the branch over gate form, or Monkan Shitate, with that lower branch.
One thing I've learned in the process is that the scots pine doesn't respond to this type of treatment as does, say, the
japanese Black Pine, in that it's a much larger tree. Therefore, I'm contending with a heavier branch characteristic which may not develop into as graceful a form as would a smaller species.
Before spring, I'll trim off the stubs left from this year's work. There's still some way to go yet.
by SpringFever on December 21, 2006 09:36 PM
WOW that would be a challange to do on such a large scale!!
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Tonight I am having friends for dinner... Hanibal Lector My Album
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Tonight I am having friends for dinner... Hanibal Lector My Album
by neko nomad on December 22, 2006 02:10 AM
Not really, though there are safety issues to consider, particularly in being on a ladder. Takes lots of time, also, in keeping watch on a tree over the years.
Check out this site for a glimpse of this fascinating -- to me, at least-- style of tree maintenance. Giant Bonsai. It gives an overview of a book,which I got through, explaining the techniques involved. I find the book useful as a specialized supplement to pruning guides I already have.
Check out this site for a glimpse of this fascinating -- to me, at least-- style of tree maintenance. Giant Bonsai. It gives an overview of a book,which I got through, explaining the techniques involved. I find the book useful as a specialized supplement to pruning guides I already have.
by SpringFever on December 23, 2006 11:10 AM
That is wicked cool!! I have no trees I could do that with in my yard but it is very neat to look at! Thanks for sharing! ![[thumb]](im/graemlins/thumb.gif)
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Tonight I am having friends for dinner... Hanibal Lector My Album
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Tonight I am having friends for dinner... Hanibal Lector My Album
by M. D. Vaden of Oregon on December 24, 2006 09:26 AM
I used to tinker on the little ones, but the watering needs were more than I cared to deal with.
The version you are learning, is easier for maintenance.
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M. D. Vaden of Oregon
Web Site
Oregon Bigfoot Trap trail
Photo Albums - Oregon Scenery & Tree Care
The version you are learning, is easier for maintenance.
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M. D. Vaden of Oregon
Web Site
Oregon Bigfoot Trap trail
Photo Albums - Oregon Scenery & Tree Care
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tell me more about bonsai if you have any experience i have collected juniper, conifer , maples, magnifolia "green leafed". And a fig tree "pot belly fig" as a bonsai and... jade trees, many other juniper different types of trees. please tell me more about growing them.
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