Iron Cross Begonia, Firecracker Flower, Wandering Jew
Willy's Place » Plant Pictures and Profiles
by catlover on October 24, 2003 08:42 PM
Good info Bill
I like the idea of mixing the two varieties of wandering jew! Stealing that idea as well.
Watch out expanding my comfort zone and experimenting with mixing plants now!
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I like the idea of mixing the two varieties of wandering jew! Stealing that idea as well.
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by loz on October 25, 2003 05:49 AM
I am seriously out of control with the wandering jew....I have about 10 of them in my basement for the joke....I can't stand to leave a plant to die.....
One thing I did was plant some cuttings of the wandering and bolivian jew in the same pot and they have formed a kind of hybrid....small leaves and stems that are like the bolivian jew, but the have the purple markings of the wandering's kind of a cool
One thing I did was plant some cuttings of the wandering and bolivian jew in the same pot and they have formed a kind of hybrid....small leaves and stems that are like the bolivian jew, but the have the purple markings of the wandering's kind of a cool
by <winterizing begonia> on September 07, 2004 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Bill:
Iron Cross Begonia
Begonia masoniana
This Rex type Begonia grows well with medium light intensity such as an east or west window. Keep the soil evenly moist when the plants are actively growing, otherwise allow the plant to dry slightly between waterings. Fertilize active plants
with an all purpose fertilizer at recommended rates.
Iron Cross Begonias thrive at temperatures of 70 degrees during the day and slightly lower at night. (Never below 55 degrees F.)
Note: Browning leaf margins may indicate a need for higher humidity.
Firecracker Flower
Crossandra infundibuliformis
Crossandras prefer bright, filtered light. Allow the soil to dry slightly before watering. They grow best in warm temperatures (75 degrees F.) and relatively high humidity (set planter on top of a tray filled with moist stones). They can not tolerate temperatures below 60 degrees!
Fertilize with an all purpose house plant food every two weeks during it's active growing season (March - October)
Wandering Jew
Tradescantia zebrina
Tips From the Forum
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Begonia masoniana
This Rex type Begonia grows well with medium light intensity such as an east or west window. Keep the soil evenly moist when the plants are actively growing, otherwise allow the plant to dry slightly between waterings. Fertilize active plants
with an all purpose fertilizer at recommended rates.
Iron Cross Begonias thrive at temperatures of 70 degrees during the day and slightly lower at night. (Never below 55 degrees F.)
Note: Browning leaf margins may indicate a need for higher humidity.
Firecracker Flower
Crossandra infundibuliformis
Crossandras prefer bright, filtered light. Allow the soil to dry slightly before watering. They grow best in warm temperatures (75 degrees F.) and relatively high humidity (set planter on top of a tray filled with moist stones). They can not tolerate temperatures below 60 degrees!
Fertilize with an all purpose house plant food every two weeks during it's active growing season (March - October)
Wandering Jew
Tradescantia zebrina
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