Privacy for a balcony
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by mes on April 19, 2006 09:33 PM
My wife and I live in a 3rd story apartment with a balcony. We would like to plant something that will grow around the railing to create privacy. We are in Chicago ant the balcony faces east so it gets direct sunlight for 6 hours a day then it is dark. We tried a flowering tropical plant that we brought inside for the winter but moving it back and forth it never attached and created the privacy we wanted (plus was a pain to bring in and out). We thought about morning glories, but we would need to line the small floor space with boxes and they only grow straight up. We are now looking into Ivy but I need some help to prepare a pot that will withstand the Chicago winter. I any one has feedback it would be greatly appreciated, maybe you have a better plant that will create privacy and flower?
by SpringFever on April 19, 2006 09:42 PM
Sweet pea vine? there are a lot of choices how long do you plan on staying? do you want something more permant? how about ivy?
Could you train the MG's along the balcony?
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Could you train the MG's along the balcony?
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by mes on April 20, 2006 12:51 AM
We would like something more permanent so we don't have to replant every year $$$$
by SpringFever on April 20, 2006 01:11 AM
by SpringFever on April 20, 2006 01:15 AM
There is also trumpet vines they are pretty
most of what I found are not ever green.
clamatis is pretty too you could get different colors..
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most of what I found are not ever green.
clamatis is pretty too you could get different colors..
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by Bestofour on April 20, 2006 06:55 AM
Ivy is the only evergreen vine type thing I can think of. Can you put a trellis up against the balcony wall and let it grow up that? Ivy will attach to just about anything.
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by mes on April 20, 2006 09:08 AM
I dont understand zone 5 or 6? There are suports for the railing every 3" so it should grow fine with no trellis. I was asking more how to plant the perannial in a pot, and for flowering vines?
by joclyn on April 20, 2006 10:45 AM
check the
usda zone chart to see what zone you are in.
ivy would be the quickest/easiest and you can do it with only two pots in either corner of the balcony. i'd suggest using some kind of trellis for it to attach to tho...managment might not like it if the ivy is attached to the railing of the balcony! there are a LOT of different ivy's - some are solid color and some are variegated. the leaf styles are different too - as well as the size of the leaf. you will have to keep an eye on it - ivy is a really fast spreader and it will attach to anything! so, you'll need to trim it back on occassion to keep it from getting out of control.
some types of clematis might work also. again, two pots at either end and use a trellis in the middle. jackmani has a good growth/spreading habit and has a beautiful deep purple flower. you'll need to check to see if it'll work in your zone. there are over 20 different types to choose from - not all will be hardy in your zone tho. if you go with a clematis, keep in mind that the roots like to be cool, so you'll need to keep them well covered. the vine part likes full sun. if you plant in a very tall pot and mulch it well, you should be fine.
post some pics when you get something going - i'd love to see what you end up doing!!
usda zone chart to see what zone you are in.
ivy would be the quickest/easiest and you can do it with only two pots in either corner of the balcony. i'd suggest using some kind of trellis for it to attach to tho...managment might not like it if the ivy is attached to the railing of the balcony! there are a LOT of different ivy's - some are solid color and some are variegated. the leaf styles are different too - as well as the size of the leaf. you will have to keep an eye on it - ivy is a really fast spreader and it will attach to anything! so, you'll need to trim it back on occassion to keep it from getting out of control.
some types of clematis might work also. again, two pots at either end and use a trellis in the middle. jackmani has a good growth/spreading habit and has a beautiful deep purple flower. you'll need to check to see if it'll work in your zone. there are over 20 different types to choose from - not all will be hardy in your zone tho. if you go with a clematis, keep in mind that the roots like to be cool, so you'll need to keep them well covered. the vine part likes full sun. if you plant in a very tall pot and mulch it well, you should be fine.
post some pics when you get something going - i'd love to see what you end up doing!!
by mes on April 20, 2006 11:39 AM
Thanks 5b would be the zone. The building is self managed and I have permission. I will check on these, are any poisonous?
by joclyn on April 20, 2006 12:23 PM
i don't think any of the ivy's are poisonous. and i doubt any of the clematis are either.
the jackmani should do fine in 5b. there are plenty of varieties! clematis site
the jackmani should do fine in 5b. there are plenty of varieties! clematis site
by SpringFever on April 20, 2006 07:52 PM
I think this will help a bit..with the poisonous plants mes
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I think this will help a bit..with the poisonous plants mes
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by joclyn on April 21, 2006 01:05 AM
oh!! that's a good site, spring!! thanks for posting it!!
by SpringFever on April 21, 2006 07:50 AM
No Problem Hope it helps.. I have little ones and would hate for them to get somethin bad!!!
The only problem is remembering all of them!!
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