Water Gardens and Koi Ponds
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by weezie13 on October 27, 2006 07:48 AM
Hi Lorraine,
Welcome Aboard, we're glad you found us..
Just so you know, I'm going to move your post into the WATER GARDENS' SECTION...
I think you may get a few more answers for your post/question into there alot better....
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

Welcome Aboard, we're glad you found us..
Just so you know, I'm going to move your post into the WATER GARDENS' SECTION...
I think you may get a few more answers for your post/question into there alot better....
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by Jiffymouse on October 27, 2006 11:18 AM
lorraine, welcome to the garden helper. i think, if you have a heater that keeps the pond at 40 or above, your fish should make it through the winter.
i haven't done that as i live in the south, but i know mine made it through several nights below 30, i just had the pump running so the water didn't freeze.
i'm sure that some will check in soon and let you know.
i haven't done that as i live in the south, but i know mine made it through several nights below 30, i just had the pump running so the water didn't freeze.
i'm sure that some will check in soon and let you know.
by Lorraine Deneen on October 28, 2006 12:33 AM
Thank you for moving my message to the appropriate area. You have been very helpful.
I would like to say we have Koi and Goldfish in our pond that have made it through 2 winters so far. Our algae eater though is a tropical fish and should be removed. That is why I was concerned. Everyday, we look for the Placicamus. My husband even took a flashlight out the other night to look for it. We are so happy that we did find 2 of them.
You may check out the photo section on my website: www.lorrainedeneen.com
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Lorraine Deneen
I would like to say we have Koi and Goldfish in our pond that have made it through 2 winters so far. Our algae eater though is a tropical fish and should be removed. That is why I was concerned. Everyday, we look for the Placicamus. My husband even took a flashlight out the other night to look for it. We are so happy that we did find 2 of them.
You may check out the photo section on my website: www.lorrainedeneen.com
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Lorraine Deneen
by Lorraine Deneen on October 28, 2006 12:39 AM
Weezie, I just checked out your photo bucket website. I loved your pictures. Would you like to link my site www.lorrainedeneen.com to yours and visa versa? I am looking for ways to increase my website hits.
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Lorraine Deneen
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Lorraine Deneen
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Lorraine Deneen