Still looking for an answer to the non blooming lilly
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by april womack on June 25, 2006 11:22 AM
Well, everyone has been trying to help me, but so far I've not figured it out. But I think I may be on to something. I have ivy growing all around my pond and I have noticed that since the ivy has gotten thicker, my lillies have suffered. I also have noticed spider like webs for the last 2 seasons and something chewing on my lillies. I just noticed the leaves are being chewed on again. Could this be aphids or another critter? Anybody have this problem before? I have read that aphids really like ivy. So I am going to buy some of that insecticidal soap and see what happens. Thoughts on this anyone?
by cookinmom on June 25, 2006 02:47 PM
Be careful not to get the soap in the pond. I think it would mess up your ph and you surface tension.
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