Oh Bird Man...
Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by Thornius on June 15, 2006 02:38 PM
Mourning Doves like a variety of grains. I find that Black Oil Sunflower Seeds put on a platform feeder or spread on the ground is the best way to attract Mourning Doves. I have several that eat the seeds underneath my feeders that fall from the feeders.
I use about.com's Birding and Wild bird site and forums for a lot of my online birding. You join the site for free and then there are encyclopedias of free information about wild birds available to you.
I also use Google Web Search and Google Image Search for a lot of my information and Google Earth gives you detailed aerial and satellite photographs of LITERALLY EVERY square inch of the Earth's surface. I even found my house and could recognize my car in the driveway.
Here is About.com's Wild Bird section:
About.com's Birding and Wild Birds
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A bird in the hand......can sometimes be a mess.
I use about.com's Birding and Wild bird site and forums for a lot of my online birding. You join the site for free and then there are encyclopedias of free information about wild birds available to you.
I also use Google Web Search and Google Image Search for a lot of my information and Google Earth gives you detailed aerial and satellite photographs of LITERALLY EVERY square inch of the Earth's surface. I even found my house and could recognize my car in the driveway.
Here is About.com's Wild Bird section:
About.com's Birding and Wild Birds
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A bird in the hand......can sometimes be a mess.
by BeckyB on June 16, 2006 07:58 AM
Thanks Bird Man!
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"As long as there are tests,
there will be prayer in public schools"
- Maxine
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"As long as there are tests,
there will be prayer in public schools"
- Maxine
Search The Garden Helper:
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"As long as there are tests,
there will be prayer in public schools"
- Maxine