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Gardening Reference » Gardening in 2006
by Wrennie on June 15, 2006 06:36 AM
Little birds BIG song!
I love them too!
Do you put out nectar, orange 1/2's or grape jelly for them? They've been frequenting my veggie garden I assume for bugs.
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Summer Camp '07, July 14th weekend, won't you join us? 
summer camp thread 1, 2, 3,4
I love them too!
Do you put out nectar, orange 1/2's or grape jelly for them? They've been frequenting my veggie garden I assume for bugs.
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summer camp thread 1, 2, 3,4
by ButtonsMom on June 15, 2006 11:56 AM
Let's try that photo again. My son showed me how to put the photo on, but I had it too small. I'd like to say I was just testing your eyes, but the truth is I goofed! Sorry. Maybe this one won't strain your eyes.

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Thyme began in a garden

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Thyme began in a garden
by weezie13 on June 21, 2006 03:22 AM
Keep tryin',
I didn't see it the second time...
I tried the oranges one time,
but the ants liked it better...
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Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

I didn't see it the second time...
I tried the oranges one time,
but the ants liked it better...
* * * *
Don't forget to be kind to strangers. For some who have
done this have entertained angels without realizing it.
- Bible - Hebrews 13:2

by plants 'n pots on June 21, 2006 07:38 AM
Great picture!
I've seen them twice here for only a very brief visit - wish they would hang out longer. I tried the orange halves, and jelly, but they never found them.
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Lynne's knitting journal

"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
I've seen them twice here for only a very brief visit - wish they would hang out longer. I tried the orange halves, and jelly, but they never found them.
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"I'm spayed, declawed, and housebound - how's YOUR day going???"
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Thyme began in a garden